Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 190 The Father Who Sells His Sons and Daughters 32

Chapter 190 The Father Who Sells His Sons and Daughters 32

After pushing the carriage out, several people continued on their way to leave...

Bang! !

Yunfei reacted very quickly and hugged Yuanyuan to prevent him from hitting the carriage.

"It's probably stuck again."

The coachman's voice was also a little embarrassed and helpless, "I'm sorry, master, it's too dark today, I really can't see the road clearly."

"It's okay, I'll go down by myself! The third brother can just stay in the carriage."

Yunfei pushed out hard again, the exhaustion of the whole night broke them.

The rain didn't stop until dawn.

They changed out of their wet clothes and ate some dry food before continuing on their way.

Because the firewood on the road was wet, I couldn't find anything that could make ginger soup.

"Little Ma! If there is a town ahead, let's go in! Rest for a day before leaving." Otherwise, if one of them catches a cold, it will be even worse.

"Obey my lord!"


"Anping Town." Yuanyuan opened the curtain and read the words on the plaque.

The four found an inn, opened two guest rooms, and fell asleep soundly.

They didn't have a good rest last night, and they got caught in the rain. They have been a little dizzy all day today.

This sleep went straight to nightfall.

"Ahem." Yuanyuan coughed twice with a pale face.

"Would Daddy take you to see the doctor?"


Yunfei took Yuanyuan by the hand, greeted Qin Sen and the others before leaving the inn.

The streets were quiet, many shops were closed, and there were only two or three pedestrians.

The shopkeeper of Huichuntang was fiddling with the abacus, writing with a pen and ledger in his hand.

A medicine boy next to him was cleaning the pharmacy, and an old doctor was reading medical books by candlelight.

"Welcome, sir, do you want to see a doctor or get medicine?"

Seeing the guests, the drug boy hurried over and bowed to greet him.

"see a doctor."

"Okay, master, this is the doctor in charge of our pharmacy, Doctor Qiu."

"Where is the discomfort?" After putting down the medical book, the old doctor calmly stretched out his hand to feel Yuanyuan's pulse.

"It rained a little last night, and I have a little cough today."

The old doctor probed Yuanyuan's forehead and found that there was no fever, so he felt relieved and began to write the prescription slowly.

"No fever, nothing serious, the old man will prescribe some medicine for you to dispel the cold air, go to the cabinet and grab the medicine."

While waiting for the time to grab the medicine, Yuanyuan looked out of the pharmacy boredly, occasionally passing by a few people in a hurry.

Suddenly he saw an honest-looking uncle carrying a sack and nervously getting into the alley opposite the pharmacy.

That sack is still struggling.

The more Yuanyuan thought about it, the more something was wrong, so she quickly grabbed Yunfei and said in a low voice, "Daddy, I might have seen a human trafficker! The man's sack just now can move."


Yunfei carried the medicine and walked towards the opposite alley with Yuanyuan.

"Look, Dad!" Yuanyuan picked up a bead flower that fell in the middle of the road.

Seeing Yunfei standing there hesitating, Yuanyuan immediately understood, "Daddy, I am not afraid! If it is really a human trafficker, we are the only chance for that child.

If a man is afraid of danger and refuses to save him, then he is a gentleman and a man. "

"Hehe...you are a boy, not a man."

However, Yunfei still led him and walked in cautiously.

In addition to worrying about external dangers when raising cubs, one must also pay attention to physical and mental health and character education.


The two walked lightly and walked through the dark alley.

This piece of house is old and quiet, only one place has the sound of knocking on the door.

Yunfei kicked up the courtyard wall briskly with his hands and feet, and lay his head on it to peek.

I saw two men talking in the yard, and a sack was moving beside them.

The moonlight is bright tonight.

"Brother, did you get another one?"

The man who just came back from the courtyard said happily: "This one! It was picked up for nothing. In the alley on the other side of Huaxiang, there was a woman hugging this girl covered in blood and unconscious.

It's a pity that the big one died, so I brought the little one back. "

"That's really a pity. Hurry up and hide him! We'll send them out at dawn, the gate of the city is already bigger."

"Okay, I'll put her in the cellar with the kids."

Seeing that the two had talked and returned to the yard, Yunfei quickly jumped down and led Yuanyuan away.

He hurriedly sent the child back to the inn, told Qin Sen to take good care of Yuanyuan, and hurried to the gate of the county government office to beat drums and report the case.

The county magistrate of Anping Town, surnamed Liu, heard the sound of drumming, even though he was unhappy, he still put on his official uniform and was promoted to the hall.

"Who is in the hall? Why are you beating the drums?"

Yunfei handed over the household registration and scholar certificate to the master, because of his fame, he was exempted from kneeling in the courtroom and only bowed his hands.

"Xiaosheng is a scholar from the Changle Mansion who came to Beijing to take the exam. Today, he rested temporarily at the inn in the town. After nightfall, he brought his dog to the Huichun Hall to see a doctor. It didn't happen..."

"Can you guarantee that what you said is true?" Magistrate Liu asked with a frown.

"Xiaosheng is willing to guarantee it with his fame."

"Okay! Come on, follow Yao Xiucai to arrest the suspect and bring him to justice!" County Magistrate Liu ordered after hitting the gavel.

"Impressive order!"


Under the leadership of Yunfei, the officers and soldiers quickly rushed to the old house with torches and surrounded it.

"Wrap up, don't let a single person go! Knock the door open!"

Bang~ bang!
"Who is it?" A man's fierce voice came from inside.

The door was broken open, and the officers and soldiers rushed in, followed by Yunfei.

As soon as the two sides met, they started fighting. There were five people in the house, four men and one woman.

There were only four men among them who were able to fight, and the woman was the wife of one of them.

Yunfei followed in and helped pick up the child who was handed over from the cellar.

There are eight in total, including patched cotton-padded clothes and brocade cotton-padded clothes, five men and three women.

When the last child came up, he was a little surprised.

Cao Jiayun also felt that the uncle in front of her was kind-hearted, but she couldn't remember it just by searching her memory.

"Is it... Jiayun?"

Cao Jiayun's pupils constricted, and she didn't know how to answer for a moment. She was not sure whether this uncle was an enemy or a friend.

Because of her background, from the time she remembered after she was five years old, the housekeeper uncle and the others had been taking her to move.

Seeing the subconscious vigilance of the girl's body, Yunfei understood, "Where's Zhao Qian? Why isn't she by your side?"

Hearing Sister Zhao's name, Cao Jiayun couldn't control her tears.

Seeing this, Yunfei also understood, and comforted softly: "Don't be afraid! Uncle Yao will take you home!"

He led Cao Jiayun back to the county government with the officers and soldiers, and the county magistrate interrogated the traffickers overnight.

They're all flamboyant flamboyants roaming around, shooting one shot for another.

The children were not abducted from the same place. County magistrate Liu detained the group, then settled the children in the county government office, and wrote a notice and posted it outside.

(End of this chapter)

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