Chapter 41 Confession
"The emperor asked us to go to Beijing. I don't know what he is up to, but he has too many tricks, so we have to guard against him." Yang Jinwen felt that Duan Muxu was a bit cunning, and he was tricked by just saying a few words at first. Yes, it caught them off guard.

"You can go wherever you want. Anyway, the imperial examination has not resumed yet, so I don't care. Does it matter if your two younger sisters have Xiuwen?" Yang Zhengsong worried that it would be inconvenient for the second son to bring several apprentices.

"I'm fine. Those few are honest, capable and smart kids from our village. After these months of study, they have already known a lot of herbs. Only two of the three want to learn bandaging. I will take those two with me. Beside, the remaining one who wants to learn more pharmacology, put it here. There are a few old doctors in the medicine hall, and they can teach them.

Jia Nuo and Shitou want to learn martial arts. I have already found a master. It is up to the master to guide them into the door and practice. In the future, they will have to rely on themselves. When the things on our side are clear, let's see what happens. Arrange how many of them? "Yang Xiuwen felt that this had no effect on him, it was just two apprentices, and he just took it wherever he went.

"It's fine for you to make arrangements. That's it. Let's all go back and wash up, and then pack up our things. We'll leave tomorrow morning. Jinwen, you can go talk to Shitou and the others later, so that they don't come to you and don't worry about finding anyone." Yang Zhengsong pulled My daughter-in-law is ready to go back to the house.

Once it gets dark here, there are no entertainment programs, and going out to play is even more unrealistic. When the sky opens, you can only go back to your room to sleep.

After Lu Qingshang left with Yang Zhengsong, Yang Yuling pulled her younger sister to follow, but just as she walked out of the dining room, she was stopped by Liu Jinqiao.

Yang Yuling looked back and saw Liu Jinqiao holding his hand, she hesitated to speak.Yang Yuqing let go of her sister's hand and ran away with special insight. She doesn't want to be a light bulb here.

"Why?" Seeing him like this, Yang Yuling thought it was a little funny, she tiptoed and pinched his face.

Suddenly feeling a little emotional, this child is growing so fast, when he first came to their house, he was only a little taller than her, now she wants to reach out and pinch his face, she has to stand on her toes.

"Lingling, after returning to Beijing, I'll find someone to come to propose marriage, okay?" Liu Jinqiao wanted to marry this beautiful little daughter-in-law home as soon as possible. There are too many young talents in the capital. Oops.

"No, I didn't plan to get married so soon. I have to wait at least another two years. I haven't had enough fun yet. I don't want to get married so early." Yang Yuling is only 16 years old now, she doesn't want to be so early Married myself.

"Then let's get engaged first, can we make it? Up to now we have only talked about marriage, shall we get engaged?" Liu Jinqiao was a little anxious.

"To be honest, Liu Jinqiao has not considered marrying you all these years. You have to know that you are a real relative of the emperor, you are a noble prince, and I am just a commoner. We don’t have any fame, we don’t match, and I don’t like and don’t want to marry a man with three wives and four concubines.” Yang Yuling really didn’t want to do this, she didn’t want to become ugly, and she didn’t want to be with other people. Women are jealous of each other and fight for a man.

She has played too many roles, and knows too much that she can't help herself, and she is not good at meeting people. In fact, she used to look forward to love when she saw her parents' affectionate appearance, and she also wanted to have a child who looked very similar to herself. Little baby, but she is acting. Life is like a play. After this movie, she completely cut off the idea of ​​getting married.

Life is like a play. It tells the story of four girls in a dormitory. After graduation, they worked hard in the same city. They met different people, but they were all cheated. Two of them didn’t find out until after they got married. But pregnant, there is no way.

The days after that were very miserable every day, and she even suffered from postpartum depression, and one committed suicide. After seeing the terrible and terrible marriage life, Yang Yuling also felt depressed for a while. If it wasn't for the encouragement and enlightenment of her family, she I am afraid that I will never be able to regain the cheerful self I used to be.

Originally, she thought this drama was very challenging, but who knew that she would be knocked down in the end.

Since then, she has become fearful of marriage.

"No, no... no, I won't, I'm not a prince, I don't want to go back, I just want to be with you, I'll go wherever you go? There will be no one else, I I'm nineteen, I know what I want, I've seen so many beautiful things, I just want to be simple, no matter what in the future? I'll just live with you." Liu Jinqiao was flustered when she heard that she didn't want to marry Well, he doesn't want so many people, if he has to have so many women when he goes back to be a prince, then he doesn't want it, he would rather be an ordinary person.

"Then you can marry into our family! The children born in the future will also have my surname." This is the only way Yang Yuling can think of at the moment.

"Okay, okay, as long as you agree, you can do whatever you want?" Liu Jinqiao didn't think there was any shame in being married. He passed the Juren exam when he was 14 years old. After that, he can study or do business. See how the daughter-in-law decides?

"You are a prince, with your status, you can't make the decision yourself, right? After you get to the capital, you can think it over before you talk about it!" Yang Yuling didn't think that his biological mother would let him marry into their Yang family.

In this era, men who marry into marriage are generally looked down upon by others. How can a man with integrity go into marriage and become a son-in-law.

"No, I can make my own decisions. She gave birth to me. If she needs help, then I will be obliged, but she can't interfere in my life. You are the person I want to spend the rest of my life with. Anyone and anything will give up on you." Liu Jinqiao grabbed her shoulders with both hands, and said seriously and solemnly: "Yang Yuling, I like you, maybe our fate has been doomed since we met, but when we get along In the past few years, I found that I like you more and more, and I want to follow you every day. If I don't see you, I feel like a walking dead on that day.

I can't live without you, and I won't leave your side, no matter who?Don't even try to stop me from being with you, no matter who you are?As long as you, only love you. "

Yang Yuling was a little confused by his strong and straightforward confession. She didn't know when this man secretly fell in love with her?
Yang Yuling was a little caught off guard by such a straightforward and fiery confession, and also a little panicked, she just stretched out her hand to push him away and ran away.

This is the first time she has been confessed so enthusiastically. Yang Yuling, who was lying on the bed at night, began to look directly at her feelings, peeled off the cocoons, opened her heart, and suddenly realized that this person had already occupied her heart.

 I am coming!

(End of this chapter)

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