Chapter 92 Choosing a Room

The old couple who cook wontons are very happy to see so many bowls. Although their place is relatively close to the pier, they need to turn a corner here. People who get off the boat can’t see their stall. It’s normal business. It's just so-so.

Most of them are regular customers. This little girl came to his place yesterday, but I heard them talking at that time. It is because this little girl may have eaten too much food and can't eat.

Unexpectedly, this little girl came here at noon today. She brought such a large amount of business all at once, and the old lady was really happy.

Their wontons are made from real ingredients, and the soup they use is also made from big bones. The soup is delicious and delicious, and their reputation is also the best on this street.

Seeing that the two of them had almost eaten, Yang Yuqing hurried over to pay for it. The old lady cooked about the same. After the old man closed the lid, Yang Xiuwen went up to the other side with the two food boxes. .

The big bowl is worth five cents, the small bowl she just ate was only three cents, and the ones she put in the food box are all five cents, a big bowl.

The old lady may see that she buys a lot, so she adds one or two to her portion every night, a big bowl is full, sprinkled with chopped green onion, it looks very attractive.

If he hadn't eaten enough, she would still want to eat another bowl, the taste was too attractive to her.

"Don't be greedy, let's get on the boat to find a room first, and then put these two food boxes back, so many bowls are too heavy." Yang Xiuwen couldn't bear to look at his sister's greedy look.

This girl has an appetite and thinks that she can't eat much every time she eats. This girl has a big heart and wants everything she sees.

Yang Yuqing happily pulled Luo Siyu to follow behind her second brother, and soon came to the pier and found the foreman.

"Brother Yang, it's time to come. Have you had lunch yet? The ship will leave in two hours, but you have to go up and choose a room first, or you will be assigned next to the toilet in a while." The foreman is a man who looks a little A shrewd middle-aged man, with his muscular body, looks like a powerful man.

"Brother Chen, I'm sorry, we've been delayed for a while, and I have to trouble Brother Chen to take us on board first." Yang Xiuwen really couldn't spare his hand now, so he could only let him lead the way quickly.

"Okay, okay, brother Yang, you bring your younger siblings and follow me." Foreman Chen took the three brothers and sisters away and stopped on the largest boat at the pier. This boat is a two-story wooden boat. Those who go to the south will choose to buy a ticket for a room. Those who are not far away have several rows of seats on the outer deck to buy tickets for this side.

It looks a bit like the kind of boat that goes to the island, but those rooms are also quite small. There is only a small single bed in it, and there is a place to store luggage, and nothing else.

There are single rooms, double rooms, and a family of three or four can live in these rooms, but there are relatively few such rooms, only two or three, and there are more single rooms.

Yang Yuqing found a total of 35 rooms on this boat, except for three rooms that can accommodate a family, half of which are for two people and half for one person.

Yang Yuqing opened the door curiously, took a closer look, and found that it was similar to an older train sleeper, except that the space was a little narrower, just enough for people to walk in, and there was no room for turning around.

Just such a room, more than five days a month, needs ten taels of silver, and a double room costs 14 taels.

Yang Xiuwen and Luo Siyu lived in a double room, and they specially chose one to live next to their sister's room, so that they could take care of each other, and if there was any disturbance, the two of them would know.

Yang Yuqing looked at the place where she would live for more than a month, and felt that it was not as big as her toilet.

After opening the room, Yang Xiuwen followed Foreman Chen to find the boss of the boat. Boss Chen told Yang Xiuwen that if he could ask for a few more apples, the kind of apples he gave back then might not even have to pay for the boat. .

Hearing what he said, Yang Xiuwen was a little confused. Are a few apples really so valuable?This is more than twenty taels of silver. Can an ordinary farmer's family of five spend four or five years of living expenses, just pointing at these few apples?

"Is this apple so valuable?" Yang Xiuwen foolishly asked the question in his heart.

"Of course, you must know that the apples in the palace are also sour and astringent, but the two apples you took out have no astringency at all, and all of them have turned into sweet and sour. He gave me a small piece, and then he was so greedy, he kept asking me to find out where he could sell it?" Foreman Chen wanted to laugh when he thought of what happened that day.

"That's fine, I'll give you eight at most." Yang Xiuwen thought about it. It seems that the current apples don't have grafting technology, and they don't grow well.

He had eaten the apples in the palace, but he had forgotten what it tasted like.

"Okay, okay, that's great, thank you Brother Yang, thank you!" Foreman Chen, his eyes lit up when he heard that he could take out eight.

His family likes this thing very much, but no matter how big it is, they can't cut so many slices, it can only grow a taste.

If there were any, she might be able to pay to buy some and go home to satisfy the family's hunger. If all of them were given to the boss of the boat, he could get two more from the boss of the boat.

After the matter was negotiated, the transaction was quickly concluded. He stuffed two apples into Foreman Chen's hand and went back.

The quilt on the boat was a bit dirty, he had to ask his sister to change it for him, otherwise he couldn't lie down.

I don't know how many people have slept on this quilt. It looks a little dirty and oily, and it feels a little scary.

Yang Xiuwen thought in his heart that he would ask his sister to take it out and use disinfectant alcohol to sterilize it. This is the last insistence as a doctor.

As a doctor, he is more or less a bit of a clean freak. After coming here, because he brought his family here, those little problems have not changed at all. The bed board he sleeps on is already his last bottom line.

After Yang Yuqing picked out the room, she quickly started tidying it up. Yang Yuqing knew about her brother's little problem, so after closing the door, he immediately put all the quilts and mattresses on the small bed into sacks and piled them in the corner of the house. , and put a new quilt and mattress on the small wooden bed, and sprayed some disinfectant.

Luo Siyu was helping at the side, so he would do whatever Yang Yuqing asked him to do?Properly play the role of a little maid.

Seeing the little girl spraying up and down on the bed with something white and transparent, the smell was really unpleasant, he just frowned slightly, and didn't speak to stop it.

Although the little girl's behavior is a bit weird, there is always her reason.The main reason is that the little girl's tongue is too sharp, so it's better for him to be a background board quietly.

Ruo Siyu looked at the little girl thoughtfully. He found that in the past three years or so, almost no one in the entire capital could win. bully.

Luo Siyu suddenly thought of the little overlord of the capital, and Luo Siyu laughed. In fact, there is no need to let her out to prowl. The reputation of the second young lady of the Yang family has already been spread all over the capital, but those people don't know the second young lady of the Yang family.

(End of this chapter)

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