Chapter 101 Zombie Dad 33

"Brother Fu, a guest is looking for you." Li Yan called out to the kitchen.


Wearing an apron and long gloves on his hands, Yunfei came out of the kitchen.

Gu Yizheng pretended to cough a few times to cover up his swallowing when he smelled the smell of hot pot bottoms getting stronger in the house.

I can't blame myself for being ashamed, mainly because I haven't had a normal meal for a long time.

"Hello, Mr. Shi." Gu Yizheng stretched out his hand to shake hands to show friendship.

But Yunfei looked at the gloves he was still handling the ingredients just now, and shyly refused to shake hands, "Sorry, there are oil and water stains on the gloves."

"it's okay no problem."

"Well, sir, sit down and talk."

Gu Yizheng sat back on the sofa according to his words, and then formally invited: "Mr. Shi, it's like this, Mr. Chief has assigned a task to our group, because it's confidential, so I won't go into details.

All I can say is that this task is very important!It is related to the future of all our survivors, and you know the high temperature today, so we need advanced water- and ice-type superpowers on our way.

In the database, I saw that your profile is a sixth-level water-type power user, so I would like to ask you to join this mission and help us.

All the dangers of the mission will be resolved by our army, you only need to give some water to condense some ice cubes when needed.

The reward is 1000 contribution points, fifty second-level crystal nuclei, and two boxes of instant noodles, which are unique rewards for sixth-level abilities. "

As for other supernatural beings, they are also rewarded according to their level and task risk. The reward given to Yunfei is considered a very preferential treatment.

Gu Yizheng's attitude can be said to be very sincere, but Yunfei needs to think about it, he is thinking now.

Li Yan brought up two cups of chrysanthemum tea, and said shyly, "It's hot, so all the chrysanthemum tea is prepared at home, sir, don't dislike it."

"No, no, it's already a luxury to have chrysanthemum tea at this time!"

Gu Yizheng took a sip of tea, and his thirsty throat was instantly moistened. He couldn't help but sigh, "It's better to have water-type abilities. Although it's not suitable for fighting, you can't do without it if you want to survive. The water of life."

"Hehe, you are lucky if you have supernatural powers." Li Yan chuckled lightly.

"Auntie is right. Having supernatural powers is already a blessing. No matter what department it is, it is always a gift from nature."

At this time, Yun Fei also thought about it. He looked seriously and asked, "Can you ask? How long does it take to go?"

"There is a helicopter. If it goes well, you can come back in a few days. If it doesn't go well, you can't say for sure."

"Then... for the convenience of me, what kind of mission is it? To be honest, I am very worried about leaving my family. Although the reward is good, in fact, I don't like other things except contribution points.

The reason why I am shaken is because you said that this mission concerns all survivors!
So if you can reveal a little bit of information, I can judge whether it is worth my trip. "Yunfei's words are realistic and straightforward.

From childhood to adulthood, his personality has always been determined by a goal, and he will not look at other paths.

It can be said to be focused, or it can be said to be stubborn.

And his goal is Zai Zai, so when he can have both, he can save other people by the way, and when he needs to choose, he should consider Zai Zai first.

Gu Yizheng hesitated for a while, but chose to reveal a little bit, "To pick up people, three doctors, they used to research medicine and human genetics, and won many awards..."

"Understood, I will accept this task."

"Thank you for your righteous act!" Gu Yizheng heaved a sigh of relief and thanked happily.

"The mission starts at [-] o'clock tomorrow morning. Please be sure to gather at the entrance of the mission hall before [-] o'clock. I will tell the guards in the northern district to patrol your area on both sides more, and let them pay more attention to the situation of your home."

Yunfei was very satisfied with Gu Yizheng's sincerity, and invited, "Sir, can you have a light meal before leaving?"

"No, I have to invite the next ability, so I won't bother, you use it slowly."

After Gu Yizheng gave a military salute, he left with a smile. If it was before the end of the world, he would be ashamed to leave a meal.

After the apocalypse, it would be too reckless to stay in other people's homes, unless the relationship is particularly good.


After Gu Yizheng left, Yunfei went back to the kitchen to prepare ingredients.

Shi Jiaojiao and Fang Rou have washed all the clothes accumulated these days, and they are taking them to the yard to dry.

Li Yan was also helping, and the three of them were having fun, feeling like they were celebrating the New Year before the end of the world.

The clothes were fully dried on three clothes iron racks, and the faint fragrance of washing powder wafted in the yard.

Every morning at eight o'clock in the villa, the base will supply three buckets of water to each household, because Yunfei is here, so they don't need the water, let's save the base for those who need it more.

"dinner's ready!"

Yunfei and Lu Zhijie brought all the ingredients to the long table.

The owner of this house before the end of the world should be in good condition, and the furniture is expensive at first glance.

"Wow! It smells so good." Shi Jiaojiao took a deep breath of the aroma of the mandarin duck pot. If it wasn't the end of the world, she would never have known in her life that her father's cooking skills are actually very good.

"Hehe, greedy cat."

While dividing the dishes, Li Yan made fun of her daughter.

All kinds of ingredients were placed in front of the three of them, including shrimps, meat rolls, meatballs, green vegetables, fish fillets... All kinds of ingredients were placed in a dazzling array.

In front of Yunfei and Fang Rou, there was a pot of crystal nuclei in different colors.

"Go on."

After having a lively meal together, Yunfei chatted about this mission, and then analyzed: "I guess, those three doctors may be studying the genes of zombies, and they hope to develop antidotes or ways to kill zombies." drug.

So I have to help. I hope that the three doctors can really end this last days one day and let you live a stable life. "

Li Yan couldn't hold back the redness of her eyes, she reached out to wipe away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and choked up: "If there is such a day, what will you and Rourou do?"

"Aunt Li, I think the same as Wang, it's enough for you to be happy."

Both Shi Jiaojiao and Lu Zhijie were silent.

Yunfei took out a handkerchief and gently wiped away Li Yan's tears, "Didn't you tell me not to cry? That day is still far away, and the doctor hasn't picked it up yet. What if they don't research it?

There really will be a day when it will be fine, you guys are doing well, I am already a dead person, so I can stay with you for so long, it is enough.

If possible, I still hope that one day, we can't wait until our Jiaojiao gets married in the future. With a little grandson, our grandson doesn't even have a place to go to kindergarten. "

"Then ... if you have no grandson, will it be disappointed?"

Shi Jiaojiao bit her lower lip lightly and asked nervously.

 There are two more updates, a little later, the slow codeword is flawed ()
  This plane is not far from the end, the next plane, let's make a transition with a live broadcast of cute babies from the modern entertainment industry.

(End of this chapter)

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