Chapter 163 Push Down

The team has only traveled less than one-third of the distance now, and besides the mutant beasts, they have to be on guard against new zombies at all times. The earthquake has not completely passed, and the earthquake still continues.

At night, a big and round blood moon hangs in the night sky, and hearing people can easily hear the roar of the zombies in the distance.

In the past few days, people have also discovered a pattern. Compared with daytime, the zombie group is more active at night, and the attack wakes up stronger.

The team has also adjusted their rest time in the past few days. They only rest for one morning after dawn every day, and start camping from noon until dawn the next day.

The two breaks during the period were also changed from half an hour to 15 minutes.

There was nothing he could do about making such a decision. The appearance of the zombies made the team have to take a detour, and the rest of the road had to avoid the urban area. Not to mention a lot of time wasted, the next road would become more dangerous because of the zombies.

Now there is no other way but to rush to the X province base as quickly as possible to be safe.

Since the appearance of the zombie group, the atmosphere of the whole team has become tense.

In addition to being very sensitive to smell, zombies are even more so to sound. It can be said that all of them are excellent "hearing people".

Since the discovery of this problem, some of the sporadic zombies encountered in the past few days have not dared to shoot, and they are basically solved by supernatural powers.

Zombies are also hard to deal with. If you want to kill them, you can only kill them with a headshot. Otherwise, they will not be able to kill them at all.

Someone found prismatic white transparent crystals of different sizes on the head of the zombie, which can also be absorbed by humans with supernatural powers, but compared to the source core of mutant beasts, the energy of the crystals in the zombie's head is mottled, although after absorption, it can also enhance the supernatural power , but has various sequelae.

For example, headache, joint pain, chills, diarrhea, etc. These are only mild symptoms. In severe cases, you will lose control of your emotions, become very irritable for a period of time, and even lose your mind.

Such harm made the supernatural beings no longer dare to absorb this crystal.



In the middle of the night, the team moved forward silently in the snowy night. With that round of blood-colored monster moon shining on the ground, the team didn't even need to light the torches, and the road could be seen clearly.

It has been going well since we set off at noon today. It is estimated that the place we are going to is remote enough. The team has not encountered zombies today.

Unexpectedly, they ran into it at this time, not only a group of zombies, but also a herd of mutant deer.

When the team heard the sound, the zombie herd was already fighting with the mutant deer herd.

Only then did everyone know that zombies not only attack humans, but also mutant beasts.

This mutated deer herd didn't know the characteristics of zombies. After the attack, the fallen zombies stood up again. Many mutated deer beasts were bitten directly without defense, and then turned into zombie deer in just a moment, attacking together with the zombies similar.

The herd of deer originally outnumbered the group of zombies, but under such circumstances, the advantage of the zombies became more and more obvious.

After hearing the situation in the distance, the leader in front of the team turned directly and led the team away from this area.

There were more than a thousand zombies, and with the zombie deer behind, the number was less than two thousand. It was very troublesome to deal with, so the leaders in front immediately ordered to evacuate.

They originally planned to hurry up and leave while the zombies were fighting with the mutated deer herd, but they never thought that the mutated deer herd would choose to flee so quickly when they saw that they were no match for the zombie herd.

And the direction in which they escaped was the direction in which the team evacuated.The herd of mutated deer rushed towards the team from a distance, followed by many zombies...

The team couldn't leave even if they wanted to. After all, except for the speed-type supernatural beings, the speed of other people's legs was not as fast as that of the mutant deer.

At this time, the speed of the zombies is not as slow as when they first appeared. They follow far behind the mutated deer herd, and their speed has already reached the speed of normal human running, and those zombie deer that have become zombies are even more incredible, with almost the same speed. Ben is as fast as a herd of deer.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the herd of deer came close. This place is a plain, and there is no way to avoid it, so the three parties are mixed together.

In order to protect everyone conveniently, the ordinary survivors in the rear are concentrated in the middle area, and the outer area is followed by the supernatural beings and soldiers in the eastern area.

Although the time was short, in order to protect ordinary people, the Eastern Region troops quickly established a line of defense to surround ordinary survivors as much as possible.

Both mutated deer and zombies are enemies. When they saw humans, the mutated deer herd that were eager to run away stopped and turned to attack humans desperately.

Fortunately, there is only one evolutionary mutant deer beast in this group of mutant deer. Although there are many in number, its strength is not too strong. Although the zombies are stronger than the previous day, they can be dealt with now.

As time went by, the humans gradually began to gain the upper hand in this melee, and the mutant deer herd suffered heavy losses, and they already had the faint intention of retreating.

But when the situation was good, an accident happened suddenly, and the earthquake came again. To be precise, it was an aftershock, but this time the aftershock was very large. Many people lost their center of gravity unexpectedly and fell to the ground. This zombie and the mutant deer Then seize the opportunity and start pounce on them.

The aftershocks were too strong and continued, and the ice surface cracked again.

"Qin Xun, Fang Le, be careful!" Zhao Xi saw that the cracks on the ice surface were approaching them from a distance, and the cracks on the ground were getting bigger and bigger. Before it was too late, Zhao Xi quickly pushed Qin Xun who was next to him in the opposite direction. As soon as Fang Le gave it, he quickly stepped back a few steps.

In the blink of an eye, a fissure about ten meters wide and bottomless was opened on the ice surface.

"Zhao Xi (Xiaoxi), are you alright?"

"Sister Xiaoxi, how are you?"

"I'm fine, I'm fine. Don't worry everyone, take care of the children and watch out for aftershocks."

This huge crack split the team in half, Zhao Xi was alone on one side, and the rest of the family was on the other side.

As soon as Zhao Xi finished explaining this, she heard some movement from under the ice layer, her expression changed drastically, and she shouted anxiously to Qin Xun and the others:
"Hurry up, take the children away from the crack, there are zombies coming up from below!!"

Hearing Zhao Xi's words, Qin Xun, Fang Le hurriedly took a few children and the four elders to the distance of the crack.

When the movement under the crack became more and more intense, someone in the crowd shouted: "It's bad! The line of defense has been breached!"

Zhao Xi was walking quickly by the crack at this time, and the cracks were not all of the same width, so she wanted to quickly find a narrower place to cross the other side to join everyone.

This voice came from behind her. Hearing this voice, Zhao Xi subconsciously turned around to check the situation, but before she could completely turn around, someone pushed her shoulder very hard, because she was almost standing On the edge of the gap, there was another aftershock at this time, Zhao Xi's center of gravity was unstable, and he fell directly towards the gap.

"Zhaoxi (Xiaoxi)—"

"Sister Xiaoxi (sister)—"

(End of this chapter)

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