Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 188 The Father Who Sells His Sons and Daughters 3

Chapter 188
With the arrival of the officers and soldiers, the firecrackers prepared by both sides were quickly lit.

The crackling sound resounded in every corner of the village.

"I have seen several officials!" Everyone saluted.

"Excuse me! Excuse me, who is Master Yao Chunlin?"

"Xiaosheng is right." Yunfei bowed his hands politely.

"Haha, congratulations, master. In this provincial examination, you won the No.2 ranking! You will be a scholar from now on! I will come here specially to congratulate you."

Lin Butou also showed great respect for Yunfei. After all, with this ranking, the person in front of him might one day become his immediate boss.

"Thank you for your hard work, let's go in and have a cup of tea before leaving!" Yun Fei invited with a smile on his lips.

"No, thank you for your kindness, master. It's just that I'm on official business and need to go to other masters' homes to report congratulations, so..."

"Then we won't delay the official errands. Please accept any kindness."

The gift money is handed over to the head catcher, who will distribute it to his subordinates, and the wedding candy, snacks and red paper envelopes will be given to each person.

"Thank you, master! Then I will take my leave first."

"Go slowly, officials!"


After the officers and soldiers left, the village chiefs and old patriarchs who were waiting on the side stepped forward to congratulate them one after another.

The village head and uncle also said: "Chunlin! You have given us the face of the village head of Xiahe, our land! The blood is full, and there is not even a scholar."

"Yes! Da Zhuang! I've made the decision. Let's kill the pig today and let's worship our ancestors! This uncle is also the half son of our Qin family!

Let's tell our ancestors that the daughter of the Qin family is promising! ! !Our Xing'er is the upright lady in the family of a decent scholar. "

It could be seen that the old patriarch was very excited. From his point of view, although Yunfei didn't join the Qin family, but lived here, there was nothing wrong with the Qin family.

So he is really excited, their old Qin family is going to be an official master!There is also Xing'er, a peasant girl, I am afraid that she will be killed by the official's wife.

"This...isn't it too grand to kill a pig?"

"It's right to be grand! It's such a big event, so it needs to be more grand! Alright, tonight, Xing'er, my cousin, don't prepare dinner! Go to my house and set up a few tables for us to celebrate." The village chief said cheerfully. After the announcement, I went home happily and prepared to kill the pig to worship the ancestors.

Qin Sen also sent the old patriarch home...

Only those left in place have not yet recovered from the surprise.

After Qin Lin laughed out loud, he cupped his hands and saluted, "I, Qin Lin, have seen Mr. Scholar, Mrs. Scholar!"

"Second brother... what are you doing!" Qin Shi glared at her confused younger brother reproachfully.

"Hey! Didn't we want you to experience what it's like to be a talented woman in advance!"

Yao Qiyuan retorted: "Second uncle is wrong. A scholar is not yet an official, but a little bit of privilege! It's far from being a dignitary."

"Haha, after the autumn test, maybe your father will be a juren, and then he will be assigned an official position. This ceremony! Isn't it about to do it?
Your second uncle and me, this is to help your parents get used to it first. "

Qin Lin's wife, Huang Shi, looked at her eldest sister-in-law and uncle with envy, and stroked her swollen belly expectantly.

The husband said that if she gave birth to a boy, he would be sent to school.

If he wants to take the imperial examination in the future, he will not touch the business anymore. He will buy more land and rent it out, which will be enough for the family to live on.


There was a master scholar in Xiahe Village, and it was spread all over the place.

When worshiping the ancestors at night, Qin Dazhuang's elder brother kept his head down, without the face to look directly at his younger brother.

He obediently stood in the corner, watching the ceremony enviously, while his younger brother pulled his uncle with a blushing face, chatting happily with the clan elders.

After finishing the dinner at the village head's house, on the way home, the daughter-in-law next to me was still talking triumphantly to her daughter-in-law about how many pieces of meat they ate today.

How many dishes did they put on the table, and they brought them back to reheat, and they would eat several meals tomorrow, and they could eat several more meals.

For the first time, he felt that this daughter-in-law of his was married to the wrong one, she was aggressive, overbearing, and greedy for cheap things.

The daughters-in-law selected and the children and grandchildren taught are all petty, and they deserve to be stuck in the mud for the rest of their lives and cannot get out.

The more I thought about it, the more bored I became, so I decided to go further away on purpose, and stop listening to the words of that silly girl who was complacent about eating more meat.

The younger brother who was originally not as good as theirs has never lost the smell of meat since he found his daughter back.

Occasionally at the entrance of the village, he said helplessly: "If you eat too much meat, you will get tired! My uncle also said that a combination of meat and vegetables is good for your health."

It would be hypocritical for him to say so!How could this meat eat bad people?Maybe it was his uncle who was reluctant to let him eat it.

If he could afford it, he wished that every meal would be full of fat, oily and fragrant.


After staying at home for a few days, Yunfei was ready to go out.

This time he was going to take Qin Sen and Yao Qiyuan with him.

When you are young, you need to go out more and see the world outside, so that people will be more transparent.

At night, Qin shi reluctantly helped pack the bags.

Yunfei comforted softly: "In half a year, my son and I will be back, don't worry too much."

"I just feel uncomfortable. We have never been separated in our whole life..."

"You are in poor health, the journey is far away, and the conditions are simple. As a husband, I really don't want you to suffer along with me. I have my mother-in-law at home, so I am safe and comfortable.

If you want to play, wait for me to go home, and then take you out alone to see the beautiful scenery of Donglin's mountains and rivers, and the fireworks on earth.

The time is too tight this time, you can't stop on the road for too long, if you go along, you'll just be bored in the carriage all day long. "

"This concubine knows that... the journey will be safe and sound, take good care of yourself and Yuanyuan, I will wait for you at home."

On the eve of parting, Yunfei's soul stayed in the small black room prepared by the system space and counted the hair of the night...

As for what the simulated companion robot did, he didn't know.

Anyway, what he set is a considerate and comfortable mode, so it won't be uncomfortable anyway.


On the second day, the three of them set off, took a young professional groom with them, and embarked on their way to Beijing for the exam.

Looking at the scenery outside the window, Yunfei felt quite emotional, the saying that knowledge changes destiny is true everywhere.

Yao Qiyuan took a long vacation with his master in the town, and he might transfer schools when he comes back this time.

He looked outside happily, it was the first time he had left home so far in such a big age.

"Daddy, when we come back, let's go see Elder Sister by the way! I miss you a little bit."

"Okay! When we come back, let's take a detour to see how my sister is doing in martial arts." Yunfei also misses his Miss Hu.

I don't know if I can persist in practicing martial arts on the mountain.

 Thank you for your votes▄██ ●The weather is cold and I always feel sleepy, everyone go to bed early ~ good night!
(End of this chapter)

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