Before the end, I owned an amazing caravan

Chapter 139 The Final Awakening

Chapter 139 The Final Awakening

Pengpeng has awakened a power-type ability, and this ability is also in line with his physique, which is a circle stronger than his peers. The little guy's dream is to be as powerful as Popeye in the cartoon, so Pengpeng said to his ability very satisfied.

It is said that after the supernatural power is upgraded, he can lift and become more powerful. After Zhao Xi made a new training plan for him, the little guy trained a little harder than before.

It is worth noting that two or three days after Pengpeng woke up, Xingxing and Ningning also had fever symptoms within a week, depending on the situation, they also had to awaken their abilities.

In addition, Qin's father and Fang's mother also had symptoms of fever and awakened supernatural beings.

Wu Xinhua's family in the base has always had a lot of contact with Zhao Xi, Qin and Fang's family through their previous escape together.

The youngest son of Wu Xinhua's family had awakened the speed ability before, and Wu Xinhua also had fever symptoms in the past two days, and it seemed that he was about to awaken the ability.

During this period of time, the number of people who had a fever in the base was determined to be the awakening of abilities was much higher than before. Zhao Xi thought it was a bit strange, but this was a great thing for the base. The more people with abilities, the stronger the base. The stronger it is, the better it can deal with the threat of mutant beasts.

Because the number of people who have awakened their abilities has increased a lot, the survivors in this base have swept away the negative emotions caused by the hail disaster before. Everyone is discussing the matter of awakening abilities. A lucky person can also awaken the ability.

Therefore, many people now greet each other by patting each other's head to see if they have a fever.

Now it is different from the peacetime of the past. We will give subsidies to the weak, and caring people will donate money and goods to the injured, sick and poor.

In today's doomsday, everyone is in danger, survival is difficult, and they can't even take care of themselves, let alone others.

The base does not have any preferential treatment for ordinary people, but it has preferential treatment and subsidies for supernatural beings. To a certain extent, it also shows that the world has changed. Human beings now live in the same way as in the animal world, where the weak eat the strong and the fittest survive.

Under the leadership of Xiao Hua, Zhao Xi went to the East District Hospital every three days to treat those injured by mutant beasts. Of course, his identity was still kept secret. Since the members of Tiger Squad came back, Zhao Xi’s identity has not been revealed yet. It was leaked out, and only the people in the team knew.

"...Zhao Xi, why do you think there are more and more people awakening abilities in the base recently?" After the treatment, Xiao Hua and Zhao Xi walked outside the hospital together. On the way, Xiao Hua talked to Zhao Xi about the recent It is a matter of a large number of people awakening base abilities.

Zhao Xi raised his eyebrows and said, "Isn't this a good thing? The more people awaken, the better it will be for the base and even for the entire human race."

"That being said, I always feel a little strange." Xiao Hua frowned, feeling something was wrong for no reason.

"Maybe it's the environmental influence~" In fact, Zhao Xi also faintly felt that something was wrong, but she actually couldn't tell why.

After the apocalypse, there is no end to anything until the last step, so Zhao Xi can only comfort Xiao Hua with a few words:
"It's useless to think too much now, just wait and see, time will tell us the answer."

Xiao Hua could only nod his head when he heard the words. After all, everything is good according to the current situation. I hope he is thinking too much.


Two days after returning from the hospital, Zhao Xi's life was as usual. When the Tigers were not on missions, they would train for half a day every day. This day was the morning training.

After receiving Zhao Xi's "favor for a meal", Qin Qing was very kind to Zhao Xi. After getting in touch with Zhao Xi, Zhao Xi also felt that Qin Qing's personality is actually very good. Although she looks cold on the outside, she is actually a girl who is cold on the outside and hot on the inside. , the two girls quickly established a revolutionary friendship.

Because Zhao Xi is also a "strength-type supernatural user", the two often compete together. Qin Qing is a supernatural person who has just stepped into the third level of strength. In the sparring, Zhao Xi basically maintains the same strength as Qin Qing, mainly in the competition of moves. Qin Xun has practiced martial arts for many years, and Zhao Xi, who has become a monk halfway, is naturally better than her in moves.

In the battle against Qin Qing, although Zhao Xi always loses more than wins, she is not discouraged. Instead, she becomes more and more courageous as she gets frustrated. After often sparring with Qin Qing, Zhao Xi's skills improve very fast.

"Miss Qing, are you alright?"

During the sparring that day, Zhao Xi slightly changed the moves taught by Qin Qing, and gave Qin Qing an over-the-shoulder throw. Seeing that the other party was lying on the ground on his back and hadn't gotten up for a long time, Zhao Xi hurried forward to check, did she use all her strength just now? old?shouldn't~
"Haha, Xiaoxi, I'm fine. Your skills are becoming more and more agile. Not only have you learned all the moves I taught you, but you can also draw inferences from one instance and create new moves. Not bad!"

"Sister Qing, lying still on the ground for a long time scared me to death, get up quickly!"

Seeing Qin Qing lying on the ground with ruddy complexion and bright eyes talking and laughing with herself, Zhao Xi angrily stretched out her hand and pulled her up.

"You don't know, if your savvy was discovered by my old man in the past, he would definitely take you as a disciple, and be my junior sister. Hey, it's a pity that the old man is no longer~"

The doomsday natural disaster claimed too many lives, and Qin Qing's family's martial arts school encountered a serious fire on that hottest day.

Because it was midnight, the fire was too big, and there was no water rescue, so most of her father, brothers and sisters were buried in the fire, and the others who managed to save their lives also scattered away, and the martial arts hall completely disappeared. .

Because Qin Qing had a quarrel with the old man that day, she got angry and went to live in the old house of her deceased grandmother's house, and she was lucky to save her life.

It's just that every time she thinks that she was still angry with the old man before he passed away, Qin Qing feels very uncomfortable.

"Sister Qing, don't think too much... hey~ what's going on?" Zhao Xi knew the reason of the matter, and patted Qin Qing's shoulder to comfort her. At this moment, the light quickly dimmed.

The entire training ground soon fell into darkness, and everyone stood at a loss on the dark training ground.

Now it is almost noon, which is the best time of day. The indoor light is similar to that of the cloudy days before. There will be absolutely no lights.

Now it was suddenly dark, and the crowd was inevitably a little commotion. Fortunately, some fire-type supernatural powers showed fire lights, and the administrators of the training ground also turned on a few strong lights around the training ground in time, which allowed the training ground to recover. light.

"Xiaoxi, why did the sky suddenly turn dark outside? It was fine just a second ago. Do you think there is something wrong with the sun?" Qin Qing was worried as she looked at the darkness outside the glass.

Because the sun is getting farther and farther away, the earth's light is getting weaker and weaker.There have always been rumors at the base that the sun is dying, and the current situation has to make people feel that the rumors are true.

"Tiger Squad Assemble!" With a whistle, Fan's voice came.

"Sister Qing, don't worry, the situation is unclear now, let's go gather first."

(End of this chapter)

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