Chapter 125 Amnesia Dad Thirteen
"Because Dad is afraid that bad people will hurt Xiao Xi!" Yun Fei explained patiently with a smile.


He Xi didn't quite understand, but he listened to his father!It's just that I feel a little lost in my heart.

Going on TV with dad~ sounds so cool.

Yunfei noticed it, knelt down and asked, "Does Xiaoxi want to be on the show with Dad?"

"Xiao Xi listens to her father."

It's not that I don't want to, or I don't want to, but I listen to my father.

It's true that obedient and sensible children are attractive, but children who restrain themselves too much lose their childlike innocence.

"In this way...if Xiao Xi can boldly speak out what she really thinks in her heart, Dad will reconsider this matter, okay?"

He Xi looked at his father's encouraging eyes, remembered the past two days together, took a deep breath, and said loudly: "Dad! I want to go with you, I want to see Dad's life, what is Dad's world like! !"

"Xiaoxi is awesome. Since my son wants to go and dad has decided, let's go! The rumors and gossips that other children are afraid of, we Xiaoxi are naturally not afraid! Right?"

"Yes!!" The child's voice was particularly loud and crisp.

Pedestrians passing by cast friendly glances one after another, walking by talking and laughing.

"Okay, then let's go home! Take a day off tomorrow and go to another place to play the day after tomorrow... Well, how about watching the big tiger?"


Under the setting sun, a tall and handsome man is holding a cute little boy in a hat. The father and son are photographed by a photographer.


After playing all day, after returning home, He Xi went back to his room to rest after taking a shower and eating.

After he fell asleep, Yunfei came to the study, turned on the computer and started working.

Read the squeezed emails first, and then reply one by one.

In the silent room, the keyboard was crackling.

He was busy until twelve o'clock in the evening before he finished replying to the work. The investment company hired a manager to manage it, but he did not have the authority to handle some decisions.

After finishing his work, Yunfei took a sip of coffee before opening his Weibo account.

Another series of news, he didn't bother to read, here he has asked lawyer Wen to be responsible, insulting He Xiaomei and He Xi's black fans, and sending a prosecution document, don't worry about scolding him.

The assistant sent a lot of program materials with information attached.

Assistant Xiao Wang: Brother Hai, it has been confirmed that this season will be broadcasted live, but not many people know about it yet, please keep quiet.

He Haisheng: Yes.

What Yunfei is most grateful for is the assistant left by the original body, who is still very reliable in doing things.

The live broadcast mode means that it will not be randomly edited, and it also means that if something offensive is done, the character design cannot be restored.

Just as he was about to turn off the computer to take a rest, a trending search was suddenly pushed to him on the page, and Yunfei subconsciously clicked on it.


#Suspected that a certain male artist surnamed H bullied a middle-aged elder sister in public at the playground. #
Artists these days really need to rectify themselves. The editor accompanied my nephew to the playground today.

As a result, I encountered the following very speechless thing.

What happened was that the three female college students in the picture insulted the elder sister for no reason. The elder sister wanted to come forward to argue, but in the end, the male artist, the hero, saved the beauty and tripped her up.

The eldest sister lay on the ground for half an hour and no one called an ambulance. A certain male artist was still coaxing the children, chatting and laughing with passers-by.

The three college students were also very cold-blooded, standing calmly on the side, not approaching. (The editor later found out that they are fans of a certain artist.)
The eldest sister's child was trembling and bowing her head and crying, and her husband kept calling the police for help.

After the police came, a certain male artist just told the story and left, and his lawyer handled it.

After writing this, the editor has to sigh: the world of the rich and powerful is so wonderful! !
Attached are many pictures below.

A photo of a woman lying on the ground with her eyes closed and resting while waiting for the police, and her two children looking down like quails*1
A photo of a man on the phone anxiously*1
The three girls stood far away, angrily staring at the fallen woman*1
Yunfei hugged He Xi and asked the boy who took the video to ask for a picture of the video*1
Then there is the photo of the police coming*1,

Then there is a photo of Lawyer Wen talking with the police, and a brief introduction of Lawyer Wen is attached.

At the end there were two photos of the girls asking him for autographs and group photos.

Everyone's face was coded except his, and his full face photos on the Internet were compared to prove that it was him.

The black four-leaf clover studs on his ears and those cool eyes, his perfectly proportioned figure and hairstyle are exactly the same as him without a mask.


Netizen A: "Calm down, is this kind of artist still rare in the entertainment industry? I've seen too many of them."

"Hehe, the entertainment industry? It's just a place where there is no education threshold! As long as you are good-looking and easygoing, you can be a pig."

"This family is so pitiful. The clothes and family circumstances are not particularly good. It may be summer vacation. I gritted my teeth and took the children out to play. In the end, I met these cold-blooded animals."

"Break defense! Look at those two children standing helplessly on the side with their heads bowed and crying. It's hard for a mother to see this kind of thing."

"Fortunately, the eldest sister's husband is also there, and she even called the police! Otherwise, no one would know if she was really bullied to death."

"Why did the person in charge of the amusement park go? Didn't the guests come out to take care of the fight?"

"The onlookers are so cold-blooded! No one stepped forward to help the eldest sister up!"

"It's because there are too many bad artists like this, and they have a bad atmosphere, and now people are becoming more and more selfish and cold-blooded."

"Which school are those three female students from? Has no one picked them out? I want to know which school taught the top students, so as to avoid a thunderstorm."

After reading the entire post, Yunfei's expression is as follows:
Doubt, puzzlement... completely speechless...

If the protagonist wasn't him, he probably would have believed the content of this post with so much evidence! !

Hehe, luckily!He had the foresight to ask for a full video.

It doesn't matter to pour dirty water on He Haisheng, anyway, he is already covered with black spots, but it is a bit too much to pour dirty water on innocent people.

Earning eyeballs to make money is not something that is made up like this.

Yunfei found today's video and posted a news on his homepage.

He Haisheng:
Some people want to make money by splashing dirty water on me, so they should first understand where my bottom line is.

If you didn't implicate innocent people, I should be too lazy to respond to you. The full video is below, and netizens can judge for themselves.

Yunfei also punched everyone inside, except himself.

(End of this chapter)

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