Chapter 51 Harvest
The men looked at each other in blank dismay, and felt emotional in their hearts, as expected, the girls observed more carefully. It took only a while for this car to get up, but the younger sister observed so carefully.

Carefully avoiding those floor tiles without beautiful seams, they cautiously approached the first door, that is, there is a bull head on the left and a stone statue of a horse head on the right.

Liu Jinqiao tried to turn the body of the stone statue, and sure enough, she told her sister-in-law that it could turn.

As soon as the stone statue turned around, the door opened automatically. How many people didn't go in immediately?Instead, she stood at the door and looked at the darkness inside for a long time, unable to see anything. Yang Yuqing took a plastic energy-saving lamp from her own space, turned it on and threw it in.

The inside was instantly illuminated, and there was a room full of corpses that were stumbling around. After an unknown amount of time, all of them were shriveled.

"This is very strange. According to the time, if these corpses leave, they should be separated from their flesh and blood. Why did they become mummies?" Liu Jinqiao looked at the shriveled corpses and the tattered clothes, feeling a little uncomfortable. Dare to approach.

"According to the degree of tatters of the clothes, they must be at least a hundred years old, and these should be drained of blood. You can see that their eye sockets are empty. These should be those maids and eunuchs who were sent out of school and had their eyes gouged out." Yang Xiuwen looked at the tattered clothes and looked at the skin on the wrists of these people.

These people bled to death after their eyes were gouged out and their arteries were cut.

"You can see that these people are divided into classes. You can see that those on the top stone platform have jewelry on their heads. The lower you go, the less you watch. At the top, these are just simple, that is, Said, the ones at the top should be the concubines of Emperor Datong, and the lower the ranks, the lower." Yang Yuqing will dare to come out, but looking at the neatly arranged corpses, she still panics a little .

How many people went out after not staying here for a long time?It's really uncomfortable to stay with a lot of mummy.

When we got to the second room, although the first room was relatively smooth, everyone didn't dare to take it lightly. Who knows what was the first one to come out of the room?
With the same operation, when the second room was lit up, it did not cause much reaction. The whole room was covered with boxes, and nothing was scattered outside, so it was impossible to see what was in those boxes. something?

Yang Yuqing took out several pairs of gloves. Everyone knows what she means?Which boxes do you touch after putting on the gloves?
These boxes were originally hung with locks, but after a long time, these locks have rusted off, and they fell off with a slight tug on the locks.

Yang Yuqing pulled a lock, his elder brother and second elder brother were responsible for opening the box from the side, and Liu Jinqiao was in charge of guarding.

There is another layer of boxes inside these boxes. This double-layer box is usually used to store those rare calligraphy and paintings, or precious medicinal materials.

It took them about two hours to open the boxes that were laid flat on the ground, all of which were calligraphy, paintings, and rare copies.

"Why does the emperor of Datong keep so many calligraphy and paintings?" Yang Yuqing is not a lover of these literatures, so why do these people who are not young keep so many books, calligraphy and paintings.

"This is his greatest hobby in his life. He collects some paintings and calligraphy that his concubine likes, and uses them to win the hearts of beauties. But later, he also likes them, so he is reluctant to give them away. They should all be here." Liu Jinqiao always felt that Emperor Datong's hobbies were always different from others.

"Little sister, daddy should like this. You can get all these into the warehouse next door, and then go back and let daddy have a look." Yang Jinwen thinks these should be daddy's favorite, and since he's here, don't take them with him. Walking a little seems like a trip for nothing.

"Okay!" They didn't look at the other boxes, and let Yang Yuqing put them into the space first.

Not many things have been used in the past few years. The house next door plus the backyard and front yard have all been turned into a warehouse, and there are many things that can be put down. Originally, they only put them away, the freezer and the first and second floors, the third floor and the fourth floor. The first floor has not been released yet, but on the third floor, only the third floor can be used to store things. They have not cleared the fourth floor. They have reserved two rooms, a bathroom, and a kitchen.

Liu Jinqiao didn't ask anything?After the things were collected, they left together. The opening of the next few rooms was quite smooth. There were gold, silver, jewelry, copper coins and beautiful jade in them.
There is still room in the space to store as much as you can, let’s not talk about it if it can’t fit.

The last two rooms were left. Yang Jinwen tried to turn the stone statue on the left according to the original method, but found that it couldn't turn at all. He looked at his sister in confusion.

Yang Yuqing took a closer look at the stone statue. Although the marks on the bottom were small, they were there, and the fatal one was missing.

"Be careful everyone, brother, try the one on the right." Yang Yuqing felt that things would be different if the rules were suddenly broken.

Sure enough, when the stone statue on the right was turned, it moved, and the one on the left moved with it. After that, they were attacked by bows and arrows.

After a rain of bows and arrows, Yang Xiuwen was slightly injured, but the others were fine, and Yang Yuqing was the best one to be protected.

With the rain of bows and arrows, everyone couldn't help but relax a little when entering the room. This room is deeper than the others, and the small energy-saving lamp just now can't even illuminate half of it.

When several people entered the room, they discovered that there were several huge coffins in the room, and these coffins were fixed because the entire journey of the coffins was dug out from a huge stone.

"These are not empty, are they?" Yang Yuqing looked at the six large coffins. It is impossible for one person to lie in six coffins.

"The largest coffin should not be the Emperor Datong. The one engraved on it is a phoenix. It should be the mother of the Emperor Datong, followed by his elder brother and sister-in-law, and the last two are the Emperor Datong and his concubine." Liu Jinqiao looked at the coffin. Those messy texts, while extracting useful information from these texts.

"I'm going, is this family put together? But doesn't the empress hate the emperor very much? Why are there six coffins here?" Yang Yuqing felt that this family was quite strange, with six members of three generations installed here .

"The one over here is not, it's not the father of Emperor Datong. It says Qu's Ruoxian. This Qu Ruoxian is the face of the empress. I heard that this person looks like Pan'an, and he especially likes to please the empress. He always surprises her, and he will go wherever the queen goes. There is a record in the unofficial history that the queen told him that once the emperor of Datong dies, she will follow him. This Qu Ruoxian was there when the emperor of Datong died. , and committed suicide by taking poison by himself, and after entering this place, only the queen survived." Liu Jinqiao suddenly felt that his memory was quite good, and he could remember so clearly a book of unofficial history he read several years ago.

 Second watch, come and smash me!
(End of this chapter)

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