Chapter 75
When Old Hou Ye saw the emperor staring at his eldest grandson, a chill suddenly appeared behind his back.

Old Hou Ye suddenly remembered that it was because the emperor didn't want to expose what his father had done, so their Liu family was safe and secure, but they were just deprived of power.

In fact, earning is not very safe, and the rights are gone?Their family was down and out. The daughter-in-law who married later has been married for a year, and there is no news at all. This is going to end their Liu family.

Old Master Liu sighed, then turned his head to look at his grandson with a dark complexion.The old man still thinks that the eldest grandson belongs to their family, but now that the eldest grandson has been abolished, the only hope is that the new daughter-in-law can stay with them to carry on the family line.

Duan Muxu is also an interesting person, he has nothing to do, and he doesn't have any interesting banquets, he doesn't say leave the table early, just sits on the top seat like this, drinking tea while looking at the people below, his face changes, somehow , I suddenly felt that watching these people change was also a good show.

Knowing that it was almost time, he asked someone to help him go back. As soon as the emperor left, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Mr. Hong Shui stood upright like an ice cube. His wife reached out to touch him. At that time, he passed out directly and fell on his wife, and the eunuchs and maids next to him all became chaotic.

Yang Yuling and the others didn't know that something like this happened in the Imperial Garden after they left.After the emperor left, Duanmu Qiao took her to go with her. When the two brothers Yang Jinwen saw the emperor left, they also left.

The two of them didn't leave the palace directly, but went towards Jingyang Palace, where Duanmu Qiao and Yang Yuling were waiting for them.

"Third son, go back, hurry up, I have to go back and get some food, I'm starving to death, I was looking forward to the banquet in the palace at the beginning, who knew that I was lonely?" Yang Xiuwen said to his sister Hurry up, I want her to go back with me.

Sitting there for hours, he is now stiff and just wants to go home and eat something warm.

After seeing those modern commercial banquets, he suddenly had the opportunity to participate in this ancient palace banquet. He was really looking forward to it. After all, he had watched so many palace banquets on TV, and participating in them in person must have a different feeling.

That's it, he was looking forward to it before today.

"Yeah, let's go, I'm hungry too, I told my little sister, I have to go back and ask her to make me another pot of lamb bone stew soup tonight." Yang Yuling is going to go in the afternoon Before the banquet, although I ate a little, the clothes on my body weighed at least ten catties, and I was a little stiff when I sat there. After such a long time, the contents of my stomach were exhausted. My son was already growling with hunger.

"Then I want to come together too. I didn't eat anything just now." Duanmu Qiao eagerly wanted to join him when he heard that there was something delicious to eat. Today, he watched his elder brother act like a monster at the banquet.

"Okay, let's go!" Yang Jinwen walked out with his younger siblings.

He has traveled this road a lot recently, and he is more familiar with it. He doesn't need to walk around it, he can leave the palace directly through the imperial garden.

When they reached the imperial garden, there were only those empty tables left, as well as the maids and eunuchs who were tidying up.

Yang Yuling and Yang Xiuwen were so eager to return home, they didn't want to watch anything, and now they just wanted to go back and eat some hot food.

It takes at least half an hour to get home by carriage from here, and they have to be in the carriage for more than half an hour.

"Third brother, do you have any warm things in there to pad your stomach first, I'm about to freeze." Yang Xiuwen was really hungry, and now his chest was almost pressed against his back.

"There is also the warm milk that my mother cooked before, why don't you drink a glass of milk first." Yang Yuling looked at her space, and most of it was dry food and rice.

Now that it is warm, this warm milk is the only thing that can be eaten immediately.

"Okay, let's take some out to pad our stomachs first, brother, Xiao Qiao, do you want to have some too? You two didn't eat anything tonight, did you?" Yang Xiuwen took a cup by himself, and he didn't forget to greet his elder brother and brother-in-law.

"No, you can eat by yourself. I'm going to go home for a big meal. Don't drink milk and go home and can't eat it. You'll finish all the good things?" Yang Jinwen wanted to eat something before eating, He has the habit of padding his stomach, so he doesn't want to drink milk. When he sees milk, he will think of the fear of being forced to drink milk by his mother since he was a child.

"I don't want it either. I want to eat hot pot. I have to save my stomach and go back to eat hot pot." Duanmu Qiao couldn't help swallowing when he thought of the taste of hot pot. The only thing he wanted to do now was to go back quickly. He wanted hot pot. .

Yang Yuqing and the others ate later because they had to make dumplings at night.Right now, they just finished making the dumplings for Shi Gailian, and the hot pot was brought out. Before making the dumplings, they had already made some dried noodles to fill their stomachs, and they were going to eat the hot pot after the dumplings were made.

To eat so late, I also thought about waiting for my brother and sister to come back while eating. It is normal for the palace banquet to not be full.

"Come on, order what you want to eat. I have prepared more than a dozen kinds of meat, and some vegetables. Eat the meat first, and then the vegetables. Brother Shen, younger sister and Brother Sheng have never eaten this, right? This red one It is also a kind of crab. But this kind of meat is more abundant, and it can only be found in the deep sea. Do you have any seafood allergies to the prawns next to it?" Yang Yuqing was halfway through the introduction, and suddenly remembered that some people are allergic to seafood. I don't know if these people will have this kind of situation.

Everyone looked at each other in a daze, not knowing what to say?After all, they have never eaten this food, and they don't know if they are allergic?

"Don't know? Then eat a small piece first, and then wait a while. If there is nothing wrong, you can eat it. But it's better not to eat too much seafood for the first time, so that the stomach can get used to it. There are beef, mutton, Pork, chicken, goose intestines, and some small meatballs. Put whatever you want, like this, put the stuff in here, and watch it roll for a while before you can eat it." Yang Yuqing Judging from their expressions, you can tell that they probably haven't eaten it before, but each of them is quite interested in these things.

It's not difficult, try a small piece first to see if you are allergic, if not, then you can continue to eat.

"This is something to eat. Is it a crab?" Sheng Jun reached out to pick up a crab leg, and touched the thorns on it curiously. He found that it wasn't very piercing, but he wasn't sure if it would pierce his mouth. ?
"It's not for you to eat its shell, these are all processed, you just need to put it down and lie down, then break the shell with your hands, and you can eat the sauces standing in front of you." Yang Yuqing said Teach them to eat crabs while watching out the door.

I was still worried about the cold weather outside, my brother and sister came back from staying in the imperial garden all night, should I prepare ginger soup for them?

(End of this chapter)

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