Chapter 152 Amnesia Dad Forty
"Father, I don't envy other people's mothers, I have my own mother." He Xi pursed her lips unhappy.

"Father knows that the words of outsiders can be trusted. Don't worry, Mr. Chen will be here soon."

Ever since that female teacher sent him photos in sexy pajamas in the middle of the night, Yunfei knew that she was not a good person.

That night, he was dealing with the business of the investment company on the computer when suddenly his WeChat chattered.

He clicked on it and saw three photos of Teacher Chen in sexy pajamas...

After 1 minute, she withdrew and sent a sentence, "Sorry Mr. He, I accidentally pressed the phone just now, and sent the wrong message! I'm sorry."

Yunfei thought at the time, just pretend he didn't see it, so he didn't reply, and only replied the next day, "I went to bed early last night, I didn't see the message, it's okay, I made a mistake! Everyone will have it."

After that, Teacher Chen followed suit!Hush and ask him how he is, and please He Xi in every possible way...

It also implies that the child needs the mother...

Even a fool can see her intentions.

Yunfei didn't delete her friends, but kept all the chat records of her looking for him in the middle of the night, and planned to report her.

He Xi had just gotten used to kindergarten, and it was impossible to transfer to another school.

It's the errant who should leave, not them.


At the dinner in the evening, Yunfei still refused, with director Hao's promise to refuse.

He said to Ying Zheng very straightforwardly: "When I finish all the scripts and endorsements in my hand, the subsequent resources will be delivered to my door automatically. Why should I please those people who are full of wine, meat and sex?"

Yingzheng said angrily, "Okay, since you think your wings are strong enough, you can rely on yourself for the rest of the journey.

I'd like to see what kind of tricks you can come up with, the variety shows are gone, and you are busy transforming into TV dramas all day long.

Do you have any acting skills yourself?A face was blinded in vain, and that face made a pig take off, only you have been standing still for ten years! ! "

After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone angrily. He recently signed a pair of twin sisters, so he really didn't have time to spend with He Haisheng.

It doesn't matter, anyway, his contract is about to expire, and the price offered by his company was very cheap.

It was only this kind of ignorant poor boy who signed the contract, in short, the company couldn't lose money.

The most important thing now is to get on the laps of those bosses.


A few days later, Teacher Chen was dismissed from the kindergarten for harassing the parents of the students in the middle of the night for no reason.

This is a matter of style, the principal can no longer keep her.

After all, the parents who come and go to this group of kindergartens are either rich or expensive, and they have absolutely zero tolerance for such teachers who want to climb high.

For this reason, Mr. Chen was still very dissatisfied with the principal's decision, "Mr. He is not married, I am not married, I just want to pursue my own happiness, why is it a matter of style?
Just because he is the student's parent, is it impossible between us?Not related by blood!Teacher-student love is fine, what's wrong with us? "

"Just because people think that your behavior is taking advantage of your career to sexually harass him!" The principal sneered.

Teacher Chen was greatly shocked, thinking that the principal said this on purpose, he just wanted to humiliate her!
So...she found Yunfei and confronted him face to face, "Mr. He, the principal lied to me, right? You also have feelings for me, don't you?"

She was hoping to get the approval of the handsome and wealthy single man in front of her.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what I did to make you misunderstand Mr. Chen, but I'm sure, for you... all I have is politeness to your profession."

Yunfei politely broke the woman's fantasy, then turned around, picked up the child and left.


seven years old.

When He Xi was in the first grade, it was also the time when Yunfei won the award, and it was also the time when He Xi's adoptive mother in her previous life obeyed the law.

The poor child was rescued and sent back to the orphanage. Yunfei arranged for Xiao Wang to go to the orphanage to go through the formalities of sponsoring the child.

This child took He Xi's place and suffered for two months, and he gave him a lifetime of peace.

The adoptive parents treated the child fairly well at first, but after the next two months treated the child badly, the detectives collected enough evidence to rescue the child quickly.


"Wow!!! It's Brother Haisheng, look here!!"

"Brother Haisheng, look over here!!"

"Brother Haisheng is holding hands with Xiao Hexi, right? Xiaoxi looks at Uncle."

"Xiao Xi, let's take a look at Auntie too!!!"

The reporters snapped at the father and son who looked similar on the red carpet.

Another reporter handed over the microphone and asked, "Mr. He, are you confident that tonight's Best Actor will win?"

"Do your best and obey the destiny! I have put in a lot of hard work. If I don't win an award, it only means that I still haven't worked hard enough."

"Excuse me, your son was featured in the two films you filmed. Is it intentional for your son to inherit his father's business?"

"Hehe, I'm joking! What kind of karma is there to inherit? He is still young, so what he wants to do in the future, he decides for himself and works hard. What I have and what he has are two individuals."

After answering a few questions casually, Yunfei led He Xi away.

The seven-year-old friend is no longer willing to be hugged by his old father!Say boys can't cuddle.


"Dad, are you nervous?"

"I'm not nervous, but you are quite nervous. What's the point of being nervous? I'm still young. I can't do it this time, and there will be a next time."

Yunfei took out a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped the cold sweat on He Xi's forehead.

The nominated role this time is Yao Ke, the leading actor in the movie "There's Someone in My Closet".

He Xi played a cameo role, eh!Still playing the tragic childhood of my old father!

That's the root of Yao's abnormality.

Fans joked: "Xiaoxi is almost becoming Haisheng's substitute."

But He Xi likes it quite a lot. After all, his main job is to go to school, so it is very suitable to shoot such a few scenes.

"So, let's announce that the Best Actor award goes to...  

Mr. He Haisheng who played the role of Yao Ke, the hero of "Someone in My Closet"! !

Congratulations to him!Let us welcome Mr. He Haisheng to the stage to accept the award with warm applause! "

The spotlight was on Yunfei, with a smile on his lips, he walked onto the stage with his head upright, and began to read his acceptance speech that he had already memorized.

He Xi looked at his father who was shining brightly on the stage, with stars twinkling in his eyes.

The father under the spotlight is even more dazzling now than when he was taken away in the orphanage that year.

Maybe it's because his father is a star, He Xi always felt that his father was shining brightly, dispelling the darkness in his world.

So...he also wants to be a star, like his father, living on a stage full of flashing lights and spotlights, shining with brilliance.

 Thank you for your votes and support~~▄██ ●I want to ask for votes shamelessly, hehe.

(End of this chapter)

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