Chapter 145 Amnesia Dad 33

When all the gang were arrested, people were most curious about where the three little girls were! !

The police interrogated them overnight, but no one admitted to abducting them.

This made people feel more and more heavy. Eleven days have passed, and the child is still not found.

Could it be that there are other dens hiding human traffickers?
The search for the mountain and the investigation of intersections are still going on, and there are monitoring areas, and there are special personnel in charge 24 hours a day, but no child is found.

The police comforted several family members, "We will find the person as soon as possible. At least, the children have not been taken out of the city."

Zhao Dongxu's wife cried uncontrollably: "Eleven days, a full eleven days! Our child may be going through something, what guarantee do you have? No one can be found, so why say absolutely? "

"Honey, calm down, we have to trust the police."

Snapped! !

Zhao Dongxu covered his beaten face and stood there in a daze.

"It's all your fault! Why did you bring Xinxin on the show? You want to be famous and work hard on your own! Why did you choose to use my daughter??" The woman shouted heartbreakingly.

"My wife, I'm not..."

"Enough! Don't you all know in your heart that if Xinxin can't be found, I will go with her and make room for your mistress."

Facing his wife's accusation, Zhao Dongxu was stunned for a while, but he still held his wife in his arms to comfort him, and kept saying, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."


The police station was surrounded by many reporters from all over the country, and when they saw someone coming out, they immediately went forward to ask questions.

"Mr. Zhao, do the police have any clue about Ling Qianjin's current whereabouts?"

"Mr. Yuwen, what do you think about those rumors on the Internet?"

"Can you tell us the latest news about this case? Netizens are very concerned about this case."

With sullen faces, they didn't say a word. After pushing the reporters away, they got into their cars and left.

Li Fengyin was half leaning on the co-pilot, his eyes were bloodshot.

Since the child disappeared, he has basically never closed his eyes, and now he regrets it very much.

Why do you want to change the delicate body of the child?Weak and timid character?

As long as Cheng Zi is safe and sound, it's okay to be weak or spoiled. Where are you, child?Dad was wrong, and Dad will never force you to exercise again.

Yun Fei was also thinking in the back seat holding He Xi.

He watched the playback video again, this time he didn't fast-forward to make sure he didn't miss every detail.

Suddenly he noticed something odd and he paused the video playback.

The photographer seemed to be a little tired with the hand that lifted the equipment. The moment he changed hands, he captured a second of the mirror of the truck.

It was a very vague second, basically no one would care about this second, but at this second, Yunfei found that the co-pilot seat was empty.

The host, who was on lunch break, was not there.

When the child was lost, he also left. Where did he go?bathroom?still is……

Although this guess is a bit absurd, Yunfei thinks that any possibility should be noticed.

After the show host helped find the child that day, he went to the hospital in the town to see a doctor because he was not feeling well, and he seemed to have never seen him since.

He picked up the phone and dialed the director's number, "Hello, director? I'm He Haisheng, I want to ask, is the host here?"

"Ah Dong? He's not feeling well. He asked for leave a few days ago and went home to rest."

"go home?"

"Yes, A Dong is also from this city! When he voted for the place, he also added his hometown into it."

Yunfei tightened his fingers holding the phone, and asked in an unclear tone: "Then director, do you have his home address?"

"Yes, our program team was talking about going to his house after filming, so I asked him for the address."

"Please send me a copy from the director. I have something to ask him, so I just came to visit him."


After getting the address, Yunfei said to the driver, "Turn around ahead, let's go to this address...Qingyuan Town, Huanshan Village."

Li Fengyin on the co-pilot had already fallen asleep, so he didn't know that they were going to another place now.


Seeing Yunfei and the others coming, the host A Dong was not surprised at all, he had just received a call from the director.

"Brother Haisheng, let's have a cup of tea, Brother Feng."

After Li Fengyin was woken up by Yunfei, he came here after inquiring all the way. At this time, he was very puzzled, but he didn't ask.

In the past ten days, everyone has seen Yunfei's personality. The rumors in the entertainment circle are all true and false, exaggerated.

He didn't think Yunfei was as unbearable as the Internet said, so he thought it must be on purpose.

But he didn't expect Yunfei to ask directly, "Where are the children?"

A Dong was stunned for a moment, bowed his head in silence for a moment, then raised his head with a relieved smile, "I was taken out by my wife."

"Child? What kind of child? Does the host already have a child?" When it comes to children, Li Fengyin is particularly sensitive.

"It's Yueyue and them!" Yun Fei questioned A Dong, "Why kidnap and sell them? Extortion is more valuable than selling them."

He didn't expect A Dong to admit it so easily!Although it is wrong to say that, if it is for money, extortion is indeed worth more than selling.

None of the families with three children was really poor.

Li Fengyin also understood now. He looked at the man in front of him with tearing eyes, and angrily stepped forward and grabbed his collar, "It's you? You took them away? Why??"

A Dong didn't resist, but just smiled mockingly, "Because...only if the children of public figures like you are lost, the police can find them!!!"

"Hahahaha..." A Dong laughed loudly and said, "How ridiculous? The child of the civilian family was lost. After filing, there was no news for several months.

And you people lost their children, and in less than half a month, the dens of the traffickers were taken away. Why do you say this is?Are our children not children? "

"So, you are going to abduct my child??" Li Fengyin couldn't control it anymore, and knocked A Dong to the ground.

"Yes, as long as your child is lost and the public opinion is strong enough, the police will definitely pay attention to it! Maybe our family's Haohao can be found." A Dong roared with red eyes.

His tone is full of resentment and injustice against the discrimination of society.

Yunfei called the police from the side, and Li Fengyin and A Dong scuffled together.

After the beating was almost finished, Yunfei stopped him, "Enough, the police will come later! After beating him until he can't speak, how can he make him confess!"

"Fuck, you're lucky, if it wasn't for murder and crime, you can't even get out of this door today! What about the three children? Where did you hide them???"

Li Fengyin lifted him up from the ground by his collar and forced him to ask.

Yunfei kept covering He Xi's eyes all the time, so as not to be frightened into nightmares again. He didn't even dare to put the child in the car for the driver to watch.

 This is yesterday's fifth update, and today's update hasn't been updated yet.

(End of this chapter)

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