Chapter 57

After Yang Xiuwen tried to treat him twice according to heavy metal poisoning, he found that the effect was quite obvious. With such an obvious effect, there is no need to hesitate about the quality after that.

Yang Xiuwen is really very curious, why this kind of metal poisoning has been hidden in the body for so many years?
Unless he usually eats all these heavy metals, then such a result may appear over time.

It's just that the symptoms that have accumulated over time will gradually appear, and they don't happen all at once. Up to now, Yang Xiuwen has no way to really know where the key to the virus is triggered?
But it's good if it can be cured, at least, the future brother-in-law of his family doesn't have to be forced to take the lead.

Yang Xiuwen packed all the tea and water the emperor ate throughout the day, including pastries, tableware and tea sets, and brought them back to his home. s things?
Those that are being updated all the time, such as rice noodles, are unnecessary.

He once watched a foreign TV series with his mother before. Those people soaked the medicine on the lid of the decoction pot. After boiling, the water in the pot boiled and soaked to the lid. Time to seep into the medicinal soup.

Although I don't know if anyone here will use this method, but to prevent it before it happens, as long as it is possible, it must be checked.

In this way, besides injecting the emperor with needles every day, he went to his own laboratory to process these things.

After the results came out, Yang Xiuwen himself felt incredible, everything, except the teapot, was clean.

At the bottom of the teapot for making tea, there was a piece of black substance that had been worn away and was about to disappear. Soon, Yang Xiuwen knew that this thing was the source of the emperor's poisoning.

That is to say, this teapot, which has been used for so many years, turned out to be something after someone else tampered with it, and he didn't know that he had used it foolishly for more than ten years.

And his teapot is a gift from the emperor, it is the kind of thing that cannot be thrown away, sold, or given away.

Yang Xiuwen really wanted to say something: Your father is really a dog!
But he didn't dare, although the emperor must also hate his father, but as a commoner without official position, insulting the first emperor would be a serious crime to lose his head, he has not lived enough to do stupid things.

Yang Xiuwen saw that he had nothing to do here, so he was going to pack up and leave.

There are too many rules in this palace, he, an ordinary doctor, really can't bear it, it's better to go out early to feel more comfortable outside.

Oh, it turns out that the emperor is really not a human being. It makes people feel uncomfortable to see this unfree.

Hey, it's just poor little Qiao, who needs to move this brick?

When Yang Xiuwen was thinking about something, a soft sedan chair came in front of him. There were no concubines in the palace for the time being, and now only Empress Xu could be active like this, no, it was Empress Dowager Xu.

Yang Xiuwen was used to kneeling and saluting, so before the sedan chair passed by him, he knelt down and saluted first.

But the sedan chair stopped in front of him, Yang Xiuwen lowered his head, only saw a pair of dark green embroidered shoes, slowly walking towards her.

"Get up! The Ai family has something to ask you." The Empress Dowager Xu spoke quite gently, and Yang Xiuwen followed their footsteps without daring to raise his head, and did not stop until a side hall.

Yang Xiuwen followed into the side hall and stood by the side waiting. Not long after the queen mother sat down, someone moved a chair for him and asked him to sit down too.

"Thank you, Empress Dowager. I don't know what the Empress Dowager wants to ask the grassroots?" Yang Xiuwen has carefully studied the rules here. He has no official position now, so he can only call himself a grassroots.

"Raise your head and let Ai's family take a look." The empress dowager was particularly curious about her youngest son, the daughter-in-law's family.

To be able to support her four children in such a difficult time, and to be able to keep her son to raise them together after seeing her son again, no one really dared to do that in that kind of disaster year.

Is 14 too old?Small or not?He's just a half-grown young man, you know, a half-grown boy eats a poor father, and their family has two boys who eat a poor father's age, how much determination must be made to keep their son.

She used to chat with her eldest son, and she was very curious when she heard that the eldest son praised the children of the family.

It has been several times since entering the palace a few days ago, and she has never been able to meet him once. Today, she finally caught up.

The empress dowager carefully looked at the boy in front of her. She heard that she was only a few months older than her youngest son, but she possessed a whole body of abilities, as well as superb medical skills. As a mother, she knew best about the emperor's changes.

When he learned that the emperor was poisoned, he really wanted to go to the imperial mausoleum to drag that man out and throw him to the mass grave.

This old thing, this way of torturing people, is definitely learned from Emperor Datong's father, but this is much more cunning than Emperor Datong's father.

"The Ai family heard that you can cure the emperor's illness, can you tell the Ai family how to cure it?" The queen mother was afraid of scaring the children, so she started with the emperor's illness.

"The medicines that the grass-roots gave the emperor are all for detoxification. There is no way for the emperor to use this kind of medicine. It can clean up the toxins all at once. The emperor should also pay attention to his diet, drink a bowl of thick mung bean water every day, and wait until the toxins are released. After the light is almost gone, you don’t need to take medicine anymore, you just need to add some medicinal materials to the soup and water.

However, this kind of poison is relatively tenacious, so you need to take it slowly, and then slowly adjust the prescription according to the later symptoms. During the treatment, the emperor should not work too hard. Xiao Qiao will move to live in the palace in the next two days, so she can help the emperor. Share some, the Queen Mother doesn't have to worry too much. "Yang Xiuwen tried to keep things simple so that the Queen Mother could understand.

"Really, is Xiao Qiao really going to move back?" The queen mother was immediately happy when she heard that her son was going to live in the palace.

"Yes, at least he has to help the emperor share half of the government affairs. Your majesty, you can't work too hard now, otherwise the efficacy of the medicine will be halved, and it will take longer, which will be even worse for the emperor's health." Yang Xiuwen confirmed. Nodding, what this disease needs most is rest, and I can no longer be as busy as before, keeping my feet on the ground every day.

"Okay, Aijia knows, Aijia will watch the emperor rest well, you go back! Help Aijia to say thank you to your parents when you go back!" The queen mother's thank you is very sincere, and it contains His gratitude to the Yang family and his wife.

The one who came back with Yang Xiuwen was a horse-drawn carriage gift from the Empress Dowager. They had everything, including jade, silk and satin, coral ornaments, and some medicines that the emperor needed.

Yang Jinwen didn't understand why he needed to take two carriages by himself, but he had already entered the door, so he wasn't afraid of being seen by others. Yang Xiuwen directly lifted the curtain of the carriage containing gifts, and the carriage was full .

(End of this chapter)

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