Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 194 The Father Who Sells His Sons and Daughters 37

Chapter 194 The Father Who Sells His Sons and Daughters 37

After Qin's arrival, Yunfei began to teach her how to communicate with those noble ladies.

There is no need to please, no need to feel inferior, just be polite and polite. As his wife, there will definitely be some entertainment.

But you don't have to force yourself, just keep in touch with those who are pleasing to the eye, and just push to meet those who are not pleasing to the eye.

No bribes, just let the servant girl come to him for anything.

In the beginning, Qin didn't have much confidence in herself, but in order to be a good wife, she soon got acquainted with the wife of the master's family, and taught her a lot.

Now I can grasp the degree of getting along with each other.

Yao Qiyue, who was practicing martial arts far away on the mountain, learned that Yunfei was an official, her first reaction was...after she completes her studies, she will go to her father's place to be a female head catcher and catch thieves! !

No position, no salary, it doesn't matter if you are not recognized by the world, as long as you know who to arrest! !
The more she thinks about her martial arts, the more vigorous she becomes, as if she has been injected with chicken blood, and her master is full of praise for her, boasting that Yao Qiyue is born to be a good seed for martial arts.


Five years later.

On the streets of Yuanding County, a beautiful woman in a tight black riding suit with her hair tied up was fighting with a man with a scar in her hand.

After a few rounds, she unloaded the man's weapon and stepped on it.

"Hmph! Still want to run!"

clap clap~~
"Miss is mighty!!"

"Miss is so amazing!!"

The onlookers applauded the woman one after another, and respectfully called her Missy.

The policeman who was waiting next to him immediately went forward and escorted the man with the scar to the county government office for interrogation.

In a carriage by the side of the road, there were two young masters who happened to witness this scene. The taller man next to Mr. Wen Ruo was a little lost in thought as he watched the woman leave.

Subconsciously asked: "Who is that?"

Yao Qiyue lightly held the folding fan and laughed, "That's my sister! She's used to dancing with guns and clubs, Brother Wenqing laughed at her."

Han Wenqing was his classmate in the academy, and in a few months, the two made an appointment to go to Beijing together for the exam.

They were already scholars three years ago, and after three years of precipitation, they decided to give it a try.

"Hmm... so it's Sister Ling! She's very agile, have you ever practiced martial arts?"

"Well, eldest sister has practiced martial arts since she was a child. After returning from her studies, she stays in the county government to help catch criminals. She likes to punish evil and promote good."

"Sister Ling is really temperamental."

Han Wenqing recalled that woman just now, with the weakest face, doing the most vicious thing, the corners of her mouth involuntarily curled up.


When the two passed by the county government office that was being promoted, the coachman originally planned to enter directly through the back door, but was stopped by Han Wenqing.

"Is this uncle's trial? Why don't we go and have a look, so that I can learn more." Han Wenqing said this seriously.

Several large towns near Shili Baxiang have heard of the reputation of the county magistrate of Yuanding County as fair and honest.

Ever since he found out that his friend was the only son of Yao magistrate, he was shocked, and asked about the trial process of many past cases, which made him very curious about this county magistrate.

"Alright then, Uncle Ma, drive the carriage back first! I'll accompany Brother Wenqing around."

The two squeezed in from the crowd.

Under the plaque hanging high in the mirror, a man in his early 40s was sitting upright in the high hall wearing an official robe.

Snapped! !

"Criminal Li Dahammer, do you plead guilty?"

"Your Excellency! Caomin is wronged! Caomin looks fierce and good, but Caomin definitely did not kill my wife. Caomin's family is poor, so he finally got a wife! What did I kill her for!"

What Li Dahammer said was reasonable and well-founded, and the common people discussed it a lot, and they all felt that what he said was also reasonable.

These ordinary people, all their savings may not be enough to marry a wife, let alone take a concubine, so they agree with this statement very much.

How could she be willing to kill a woman who had finally married her?When the mother-in-law dies, she may have to be single until she grows old.

It's not that they didn't spend their time thinking, it's because they didn't have enough ability to make them think.

However, Yunfei was not confused by him. If he hadn't found out, he wouldn't let Yao Qiyue lead the police to arrest him.

"Certificate, physical evidence! This officer will let you die to understand today..."

As pieces of evidence emerged, Yunfei simulated the process of committing the crime, and sentenced Li Dahammer on the spot for selling illicit salt, but was discovered by his wife, who brutally killed him, paid for his life, and was executed after autumn.


After Yunfei left, the people dared to discuss loudly, "Master Yao is really amazing!!"

"Yes, he can basically solve any kind of case in his hands, and he will never favor anyone."

"Last month, the landlord who bullied the long-term worker's daughter, he sentenced the landlord, and it's not good to give money."

"Heaven has eyes! In the past, even if we ordinary people were bullied to death, we wouldn't dare to step into this yamen."

Because the premise of reporting the case before was that the person who reported the case had to bear the ten punishments first.

The government in most places follows this rule, and the reason is to prevent the common people from reporting trivial matters such as throwing a chicken to the government.

Therefore, when reporting to the official, the rich are fearless, but the poor are terrified.


"My father's trial is fair, right? Brother Wenqing...Brother Wenqing, what are you thinking?" Yao Qiyuan pushed his friend who had been dazed beside him.

Han Wenqing apologized a little embarrassedly, "I'm sorry, I was thinking about something just now, what did Qi Yuan just say?"

"I said, what do you think of my father's case?"

"Uncle is very powerful and fair! Nowadays, there are very few officials who are so responsible and serious.

By the way, Qi Yuan, have you lived in Yuanding County since birth? "

Yao Qiyuan shook his head and smiled, "No! Didn't I tell you? My family is in Xiahe Village, Qingxi Town. After my father came here to take office, we moved here for a long time."

"Then... do you know about Tianqi Kingdom?"

"I know! The roots of our old Yao's family used to be in Tianqi, but Tianqi has already perished! My father moved the ancestral grave here two years ago."


Yao Qiyuan saw that Han Wenqing's condition was not good, so he asked worriedly: "Brother Wenqing, something is wrong with you today? Are you too tired? Let's go back to the mansion to rest."

"Alright..." When Han Wenqing thought of the two people he was going to meet later, his heart became very nervous.

"Master is back!"

"The little one has seen the young master!"

"Well, there's no need to be too polite, let's go back to the house to meet father and mother."

Yao Qiyuan took Han Wenqing directly to the courtyard where Yunfei lived. He couldn't wait to introduce friends to his family.

I also want to introduce my family to my friends.

Han Wenqing was a rare confidant in his life, and also a good friend he brought home for the first time.

(End of this chapter)

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