Chapter 87 On the Road
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Yang Xiuwen took his younger sister and Luo Siyu all the way southward. After leaving the capital, they drove for a day before arriving at the next city.

Although this place is not as prosperous as Kyoto, it is still a big city. All the people walking on the road are horse-drawn carriages, and the clothes and materials worn by the common people are also of a better quality. From these, it is enough to see that this city the riches of the city.

Yang Yuqing and the others didn't intend to take such a long way at one time. After all, in this era without navigation, they still have to be careful, otherwise they will often make them take a lot of detours if they go the wrong way.

Yang Xiuwen is a very smart person. After coming out of Kyoto, he deliberately took a blank notebook and pen in his sister's space, and then started to draw pictures.

At the beginning, Yang Yuqing really wanted to know what her second brother was writing?So she stretched her neck and watched her second brother begin to outline the city wall stroke by stroke, and then the wooded hillside outside the city wall, which was quite carefully drawn.

"Second brother, do you want to draw a map?"

"Well, when I come back, I will have a map drawn by myself. It will be clearer, and it will not be boring to walk around and draw. Otherwise, it will take more than half a year to drive away. You can try to see if people can't use it." Yang Xiuwen thinks that he It is to be scrapped.

"Don't you read medical books? Don't you have a lot of medical books in your study? Those can pass the time." Yang Yuqing felt that her second brother must not be bored reading them.

In the past, when I was studying in graduate school, I would gnaw on such a thick professional book, but now it is absolutely no problem.

"I don't take exams, and am holding such a brick-thick book to chew, am I crazy?" Yang Xiuwen rolled his eyes at his sister.

In the past, in modern times, when he was in medical school, he spent four years learning what other people had learned in seven years.

After finally coming here, there is no need to take another exam. He will never make things difficult for himself.

Yang Yuqing wanted to laugh a little. In the past, their second brother gnawed on those bricks, and she thought he liked this major.

Yang Xiuwen looked at his younger sister smiling so cutely, and sighed in his heart, it's good to be here, the younger sister's body finally doesn't need to go to the hospital every three days, no matter what era it is in?Having a healthy body is the most important thing.

Luo Siyu silently stared at the two brothers and sisters. They are a very loving family. It is really relaxing and heart-warming to get along with them.

I really hope that I will never go back in this life, but my father, queen and queen are still there, so I can't do it if I don't go back.

In the past six years, the father, the queen and the queen really gave him too much. He really couldn't repay him, but he secretly hated him. Why are there thousands of miles of difference between these two places?
It takes a year to come and go. How did those people get him here in two months?Go down the river, by the way, can you see if there is a pier?It should be faster by boat.

For a while, drowsy, she felt that the vehicle he was sitting on was shaking, not the strong shaking in the carriage, it felt like riding a boat.

"Second brother, is there a pier near here? When I came here by myself, I was on a boat for a long way." Luo Siyu didn't know if he guessed right?
"Go and see again, I don't know. After all, I'm not very familiar with this place. Although I've been here for several years, I haven't inquired about customs clearance and docks." Yang Xiuwen really doesn't know if there are any nearby dock's.

"After taking half an hour's journey, we will arrive at the next town. That place is called Heishui Town. I just don't know if it is close to the water. Let's go and see when the time comes. If we take the water route, it may be faster. I am very curious now, how did they get you here in the first place? How could it be so fast?" Yang Xiuwen couldn't eat because of the speed of the carriage, and the official road was also full of potholes. It's so hard to walk, if it rains, you can't walk at all.

"I remember changing the means of transportation four times. At first I felt groggy and felt that I was doing a horse-drawn carriage. They gave me medicine. I was always groggy, but I could feel that the things outside were just sleepy. Just don't open your eyes.

The second means of transportation seems to be a bullock cart. I walked very slowly. I also heard the sound of a cow. Similarly, my eyes were blindfolded. I don’t know how long I walked. I only know that I was lying on the bullock cart. The back is stiff.

They didn’t even stop eating, they kept walking. The third means of transportation was the boat. The shaking feeling was different from the shaking of the horse cart and ox cart. The last time, the man carried me directly On the shoulder, riding a horse. "Lu Siyu recalled the feeling he felt in a daze at the beginning.

"According to what you said, if you want to travel such a long distance, then the boat should take the longest time. After all, if you take it from here and take a carriage all the time, it will take five and a half months to get there without walking during the day and resting at night. , if the wind is down, the speed of the ship will be faster.

Alright, let's go to Heishui City tonight to find out where is the nearest pier?Let's ask to see if there are any ships going south. "Yang Xiuwen felt that if he was traveling at night, he could ask the little sister to get the family car out, which would be faster.

Having been here for so long, the most inconvenient thing is the long hair and the painful traffic here.

Sure enough, I still answered that sentence. At that time, cars and horses were slow, and there was only enough to love one person in a lifetime.If it's too far away and out of reach, how can I still love it?It's good to know each other.

The speed of the carriage can only be known how slow they are if you have experienced it yourself. If you run a little faster, you can move your internal organs. Their carriage is better, and it was modified by their brothers. The shock absorption is added below, so it doesn't matter if you run faster.

"You two do it first, I will speed up a little bit, we will arrive at Heishui Town before dark." Yang Xiuwen looked at the sky, shook his head, took out his watch from his pocket, and looked at it , It was already three o'clock in the afternoon, one hour is two hours, and it was five o'clock when they arrived in Heishui Town. When they settled down, it was time for dinner.

If you go to inquire after dinner, there will be fewer people on the street, after all, there are no street lights now.When it gets dark, you can't see outside. Who wants to stay outside?

"Are we going to stay in an inn tonight? Or in a carriage?" After Yang Yuqing and the others set off, sometimes it was unlucky to go to a place where there was no village or shop, so they would spend the night in the carriage. to go.

At night in the countryside like this, they dare not sleep outside. You must know that generally all the places behind the village without shops are at the foot of the mountain, and the risk index is very high. If they happen to meet someone who is traveling with them, they will Also put on a show and stay outside.

If there were only three of them, they would go back to the space and wait until dawn before coming out.

(End of this chapter)

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