Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 186 The Father Who Sells His Sons and Daughters 28

Chapter 186 The Father Who Sells His Sons and Daughters 28

After the whole family celebrated the New Year happily, Yunfei went to Fucheng to inquire about the academy.

After learning that if you want to study in Qinghe Academy, you need to get a letter of recommendation from a scholar before you can enroll.

He took the gift and visited Yuanyuan's wife at home, wrapped the gift money, and told the reason for his visit.

Unexpectedly, Master Yuanyuan, who has always been very fond of Yuanyuan, refused this time. "There are three nominations for Juren every three years. For this year's quota, I have already decided on candidates. I'm sorry."

"Okay, I'm sorry to bother you, sir, and I'll take my leave first."

After leaving the academy, Yunfei visited other families in the town one after another.

Either the quota has been used, or the quota has been reserved, or the lion has opened his mouth.

Li took out a lot, but nothing happened.

This made him frown still tightly when he returned home.


"What's the matter? Seeing you come back, you seem to be a little unhappy?" Qin came over caringly and helped him rub his shoulders.

The gentle and watery eyes are full of dependence, as if only the person in front of you can be seen in the world.

"It's okay, but Yuanyuan's entrance qualifications are not easy to handle. In addition to the entrance examination papers, you must be personally recommended by a candidate."

There are only so many candidates under the entire jurisdiction of Changle Mansion, so one can imagine how sought-after those places are.

The most important thing is that most of those Juren are very arrogant, with contemptuous eyes, greedy conditions, and an appearance of being sure that you must have him.

There are not many students who pass the exam, and those who rank higher may be assigned to positions and assigned to other places.

Therefore, the number of Juren in Changle Mansion did not exceed fifty.

It is conceivable that their arrogance also has capital. Even if they are a little more arrogant, there will be a lot of people who want their children to become a dragon to come to their door...

"Or, let Yuanyuan continue to study in the town! Wait for the next time Master has a place..."

Yunfei shook his head and refused, "No way! How many three years can one's life last? What if you still give priority to others when you become a teacher next time?"

Yunfei felt that he couldn't sit still, so he sighed and said, "Forget it, let others kill it! It's just a few thousand taels of silver..."

"No! The child doesn't want to."

Yao Qiyuan, who just came back from his grandma's house, opened the door and came in with a stubborn and determined face.

"Father doesn't need to beg for this matter anymore, our family doesn't spend this money, and it's the same to study in the town."

"It's true to ask for help. Those recruiting talents are a monopoly skill, and there is nothing wrong with asking for a higher price. If other people can afford it, so can our family..."

"No! If you don't go, no matter where you are, you will study hard! If you cause your father to be ridiculed because of your child, the family will be in trouble! I don't want to." The eye sockets are slightly red.

Yao Qiyuan felt that he was really going too far. He couldn't help the family's work on weekdays, and he had to spend so much money on the family.

How could his conscience be at ease.

Yao Qiyue looked at her younger brother strangely, and asked puzzledly: "Yuanyuan, did you fail to learn arithmetic well? Why do you think our family will be poor after spending a few thousand taels?

But this kind of lion is clearly opening its mouth, you have to give it, it is indeed very annoying. "

"Okay! Don't worry about two children who are not half the age of your father and me together.

Although our family is not a wealthy family, we still have enough money in terms of money.

Let dad handle this matter, you don't have to worry about it, you can study with peace of mind..."

Before Yunfei finished speaking, Yao Qiyuan thumped and knelt down again.

After he kowtowed, he respectfully said: "Father, don't hit the wall again! My child knows that the family can come up with several thousand taels of silver, but this matter is not that simple.

I used to think that colleges were based on grades, but I didn't expect this to happen, and I remembered what a classmate once said..."

Probably there were some students from their private school who were recruited by those recruits.

That classmate's family background is also very rich but not enough, little rich is more than enough, and he has no background.

As a result, his father went around begging for help with money, but was ridiculed and ridiculed because the money did not meet the expectations of those people.

At that time, Yao Qiyuan thought it was because he wanted to go through the back door, but he didn't expect it to be a condition for going through the front door.

Let him watch his father nodding and bowing for him, begging for money, he can't do it.

In this life, the person he respects most is his father!

"The person you are asking for may not be as talented as you! Let you bow your head, the child does not study, unwilling, unwilling!"

In the final analysis, the main reason is that Yuanyuan loves her father dearly, and she can't pass the test in her heart.

"Then since daddy's talent and learning are better than those juren, why don't you go for a juren test and then recommend your younger brother?"

Yao Qiyue, who finished speaking smoothly, saw that everyone was looking at her, she hesitated for a moment, and opened her mouth to explain: "Hehe, I'm just... just kidding, after all, I don't understand these things, just kidding."

Yao Qiyuan felt that her sister's suggestion was good, "Sister is right, why didn't father just go to the Juren examination? Anyway, my child would rather not study than accept you to make amends for those people who are trying to gain fame."

If he was a well-educated Juren, he would have been appointed by the imperial court to be an official.

Instead of letting them go back to their place of origin and do nothing.

"That's right, it happens that there will be an imperial examination in June this year. If you miss it, you have to wait another three years."

Yunfei: …… It’s fine to study literature and martial arts, but now you have to take the imperial examination?Ancient is too curly!


Yunfei disagrees with what Yuanyuan said, no matter where she studies, as long as she works hard, the result is the same.

Most of the masters in private schools are elderly scholars.

However, Qinghe College has several officials who have retired from the imperial court to teach, and they are ahead in terms of knowledge alone.

In addition to teaching imperial examination knowledge, the master also taught how to be a parent official and how to flexibly deal with various intrigues in officialdom.

Therefore, these are not things that students can learn by themselves by burning the lights and reading at night.

In the end, Yunfei agreed to Yuanyuan's concession, promising that he would only spend money and not get angry!
Only then did Yuanyuan agree to let Yunfei visit those Juren again.

Master Juren from Qingping Town, saw his servants come to report that the farmer from Qingxi Town who came to the door yesterday came again.

"Oh, yesterday, these poor people didn't want to spend money. Today, after asking all the candidates, he thinks that I am more kind, and now he wants to beg again.
how freshJust let it dry first..."

"Obey my lord!"

After the servant retreated, Sun Juren calmly played with the wrench on his thumb, and was already thinking about which concubine he would tip first when he got the silver ticket later.

(End of this chapter)

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