Chapter 157 Amnesia Dad 45

The thin-skinned Tongtong almost starved to death upstairs, if it wasn't for He Xi's plan to knock on the door!Probably not willing to come out yet.

But after He Xi said that she opened her mind, she still blushed and opened the door.

Asked in a low voice: "Did you just mean it? You also... like me?"

"Since I was a child, besides you, are there other women beside me?"

"But... I'm just a manager." The implication is that she has no family background, no financial resources, and she has helped him with everything.

He Xi was so angry that he stretched out his hands to ruffle his hair, "Is this still my calm and realistic manager? What are you thinking? Your boyfriend and I rely on strength to make a living, do we need those external forces?

Besides, I can rely on my father!Do you still have to rely on your wife? "

Tongtong wanted to refute that he was able to get to where he is today because he practiced facial expressions every day and night, so that the character can experience life regardless of his image.

"Okay, don't think about it! Let's invite my dad out to dinner tonight and surprise him secretly.

To make him happy, his daughter-in-law actually appeared when his son was over five years old!Ha ha……"

Tongtong thought it was funny, "I'm afraid that Uncle He will only be surprised, not happy."


However, it turns out that the son knows his father after all.

After Yunfei learned that his son had finally kidnapped him home, he wished he could leave the restaurant quickly and go back to kill the chicken to repay his god.

Although he doesn't insist on the marriage of his children, he still hopes that his children will be accompanied by someone.

He watched Tongtong grow up, and she was no worse than his own daughter, so he was very relieved.

But he still reminded: "Marriage is not a child's play, you think it over and make sure! Then Dad sincerely blesses you."

Wen Yantongtong relaxed a lot, she really felt that she was over the top, the current wealth of Uncle He's family was beyond her imagination.

In other words, she is equivalent to an orphan, and He Xi is the young master of a wealthy family.

Although she knew that Uncle He did not dislike her, she was afraid that she would not be the ideal daughter-in-law candidate in Uncle He's mind.

A socialite like Chengzi is the most ideal daughter-in-law among wealthy families.

The three clinked glasses. With the lesson from the previous night, no one dared to drink too much today, but just had a few drinks.

Tongtong quietly listened to their father and son's discussion about their future marriage, not feeling sudden in his heart, only feeling at ease.

It's okay to talk about marriage as soon as the relationship is confirmed. If their family is willing, it is not impossible to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau tomorrow.

She's finally... at home again.

The home she wanted to stay in since she was a child.

The stepfather's house is the mother's house, not hers.

Every time she gets out of the car after school, it is the time when she is most lost and sad.


He Xi's fans include men, women and children, and he is not an idol, so there is no need to hide his relationship.

Of course, there must be some impact, but not much.

So at twelve o'clock that night, he announced his relationship.

There are two photos in his post.

One is a photo of him holding a certificate with Tongtong in the kindergarten, and the other is a photo of him and Tongtong at the Cannes conference.

He Xi: Nah!I'm 27 years old, it's not too much to find a wife, right?

Hai Lanlan: "Zai, it's not too much! Auntie's family already has girlfriends."

Neptune's woman: "Is your old father overjoyed? Help me tell him that if he doesn't come out for business, we will abandon him."

Caressing the morning light: "I'm a little lost, but I still wish you happiness."

Waiting for you to get dark: "Look for it! There will always be such a day, and we are mentally prepared."

Chen Xi listened to Yu Luo: "Is it Brother He Xi's manager sister? I told you before, you must be tricky, and they still don't believe it."

Chenxi☆Sunset: "That's fine, manager's girlfriend, I can accompany you into the set, flying everywhere."

"From kindergarten to wedding dress, I wish you all the best."

When is Orange: "Bless you all."

Tonight's v-blog has been dominated by hot searches for movie star He Xi announcing his relationship.

Countless people envied the woman who married into a family of two film kings.

In addition to envy, there are many sour words, such as the scheming female superior, the two are not a good match, He Xi has bad eyesight, etc., but the parties concerned don't care and don't respond.

Whether the fans are blessings or fans.

The two still went from love to wedding quickly.


#burst!The film emperor's big wedding, the bride is actually her? #
#走来,Let you decipher the ordinary wives of the two film kings. #
#惊饰全网Chinese-style wedding, who is the person that all women envy? #
#十里红zhuang, eight lifts of the sedan chair, the Ming media is getting married!Is it the wedding of your dreams? #
After so many years of work, Bai Sitong has already paid a down payment for an apartment in a high-end community.

So she got married from her apartment today, stepfather and mother over there, and she hasn't been in touch since she was 18 that year.

It's just that I occasionally ask someone to see how my mother's life is, but I never meet.

Tongtong admires the wedding customs of the old age. Ever since she had the idea of ​​getting married, she has dreamed that one day, that person will be able to lift her hijab with her own hands.

In order to realize Tongtong's dream, He Xi waved his hand and bought a Chinese-style villa as their wedding room.

A seven-kilometer red carpet has already been laid on the road where the welcoming team is going.

Both sides of the road were surrounded by fans, passers-by, reporters from major media, and even Internet celebrities were broadcasting live.

The bride, who had already arranged, carried festive flower baskets and distributed the happy bags to the people on the roadside.

In order to ensure a smooth wedding, He Xi invited hundreds of security guards to maintain order.

On a tall horse, the handsome groom slowly led the team behind him on the way to the bride's house with a smile on his face.

He Xi, who was well-mannered, finally saw his bride, and her beautiful face was covered by a red hijab.

He Xi carried her on his back, walked firmly to the door of the sedan chair, put her down gently, and sent her into the sedan chair.

"Get up the sedan chair~~~" With the festive cries of the matchmaker, the sound of beating gongs, drums and suona resounded through the city.


Walking slowly all the way, they finally returned to their wedding room.

Once the gate of the villa is closed, the onlookers and reporters cannot enter.

Three bows and nine kowtows, after offering tea to Yunfei, the bride and groom are sent to the bridal chamber.

He Xi followed into their wedding room and raised the red hijab nervously.

Tong Tong, who always had a cool face, turned pink today, and was extraordinarily shy.

The friends and colleagues who were watching the ceremony applauded and shouted: "Kiss one! Kiss one!!"

He Xi smiled sheepishly, stamped Tongtong's face lightly, then held her hand, "Let's go out to eat."

"it is good……"

Tongtong and him looked at each other, and they only had each other in their eyes at the moment.

Although it is a Chinese wedding, it doesn't have to respect the ancient rules.

The two were at the garden banquet together, toasting everyone's wine.

There are colleagues, celebrities, directors, producers, friends and capitalists...

(End of this chapter)

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