Chapter 6 New Years
There is a room in their house, and the whole room is full of trophies. At first, it was Yang’s father who was going to put the trophies for himself and his wife. Later, his son and daughter also had trophies, and Yang’s father turned all the cabinets next to them into Glass showcase, so that all the children's trophies and awards are received here.

A few people had just finished washing, and before Dad's meal was served, they entered the room where the trophies were placed. This is what they do every New Year's Eve.

Look at the young parents, and the trophies that the parents got, and then talk about it, their parents are not commensurate.

"Brother, how old were you when you won this trophy?" Yang Yuqing was suddenly particularly interested in the first martial arts championship trophy her brother won.

Her elder brother and sister were trained by their mother when they were young. The eldest brother participated in some international competitions when he was very young. The second brother just learned to make his mother happy, so he didn’t participate in any competitions, and the elder sister learned even more. Used it, learned martial arts and Sanda from my mother, and went to become a martial arts star.

She has been in poor health since she was a child and can't learn much, but she believes that her brothers, sisters and parents will protect her.

"When you were 14 years old, you were less than three years old at that time, and your mother took you to watch the game together. Look at this picture, the little girl in your mother's arms is you." Yang Jinwen pointed to the trophy for him, Of the two photos next to him, one is a photo of him holding the trophy, and the other is a photo of his mother holding his sister standing with him.

Compared with the current mother more than ten years ago, although the mother looks younger, the current mother is more delicate. Although the mother is nearly [-] years old, but because of self-discipline and daily exercise, she looks less than [-] look.

"This year is my mother's 60th birthday. How can I help my mother?" Yang Jinwen looked at the mother he was kissing in the photo, and suddenly remembered that their mother was 60 years old.

"Mom has everything, why don't we all spare that time, a few more days, how about traveling around the world with my parents? Just go with our family." Yang Yuling thinks this matter is still More romantic.

"I think dad will drive us away. It's a good two-person world. What does it look like if we have four more light bulbs?" Yang Xiuwen is more realistic. Their parents are very affectionate, and they always dislike the four of them as super big. Watt light bulb.

Ms. Lu Qingshang heard the conversation of several children at the door, and laughed with a snort: "Okay, a few big light bulbs, you can eat, hurry up, go to rest after eating, it's all o'clock."

After a happy supper, Yang Yuling planned to sleep with her sister because her sister had been having nightmares recently.

Yang Xiuwen wanted to observe his sister's situation, so he planned to sleep on the sofa in her room, and of course Yang Jinwen would also accompany her.

He also wants to know what happened to his youngest sister?
Just like that, after the brothers and sisters changed into their pajamas, they entered the same room. The two elder brothers were talking on the sofa. Yang Yuling took her younger sister back to the room, and soon fell asleep.

In the middle of the night, Yang Yuqing was awakened by that alarm again, this time, she could clearly see all the faces of the person in the dream.

The two Yang Jinwen brothers immediately jumped up from the sofa and ran to the bedside to see their sister.

"Don't be afraid, my brothers and sisters are here, don't be afraid." Yang Xiuwen quickly reached out and hugged his younger sister, Yang Jinwen brought a glass of warm water for his younger sister, and gave her two sips first, to let her breathe smoothly.

"Brother, there is a lot of blood. My father is gone, and my mother is gone. There is a lot of blood." Yang Yuqing saw clearly that the middle-aged man who was pushed down and hit the stone was her father's face, and the middle-aged woman who was pushed down was the face of her father. The little cub who was protecting her looked exactly the same as when she was young, and the one who was pulling the little cub to run forward was her sister.

Several people comforted the younger sister, and fell asleep at some point, and the brothers and sisters hugged into a pile like this.

Not long after they closed their eyes, they had a dream. The dream was similar to what my sister described. They couldn't even find the dead grass leaves. Some people went to boil the bark of the tree to drink water. Both their bodies and the ground were bare. There is no trace of green at all.

Even the leaves on the trees are pulled off, soaked and smashed with stones, and then boiled and eaten.

Yang Jinwen saw that two girls, one big and one small, were running desperately holding hands, and there were a few people in rags chasing after them. He wanted to go forward to help, but he went straight through their bodies.

What Yang Xiuwen saw was a young man of fourteen or fifteen years old, who went up the mountain with a bow and arrow and a hatchet. It is winter now, and all the vegetation on the mountain is covered by heavy snow. It is impossible to find a little green. No, unknowingly, he followed the young man into the deep mountains and dense forests.

As he walked, the green color became more and more. Yang Xiuwen didn't know how long he followed, when he suddenly heard a tiger's cry, which frightened him, and also frightened the ten-year-old boy, he thought I ran, but my legs didn't listen and kept shaking.

Suddenly Yang Xiuwen seemed to hear the sound of swords colliding. He wanted to hide the young man, but the young man seemed to be nailed there, staring at the scene in front of him.

Finally, the young man was able to move by himself, so he quickly found a tree and hid behind it, his face was pale and his legs were still shaking.

I don't know how long it took, but there was no sound at all. The young man had already recovered, and he was trembling, ready to go and have a look. After walking a few steps, his legs were so weak that he could only crawl.

Fortunately, it was not very far away. After the young man climbed for a while, he found a young man in brocade clothes. The clothes on his body were of good quality without touching them.

About six or seven men in black fell behind the son. Yang Xiuwen walked over the young man and walked to the men in black. He looked at the snow in front of the place where they fell, and found that he was not breathing. Otherwise, in the snow, there should be snow water that melts with exhalation.

The young man was quite eye-catching. After making sure that the men in black were out of breath, he went to see the young master, and found that the young master still had some faint breath, but he was shivering from the cold, and there was a knife wound on his back.

The young man searched all those men in black, and the results were not bad. Yang Xiuwen couldn't understand how much those silver coins represented?But he counted more than a dozen of them, and there were two paper-like things. He looked at them carefully and found that there were stamps on them. got wet.

(End of this chapter)

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