Chapter 111 Zombie Dad 43

"My God! Head of State, make a decision quickly!"

"My lord, do you really want to give up so many of us for a professor with bad conduct?"

"That is, he touched his wife and daughter by himself, why should we pay for his actions?"

"Mr. Shi, this matter has nothing to do with us!!"

The panic and persecution of the masses made the head of state close his eyes in pain, and ordered with difficulty: "Go...bring Professor Peng."

"Yes!" Gu Yi stood at attention and bowed, and immediately led the entire army to arrest him.

Seeing that the head of state finally gave the order, everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief, and it was estimated that they would not dare to relax until the zombies retreated.

Through the ice door, they have already seen the flailing zombies outside, and the number will definitely not be small.

Sacrificing one person can save everyone, of course they will choose to sacrifice others without hesitation.


When Professor Peng was escorted up by Gu Yizheng's men in embarrassment, he was angry at the messy laboratory in the villa.

When he learned that Yun Fei was a zombie king from the few words of others, he regretted it!
He shouldn't rely on his special status to handle this matter openly, he should be careful, or when he is caught, he should be killed, and there will be no proof...

The professors in the institute came out to protest one after another: "Head of State! Why did you arrest Jinhua? What did he do? You must give our institute a reason."

Gu Yizheng spoke out on behalf of the head of state, and told what happened.

The old professor came out tremblingly and pleaded: "Führer, we can't hand over Jinhua! Our research on the antidote is at a critical juncture, and it is very important that Jinhua is mainly responsible for it!"

The head of state was also very embarrassed, and turned his praying eyes to Yunfei who was sitting on the top of the building.

Ren Feng's mother and daughter also came out to intercede, "This is the end of the matter, Mr. Shi, even if you kill him, it won't help. It's better to save his life and make up for it."

"That's right, Mr. Shi, I know Jinhua is going too far, but for the sake of our [-] million compatriots who are still alive, can you spare him?"

"Feng'er..." Professor Peng looked affectionately at Ren Feng who was begging for him, and felt that he had never loved the wrong person in his life.

"Feng'er, we don't need to ask anyone, Mr. Führer, I'm not afraid to tell you! I set up a hidden password for the database of the research institute. If I die! Then all the data of the research institute will be destroyed!" Peng Jinhua looked at everyone triumphantly.

"What? Jinhua, how can you do such a thing?"

"Professor Peng, are you going too far?"

"It really is a person with bad conduct, how can there be such a scum in the research institute!"

"He wants us all to be buried with him!!"

Ren Feng also looked at the brother next door with disappointment. Since she was a child, how come she has never seen him as such a despicable person?
"Haha! So, Mr. Führer, do you still dare to hand me over?" Peng Jinhua laughed wildly.

His arrogance completely ignited the anger of the top management of the base and the survivors.

Even the people in the research institute who spoke for him just now fell silent. No one can bear the risk of ruining three years of research results.


Half an hour has already passed.

"Ho ho ho..." Yun Fei ordered directly to let the zombies attack the city!
Don't kill them, just block them, but if someone makes a move, kill them!

"Ah!! Help, zombies have entered the base!!"

"Master Führer, hand him over quickly! He was responsible for the disaster, why should we all be buried with him?"

Gu Yizheng also persuaded him: "Führer, hand it over to someone! The direction of research is all in the minds of the professors, it's just a repetition.

If the base is bloodbathed, then nothing is left! ! "

"Hand over to the head of state, die today or die later, I choose to die later!"

"That's right, Mr. Führer, our base research institute doesn't need this kind of professor, please hand it in!"

"My lord, our family managed to survive. I beg you, hand it over to someone! Give us a way to survive!"

The head of state was in a dilemma at the moment, the ice door melted, and the zombies had already entered the base, and they were surrounding the door and staring at them, waiting for an order to pounce on them.

And looking out from the gate, you can also see the dark zombies outside, waiting for orders to break in.

Everyone is forcing him to make a decision...

In the end, the head of state took a few steps back, and said dejectedly, "Give the him!"

"What???" Professor Peng couldn't believe what he heard.

"Are you crazy? The results that took three years to research will be destroyed by my death! It's the antidote to the zombie virus!!"

"Jinhua, for the sake of everyone's hard work for three years, hand over the password!" The old professor understood that the overall situation was settled, and begged tearfully.

He was reluctant to part with this genius-like year-end friend, but it was even more heartbreaking that he actually put everyone together.

In the research institute, everyone has never treated him badly!Why do you want to do this.

If you are really old, you can't even see people clearly.

"Oh, old man, don't even think about it. I've seen you have been clinging to your old age for a long time. Today, I, Peng Jinhua, are talking about it here! If I die, you all have to be buried with me." Peng Jinhua said viciously.


"Jinhua, speak out!" Ren Feng cried and shouted.

Three years!Their institute conducted experiments every day and night, even when several colleagues were infected with the virus and left, they never gave up.

Seeing that the dawn was about to usher in, I didn't expect this person to be selfish and want to cut off the efforts of all of them.


Seeing that they were still chatting, Yunfei's patience was exhausted, and he directly ordered the zombies to attack!

"Ah! Help!"

"Don't come here, don't bite me..."

"Mr. Shi, don't hurt everyone! People... you take it away." The head of state turned around and left in pain, no longer looking at everything behind him.

To be threatened by a zombie is incompetent, and to be threatened by a professor is even more incompetent. His whole life will be lost to tonight.

"Wise choice! Idlers, please back away."

The nearby survivors wished they could stay three feet away from Peng Jinhua, and retreated one after another, leaving him alone to bear the wrath of the zombies.

"You cowards, you dare not resist when a zombie threatens you at your door! Cowards, incompetent!" Peng Jinhua cursed angrily at passers-by.

"The problem is... is that a group of zombies?"

"That's right, he did it to other people's wives and children himself, and he blamed us."

"Let's go...go home."

"Let's go quickly..."

Satisfied, Yunfei jumped down from the top of the building, took out an iron chain from the space, tied it around Peng Jinhua's neck, then stood at the other end and pulled him hard, dragging him out of the base.

A large army of zombies followed behind, surrounded Peng Jinhua, making him dare not even think about running away.

(End of this chapter)

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