Chapter 82 Discussion
"She just wants to get out of the city, and that's useless. Let's get under the carriage. I don't know why the carriages that come and go in and out of the capital have to stick so close to us?" Yang Yuqing couldn't understand. What do you want to do? .

"Who knows? Everyone has their own thoughts, which we can't figure out. The so-called people who are kind-hearted and kind-hearted on the outside, who knows what they are thinking in their hearts? It's so dark, so you should never look at people." Superficial." Yang Xiuwen took this opportunity to teach his younger sister a lesson, and in a few years, the younger sister will be able to get married too, but she can't be coaxed by those little faces so easily.

"Understood, second brother." Yang Yuqing felt that her second brother had been neurotic since the eldest wife of Cheng Guogong's mansion came to propose marriage two months ago.

I never forgot to teach him to see clearly, and I kept comparing it with Qiao Xiaobaicai. After all, Xiaobaicai has also gone through several years of tests.

"How about brother, let's see if we can pick up another one along the way? Can't we cultivate it ourselves?" Yang Yuqing suddenly felt that she could try it.

Their family's luck has always been good. Although they have picked up several people, these people are all of good character.

Yang Xiuwen couldn't laugh or cry at his sister's idea. This is not Chinese cabbage, can it be picked up if you say it?
"Why don't you take a look at the ones at home? Sheng Jun is three years older than me. Apart from being a bit bookish, his military strength is a little weak. Everything else is OK. He can also be married into our family. Shen Wen, brother and sister, also It’s okay. Shen Wen’s strength is a little bit higher than Sheng Jun’s, but he’s pretty smart in business, a bit like a big brother who just came out to start a business.” Yang Yuqing actually didn’t have much feeling for those two people, so she pulled them out Kidding.

Neither brother nor sister noticed Luo Siyu, his face was a little pale, and his hands were tightly clenched into fists.I have been telling myself not to be impulsive, the little girl is still young, and he himself is too young, less than 11 years old. Anyone at this age will think it is a joke, so he dare not say it now .

From the first time she saw this girl, she felt that there were stars in his eyes. At that time, he was still young, and he always didn't know what kind of emotion he had for this girl, and he always liked to be inseparable from this little girl.

As long as he didn't see the little girl for a quarter of an hour, he would feel very flustered. When he was younger, he could still live next to her, and he would know what happened.After he was eight, he moved into the front yard with his older brothers.At this time, men and women have different seats at the age of eight. After eight years old, they can't do whatever they want as before?

Just hearing what the second brother said, she also remembered that two months ago, the eldest lady of Cheng Guogong's mansion handed over a letter of invitation, asking to marry the second son of the Yang family who was given to him by the second lady of the Yang family as his first wife.

However, the eldest lady in Cheng Guogong's mansion said that her second son is 17 years old this year, and there is no other person except two Tong Fang who teach other people's affairs.

Originally, Mrs. Cheng Guogong was still talking triumphantly, with that look, that feeling, like a person standing on the steps looking at a beggar on the ground.

People in the Yang family don't like this kind of look very much. Although they have a shallow foundation in the capital, aren't they some soft persimmons?So far, no one has dared to think about their family, and more and more people are giving gifts to please.Of course, there are more and more invitations, but Ms. Lu Qingshang doesn't like these exchanges.

So Ms. Lu Qingshang drove them away directly. These people are really too much!To look at people with such eyes.

She obviously has two concubines, and she still says she's not a concubine, but looking at her attitude, it's the same as alms, making people want to beat her up just looking at her.

The eldest lady of Cheng Guogong's mansion who was driven out was so angry that her nose was crooked at that time, and he was not a very generous person, so rumors about their family's unattainable status came out within two days.

He also slandered his sister's reputation, saying that his sister was ugly, poor in health, unlucky, and the brothers were so angry that they almost beat the person who spread the rumors in a sack.

Two months ago, the palace

I don't know how the rumor spread, so it was spread into the palace. Yang Yuling narrowed her eyes dangerously, and found a nanny who was given to her by the queen mother, and asked someone to investigate the second young master of Cheng Guogong's mansion. Is there any excuse?
Dare to step on her sister if the courtship fails?It is courting death.

"Your Majesty, there is a person on the servant's side. She is the niece of the servant's family. She used to work in Cheng Guogong's mansion, and she was sent out after being framed. Fortunately, the servant was able to catch up with her and redeemed her from Renyazi's side. She knows about the affairs of Duke Cheng's mansion, Madam, when she is free, the servants will bring her here and ask Madam a question." The old nanny, surnamed Chen, was sold into the palace when she was very young because the family did not have enough to eat. Yes, later on I got the blue eyes of the Empress Dowager, and went home twice.

When I went home and saw that my brother was married, I was very happy and left a lot of money for him.Who knew that her sister-in-law was a fool?The patriarchy is very serious. When she went back for the second time, she found that all the girls in the family had been sold by her.

The eldest girl she was most optimistic about was also sold. After returning to the capital, it took more than four years before she knew that her eldest girl had been sold to Duke Cheng's mansion.

Looking for an opportunity, the two met, and specially asked her to collect news from the Duke's mansion.

No, it just came in handy!

"Okay, tomorrow afternoon, after the lunch break, you can bring her here! Where does she live? Have you arranged to work in the palace?" Yang Yuling thought for a while, and now the two little monkeys are about to wake up!There is no time at all right now, so I can only put it off until tomorrow.

"The servant arranged for him to live in a small courtyard outside the palace. He was injured for a long time before. Now, the servant makes a living for him and sells pastries by himself. The requirements for selecting candidates in the palace are a bit strict. The girl from Numaid's family has worked in Cheng Guogong's mansion, so she is not suitable to enter the palace. I will take a leave of absence from the palace for a while, and bring her here tomorrow afternoon." After Madam Chen left, Yang Yuling was still thinking about how to repay her. Those old women in Cheng Guogong's mansion?
To arrange her sister, one must be prepared to suffer the consequences.

Yang Yuling wanted to come here and suddenly remembered that she didn't know what the second son of Chen Guogong's mansion looked like?

There is no photo studio now, so she really can't tell what people look like with those portraits?
"Come on."

"Your Majesty, what are your orders?" Xiao Xia just happened to walk to the door, and when she heard their eldest lady's call, she hurried in from the outside.

"Xiao Xia, go outside and find out if anyone knows what the second son of Duke Cheng's mansion looks like. I have to see how good-looking he is, and dare to arrange my sister like this." Yang Yuling said a little Gritting teeth.

"Yes, servant girl, let's go and have a look now, empress, don't be angry, our second young lady is so pretty, if others don't know, can we not know? Isn't it good to wait and slap them in the face?" Xiao Xia They have been with her since Yang Yuling and the others came to Beijing, and of course they have learned a lot of modern expressions.

(End of this chapter)

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