Chapter 98 The Forest of Thorns

Yang Xiuwen thinks it's okay, if he can know a few cities, he knows it.

"We went south from the capital to come here, and we passed a total of [-] cities, which means that we don't have to take such a long way to get there, but we don't know if there is the same waterway as here." Yang Although Xiuwen is not very happy to be a ship for more than a month, but how to do it anyway?A boat is always more comfortable than a carriage.

Although their carriage has been remodeled and equipped with shock absorbers, the current road is too difficult to explain in words, even official roads may be bumpy, not to mention that those are not official roads, they are simply potholes, which can knock people down All the internal organs are one.

"We don't have such a long waterway over there. I remember that I was making an ox cart before I went into the water. And it took many days to finish, and my whole body was numb." Luo Siyu still remembers when he was knocked out and taken away, after waking up Take public transportation.

He didn't remember how many days he had been in a coma since he came out of the palace. When she could remember, she was in a carriage, blindfolded. It is a very poor place, otherwise few people would use bullock carts to pull people.

"So you don't remember how long you were stolen?" Yang Yuqing looked at the taller child in front of her with some sympathy, and didn't know that the child had three meals at their house, What else did she eat? She is three years younger than her, but she is so much taller than her.

"I don't remember. From the time I have memories to the time I met you, I only remember more than two months. I was in a coma before. I don't know how long it took?" Luo Siyu can remember clearly after so many years. That's all.

"Brother, what should we do? Otherwise, let's find someone to buy maps when we get there. It seems that the study sells maps?" Yang Yuqing was a little confused, not knowing what to do?It suddenly occurred to me that in modern times, those bookstores sold maps.

"Can't it? It's not where we are. There are no maps to buy here. Don't think too much. Be careful that others will arrest you as a spy." Yang Xiuwen hurriedly stopped his sister from spreading her thoughts.

In times like ancient times, all routes depended on personal memory and word of mouth. If someone drew a specific map of the entire country, he would definitely be beheaded.

People who want to buy maps are even more stupid, and that is also a matter of losing their heads.

"Ah! There is no map, so how do we get there? Isn't this too tricky?" Yang Yuqing was really desperate. She was a road idiot, and it would be better to have a navigation in modern times, but here she doesn't even have a navigation. If you go out properly, you have to throw it away.

The three of them stayed in Wei County for two days before buying some daily necessities and food, then got into a carriage and left Wei County.

In order not to be beheaded, the two of them were well-behaved during the last part of the journey, because they were afraid that they would say the wrong thing.

After all, the second brother has spent a long time outside, and he is an adult. When he speaks, he is even more coaxing to death. After her second brother came back from a stroll outside, they already knew about the thorns. Lin's location is up.

"It's amazing, my brother, you are quite socially obsessive. You have only been out for an hour, and you have already fixed the exact location of the Thorn Forest. You even know how to get in. How did you do it? of?" Yang Yuqing admired her second brother very much.

Luo Siyu also felt that this second brother was very powerful, and he was still worried about how to go back?They have just come to the second day of programming, and the second brother has already found out the location clearly.

They originally thought that they could find the location of the Thorn Forest by relying on the map firmly, but they were a little confused after taking out the map and looking at it for a long time.

Duanmu Qiao is too unreliable. When asked him to make a map, he actually drew four different shapes, and the exact location was not marked. Looking left and right, even looking upside down, he couldn't understand the thorny forest. Is it on the left or on the right.

I remember that Yang Xiuwen almost didn't run back to beat him up, but Yang Xiuwen took him a small notebook and wrote it down, and then went to the palace to deal with him when he returned to the capital.

This little brat is too unreliable, but when he thinks about it, he himself feels unreliable. Before departure, and in the past two months after departure, this map has never sounded once, or he has taken it out to look at it first. Look.

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, Luo Siyu knew that the second brother was like this, the emperor must have tricked him.

According to the temper of a good old man like the second brother, if he hadn't been cheated by the emperor, he would definitely not be so angry.

If Yang Xiuwen knew that the child defined him in his heart as a good guy, he would definitely laugh out loud.

Yang Yuqing decided to do the same as the second brother before, after getting in the carriage, she started to pick up the small books and pay them back, no matter what?I still have to move around in the future, and the route must be drawn. It would be too strenuous if I had to find the place carefully every time.

If the trade between the two countries can be opened, won't the way back and forth be smoother?Joe Xiaobaicai will talk about this when he goes back to the score, or let the two countries discuss it, and then come up with a complete plan.

There are advantages and disadvantages to interoperable commerce. If those are those who do business honestly, then it’s okay. If you encounter those profiteers or criminals who want to cheat, it may cause some unnecessary troubles.

After thinking about the problem, everyone stopped being entangled. After all, this was not something they could handle. After bringing their things, a few people took advantage of the night shift and no one came to the Thorn Forest quietly.

There are not many taller trees here, but thorns are covered all over the ground. At night, the mountain wind blows through the thorns and leaves, making strange sounds.

Yang Yuqing couldn't help shivering when she heard that voice, and now she was a little scared.

"Don't be afraid, like this, there are no large animals in the thorn forest. Except for birds, there will be no animals that want to come in and get stabbed all over. Don't worry." It's not suitable for my sister to come to this place, but there is no one patrolling here until late at night. If they want to reach Beizhao Kingdom through the thorn forest, they must set off at night.

Yang Yuqing took out a smaller light bulb from the space, took two or several machetes, and looked at the thorns while drilling into them.

Fortunately, during the day, the second brother had already inquired about the direction, so that they would not go in the dark and not know where to follow, but it was not a comfortable thing to be scratched by this kind of rattan with small thorns?

Before they set off, they specially put on two more clothes on their bodies, so that even if one or two layers were scratched, they would not hurt their skin.

It's just that they underestimated the power of these thorns too much. When a few of them passed through the thorns with sweat profusely, the clothes on their entire bodies were torn and tattered, more tattered than beggars.

(End of this chapter)

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