Chapter 63 Tunnel 2

Zhao Xi found that the speed of passing through the civilian lane was much slower than that of the military lane, and it was not as fast as the sidewalk next to it. It took a long time for the car to move forward a little.

She specially got out of the car to observe the situation at the gate from a distance. There was a team of about 20 soldiers with live ammunition guarding the gate of the civilian driveway.Then the vehicle also needs to be inspected. There is a table, and it seems that some information needs to be filled in. It takes a lot of time to go through it.

On the other side of the sidewalk is to check the servants, and they pass through without any problem, and the military passage is also very fast. For example, Battalion Commander Wang and the others, when Zhao Xi went to see it, it was still dark, and their convoy had already entered around four o'clock.

"Children, let's make up for another meal. After we settle down in the base, sister Xiaoxi will cook something delicious for you."

When it was time for dinner, Zhao Xi got out of the car and opened the trunk, and took out six buckets of instant noodles and a marinated egg from the snakeskin bag.These are the convenience foods that were put in the snakeskin bag when I was preparing to save the baby, but during this time, I basically cook outside by myself, or I cook in the space when the children are resting, and I and the children have nothing to do Have eaten these convenience foods and snacks.

That is to say, when I met Battalion Commander Wang and the others for three or four days, there were too many people, the team lacked food and clothing, and everyone ate only the military emergency supplies distributed, and they only dared to eat one meal a day. It's not convenient for Xi to cook, so he can only eat snacks, biscuits and the like with the children, and that's all he has to eat secretly in the car.

After all, during the high temperature and heavy rain some time ago, things like snacks were already unavailable.

Zhao Xi took a thermos bottle filled with hot water to make noodles for the children, and then tore off the packaging of the braised eggs and put them in the instant noodle bucket to heat. Some aroma.

Not to mention, I haven't eaten it for a long time, and it smells delicious.Things like instant noodles, I don’t want to eat them even if I eat them often, but I really want to eat them at intervals, uh… It’s basically a food that modern humans can hardly leave completely.

Zhao Xi was very happy holding a plastic fork, and so were the children.

In the eyes of children, instant noodles are something that adults rarely promise them to eat, because they are not nutritious.But as long as children have eaten it, they can't stop thinking about instant noodles. For children, instant noodles are a delicacy that they seldom eat.

After eating and drinking, Zhao Xi slightly opened the car window to diffuse the smell in the car.In the next few hours, the long queue of convoys still took half a day to move.

As expected, at 12:30 in the middle of the night, the car finally arrived at the pass.The children couldn't bear it, and they all fell asleep after nine o'clock.

But the staff at the checkpoint needed to check the vehicles and passers-by, so Zhao Xi could only wake the children up.

After arranging for the children to wrap their coats tightly, put on hats, scarves, and gloves, and wrapped them tightly one by one, Zhao Xi finally took the children out of the car with confidence.

No way, the blizzard at night is bigger than that during the day, so it won't work if you don't pack it tightly.

Fortunately, the pass is inside the tunnel, and there is no snow, otherwise, with the snow outside, the little ones might not be able to see where the head is if they stand inside.

Seeing Zhao Xi carrying the child out of the car, the staff was calm at first, but when Zhao Xi carried out the third, fourth, and fifth children, the staff's expression became a little surprised.

One of the female staff members even asked Zhao Xi when she checked Zhao Xi.

"Girl, I don't think you are very old. Why do you bring so many children?"

Zhao Xi explained the reason to the staff as he had said to Battalion Commander Wang before.The basic content is that a single woman meets five homeless dolls on the way to escape, then reaches out to help, and finally reaches the base after a difficult journey.

"Girl, you are amazing!"

Hearing that Zhao Xi had no blood relationship with these children, but was rescued by her on the way to escape and brought to the base all the way, the female staff member gave Zhao Xi a thumbs up.Several other staff members who heard the story looked at Zhao Xi no longer so seriously.

The subsequent procedures were also much faster, and Zhao Xi knew that these staff members made it easier for him.

Before leaving, the female staff member kindly told Zhao Xi that if he could hand over some supplies to the staff in charge of vehicle parking management when he arrived at the base, the car would be able to enter the base without having to park outside the base.

This news was very important to Zhao Xi, she sincerely thanked the woman for her work, and then started the car and left.

(End of this chapter)

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