Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 163 The Father Who Sells His Sons and Daughters 5

Chapter 163 The Father Who Sells His Son and Daughter Five

The current timeline has come half a year after they left that city.

Yao Erdan is two and a half years old, and Yao Daya is five years old.

It was during this period that Yao Chunlin sold Yao Erdan in exchange for half a small bag of buckwheat noodles.

The reason why Yunfei felt the pain was because... the food he got from selling his son was taken away, and he was also beaten severely.

At this moment, he was lying on the muddy ground with harsh stones under his body, and Qin Xiaocui next to him was silent, his eyes were full of dead silence.

Seeing him wake up, he just said lightly, "Master, sell me for rations."

The reason why Yao Chunlin sold Qin Xiaocui in the end was because he had the idea that he would be able to live again if the child was gone, and that if the working wife was gone, he would never be able to marry again.

After all, he has no money to buy another daughter-in-law.

Yunfei rubbed his forehead that was sore from accepting the plot and memory, and suddenly remembered!

his son! ! !

Oops, if it's later, it's probably going to be a mess.

Yun Fei staggered up from the ground, the hunger in his stomach made his legs and feet a little weak.

Qin Xiaocui didn't know what Xianggong suddenly got up to do up the mountain, and after sitting numbly for a while, he still followed.


Yunfei stumbled all the way to the plot, the burial place of Yao Erdan.

It was on a downhill slope protected from the wind, surrounded by a few dead old trees. The brothers who exchanged soba noodles for the child brought the child there.

The object of this task is the siblings, so there is something about their ending.

In the previous life, both Yuanshen and the Qin family naively thought that the child was just brought into the city and sold to a rich family as a slave.

Because at this time, people have not lost their humanity safely.

When he saw the smoke rising from the kitchen, Yunfei knew he had found a place.

After cautiously looking over, he found that Yao Erdan was still fine, his hands and feet were bound, his mouth was gagged and he was thrown aside.

The two men were still lighting a fire and sharpening their knives.

Yunfei sat behind a big rock, a little breathless and dizzy, the original body has been hungry for a long time, and he has no strength at all.

Seeing that there would be no thought of making a move for a while, he quickly took out a bar of chocolate and a bottle of milk from his small space to eat.

When Qin climbed up with difficulty, she had already fallen to the ground. She also saw the smoke from the kitchen over there, and those two familiar men.

Excited, she just wanted to say something, but Yunfei covered her mouth and led her behind the stone.

He took out a paper bag of bread from his arms and stuffed it to her, "Hide here to eat, I'll go and bring our son back."

Qin Shi looked at the strange food in his hand, then looked up at the husband in front of him, and suddenly felt a thump in his heart.

But before she could say anything, Yun Fei had already walked over with a fire ax in his hand.

Speaking of which, this ax was collected in the life when he killed zombies. Later, he mostly used claws, so these tools were not used anymore.


The two brothers had already lit the fire, and they were walking towards the dying Yao Erdan with their sharpened knives.

It's just that before he got close, he was kicked and flew to the ground, and the knife fell to the ground.

"It's you? What? Regret selling the child?" The tall and thin man mocked, holding the sore wrist of his right hand with his left hand.

"It's just in time! We don't have any food left!"

The shorter man looked at Yunfei sternly, picked up a stone in his hand and rushed towards Yunfei.

At that moment, several moves seemed to appear in Yunfei's mind, his body moved faster than his head!
When he came back to his senses, he had already thrown the man on his back to the ground. The feeling of lightness and strength in his body just now was very wonderful.

Yunfei guessed that it should be the skill of embroidering fists and legs.

A low-level skill can do this, so how good is the high-level skill.

"Let go of me, or we'll never end!!! Believe it or not, I ate you and your son, and even slept with your wife!"

"Heh!" After these cruel words, Yunfei concluded, courting death!

He stepped hard on the struggling man, and the fire ax in his hand landed firmly on the man's neck.

Blood gushed out, and the ax got stuck a little bit, and he cut it down with all his strength, and he didn't pull the ax back until the man's body was decapitated.

The tall and thin man standing behind him, who wanted to sneak attack, fell to the ground in horror, and the stone roller in his hand went down the hillside.

"Hero, spare your life! Cannibalism...is my brother's idea, not mine...We haven't had time to eat it yet! Please let me go!!!"

The tall and thin man was so frightened that he knelt down and begged for mercy, with snot and tears streaming down his nose and water dripping from his crotch.

He really didn't expect that this wretched and useless man could kill people without blinking an eye, and also knew martial arts!
If they knew, they would never provoke such a person.

There are too many people who are willing to exchange their children for food!It's just that his baby is the smallest and the cheapest.

Facing the man's begging for mercy, Yunfei remained unmoved at all, and after calmly subduing the man, he raised his hand and dropped his ax again.

It's not the first time to kill people, and now he is used to it well, he only kills the people who should be killed.

It is better to reincarnate in advance for such a disaster that does not know how many people will be harmed in the future.

As for the so-called murder, what is he afraid of when he is already dead.


Qin Xiaocui was instinctively scared when she saw the unkempt husband carrying the child back covered in blood.

The person in front of her is not her lazy husband. Her husband will never get the child back, and he will not dare to kill anyone!Not even martial arts.

She didn't know whether the person in front of her was a ghost or a demon, and she couldn't be a god after all.

What kind of god can admire her face as the head of the family?

"Bitch...give me a hug." Qin Xiaocui tentatively reached out to take the child, but Yunfei dodged it.

"I'll hold and follow."

Seeing that the man had already left quickly with the doe in his arms, Qin Xiaocui could only grit his teeth and keep up.

The daughter is gone, the husband is gone, and she only has a dick...

Yunfei and Qin Shi kept walking back, halfway he even gave the weak Er Dan a box of milk.

Seeing that she was going in the wrong direction, Qin Xiaocui wanted to remind her but dared not, holding the bag of bread tightly in her hand and daring not to eat it.

Yunfei looked back, and Qin Shi had already fainted to the ground.

"Hey..." He put Er Dan on the ground, squatted down and asked, "Er Dan can go by itself, daddy will carry mother on his back, okay?"

Yao Erdan, two and a half years old, is a bit confused due to long-term malnutrition. He doesn't understand the difference between his father's good and bad.

Just like when Yunfei gave him milk, he didn't think about where it came from except that he felt it was delicious and happy.

So upon hearing this, he didn't think there was anything wrong, he nodded obediently, and promised to keep up on foot.

"Good son." After Yun Fei praised him, he helped Qin Shi to carry it on his back.

When Er Dan left, he picked up the bag of things that fell out of his mother's hand, held it in his arms and trotted after his father.

(End of this chapter)

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