Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 192 The Father Who Sells His Sons and Daughters 35

Chapter 192 The Father Who Sells His Sons and Daughters 35

After inquiring for three days, Yunfei finally found a chance to take the things of Cao Steward and came to see Old General Cao.

After a while, an old man with white hair and loose posture was staggering and helped out.

The originally strong old man lost more than half of his weight in just a few months.

He excitedly stepped forward and grabbed Yunfei's arm, and asked expectantly, "Yun'er..."

"She is here, General, do you think you will send someone to pick her up, or should I send her here?"

"I'll pick her up! I'll go...to prepare the horse myself!"

"General, your body..." the man supporting him reminded in a low voice.

"The general's body is fine! My heart was ashamed before, because I thought that there is no blood of my Cao family in this world! Now that I know that Yun'er is still there, I naturally want to earn a future for her!!"

In short, no one could stop Old General Cao's decision. He got on his horse, his face was still pale, but his eyes were bright.

Under Yunfei's notice, he rode quickly all the way to the small inn, followed by a group of servants.


Seeing a group of people rushing into the inn, the shopkeeper's legs went limp.

Trembling, he came out and asked, "Everyone, what's wrong with this little old man's shop?"

The servant of the General's Mansion smiled and comforted him, "Don't panic, shop owner, we are servants of the General's Mansion, here to pick up my young lady back to the mansion."


General Cao has already seen Cao Jiayun in the guest room.He was tearful, his thin and calloused hands raised and lowered.

"Little Yun'er... has grown up again, and is much taller."

"Grandpa!" Cao Jiayun only met her grandfather a few years ago, so she recognized General Cao.

These years, although she has been raised everywhere, occasionally her parents will come to see her, and occasionally her grandfather will come.

It's just that Steward Cao never took her to the north to see her family.

"Good boy, just go home! Go, go back home with grandpa, you have suffered a lot these days!"

When Old General Cao brought Cao Jiayun out, he warmly invited Yunfei to the General's Mansion as a guest.

Unable to accept the hospitality, he still retreated from the room and took Yuanyuan and the others to the General's Mansion.

When he arrived at the General's Mansion, Yunfei told him everything about meeting Cao Jiayun.

After learning what had happened, General Cao regarded them as benefactors and settled them in the guest room.

Until the day when the test begins.


This time the scale was larger, and the search and investigation were more stringent.

Everyone was allowed to put on their coats only after being checked in their middle clothes. They were not allowed to take food with them, and pens, inkstones were also checked over and over again.

Since his granddaughter came back, General Cao's spirit has also returned, and now he basically stays at home with Cao Jiayun.

Chatting with Yunfei has become a year-end friendship. He is so old, but he also likes to listen to stories.

They also admire Yuanyuan, and many of their points of view are the same when it comes to listening to stories.

Because Cao Jiayun's childhood was too miserable, so after she came back this time, Old General Cao pampered her very much.

What rules, embroidery work!Qin, chess, calligraphy and painting are not allowed to learn, and they obviously look bad.

Just ask Mammy to teach her housekeeper how to read the ledger...

However, Cao Jiayun herself loves to read and write, so she is still studying hard.


After finishing the exam and waiting for the results to be announced, Yunfei won the exam without any surprise. His name was ranked seventh, which is enough to get an official position, so they will not be able to leave Beijing for a while.

The old general asked Yunfei to talk in the study late at night.

"Yun Shen, do you have any ideas about where to work?"

Yunshen is Yunfeiqi's character. His surname is Yao, his first name is Chunlin, and his character is Yunshen.

"It's better to be closer to home. My wife is worried about her elderly father-in-law and mother-in-law."

Old General Cao nodded and said in a deep voice: "This matter, I will handle it for you! What kind of plans do you have for Qi Yuan's future?"

"He wants to be an official. As a father, I naturally support it."

Old General Cao sighed a little, "If the children were not forced to learn the art of war and martial arts from an early age! Instead, they were allowed to do whatever they wanted, maybe they would not have died."

So now he lets his little granddaughter do whatever she wants!
Fuck the virtuous and virtuous, dignified and polite, what he said inside and out meant to let the only seedling of their family marry those princes.

Their family, Yun'er, doesn't learn from those!
Yunfei didn't answer this question, because it couldn't be said who was right and who was wrong in this matter.

There are always people who have to sacrifice themselves and carry the weight ahead.

Full of loyalty, it is embarrassing and admirable.


"The old man doesn't want Yun'er to walk into that cold deep palace. If we let her make a marriage with Qi Yuan, would Yun Shen wish?"

"This..." Yun Fei frowned, and said with some hesitation: "Jia Yun is very good, with a noble background, a gentle and kind-hearted disposition, it's just a matter of marriage, it's better to ask the two of them.

After all, they are the ones who want to be with each other for the rest of their lives, and they have to be happy, but they are only nine years old now, so I'm afraid they don't understand the relationship between a man and a woman..."

"Hahaha, the old man has asked Yun'er, she is willing, as for Qi Yuan, you can ask, whether it is successful or not, it will not affect our friendship.

The old man is also worried!With my current body, I don't know how many years I can last, so I want to pave the way for her before I die.

The water depth in this capital city is not very good either!Stay away from here and go to a small county town to be an official in peace and stability. "

It was also because Yunfei didn't have the ambition of being a high-ranking official and a rich salary that Old General Cao thought of assigning his little granddaughter to the Yao family.

With him around, it doesn't matter if the family is lower. In short, there will be no shortage of food and drink, and what he values ​​is the character of the father and son.

Moreover, the men of the Yao family don't take concubines, that's what Yunfei said himself.

The back house is stable, the husband and wife are harmonious, the parents-in-law are reasonable, and the eldest sister-in-law is a woman who practices martial arts, and she is also open-minded.

It's not that he can't find someone to entrust his little granddaughter to, it's just that he is dissatisfied with those people.

The descendants of an old friend's family, after their generation is gone, who else is willing to give him face.

Neither can the descendants of his subordinates!It's good that he's still alive, if he's dead...

Just like a princess, she married a son-in-law and used her status to force her not to accept concubines, but she never stopped looking for flowers and flowers in the outside room.

But Qiyuan is different, let's not talk about the family tradition, just talk about the child's temper, he is not that fickle person.

"My Cao family is really down and out, but Yun'er is the only junior in our family, even if the old man dies, I will arrange a beautiful life for her before she dies.

So I don’t have much requirements for her future husband, good character, good family style, harmonious elders, it’s enough for the husband to love others..." Old General Cao said that he would go through the back door before he died. Make arrangements for the grandson-in-law.

Let Yunfei rest assured that their family property, even if the Cao family is destroyed, will still not be down.

"The old man mainly didn't want Yun'er to get involved in the affairs of the capital, so he asked her to make a kiss and hide away.

If they don't want to in the future, you can call them off!Regardless of whether this matter is successful or not, the old man will help you with your errands.

Thanks to you, Yun'er can come back safely this way, the Yao family will always be a distinguished guest of the Cao family! "

(End of this chapter)

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