Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 197 The Father Who Sells His Sons and Daughters 4

Chapter 197
After getting the news, Old Master Cao asked the housekeeper to meet with all his former subordinates.

Still struggling to support his body, he entered the palace.

It was because of this entry into the palace that Yao Qiyuan, who was originally assigned a small official at most, got the official position of the prefect of Changle Prefecture.

And Han Wenqing also took advantage of General Cao and was assigned to be the magistrate of Qingxi Town.

The reason why Yao Qiyuan was given such a high official position was because Lord Cao said he was leaving the capital and would spend the rest of his life with his granddaughter.

There is no male in their family, and after his death, there will be no one to inherit the Hou Mansion, so it's better to just let it go.

The emperor also asked tentatively, "Why didn't Lord Hou adopt a child or let Jiayun recruit a son-in-law?"

Lord Cao smiled weakly, "That kid Jiayun has a crush on Yao Qiyuan, and the Yao family only has such a male, so I can only let her go."

The fact is that he is afraid that after his death, those who can't tolerate the Cao family will wipe out the grass and roots.

But if the Hou Mansion is gone, no one will focus on the Cao family anymore, because it is worthless.


After receiving the letter of appointment, the mighty group of people set off from the Hou's mansion.

The common people on the road saw him off one after another, and also brought home souvenirs.

"Master General! Have a good trip!"

"My lord, take care of yourself."

"Master General, if you have time, go back to the capital to have a look..."

The people who saw them off didn't stop until they had been sent three miles outside the city.

Cao Ding said to his granddaughter with some emotion: "Grandpa has never regretted it in his life. First he has a country and then a family. If the family and the country are not guaranteed, how can we talk about stability! Our Cao family is not protecting the country for your majesty.

For the people of Liming in this land, and for future generations..."


Cao Jiayun looked at the old man in front of her with worry, not knowing how to comfort her.

"Haha! Grandpa is fine. In this life, grandpa will be worthy of everyone except his family! When grandpa sees you getting married with his own eyes, he will have no regrets... cough cough."

"Grandpa, don't talk about it, you will live a long life." Cao Jiayun hurriedly handed warm water to the coughing old man.

"Ahem...Grandpa is fine."

The non-stop coughing sound in the carriage made many people feel very heavy.

For the people on the road this time, the Cao family brought the housekeeper, nurse, nurse in charge, and some old people in the house!

Those maidservants and servants who bought in were all sold off, and the ones left were loyal servants and family-born children for many years.


After dawdling along the way for two months, he returned to Changle Mansion.

It was because Cao Ding's health was getting worse and worse, old injuries recurred, he always had a low-grade fever, and he fell asleep drowsily.

The atmosphere in the team became solemn all the way, everyone was afraid that Master Cao would not be able to survive the day when his granddaughter got married.

Fortunately, when he arrived at Changlefu City, he held on again and remained awake.

On the way, he had already sent his confidants to take care of everything.

Cao Ding was helped out of the carriage, his back was hunched, and his trembling hands held tightly to the person who supported him, his gray silver threads were blown by the wind.

He looked up at the big word on the plaque: Cao's House, and sighed with some melancholy and joy, "Yun'er... from now on, this will be your natal family.

Regardless of whether grandpa is here or whether parents are here, if your husband treats you badly in the future, come back home!The foundation of our family is enough for you to have enough food and clothing for a lifetime..."

"Okay, just listen to grandpa." Cao Jiayun choked up.

After the Cao family all entered the mansion, Yao Qiyuan and the three left with the new housekeeper of the Cao mansion, and went to the government office to go through the replacement procedures.

This prefect also dare not complain.

The kind of people who resent, envy or resent through the back door have long been dismissed, and the officials who stay and get promoted know what it means to be flexible...

The first thing to do when taking over the post is a big purge.

In order to speed up, he also left Han Wenqing and Yao Qiyue to help, and then sent someone to pick up his parents.

When Qin learned that Yao Qiyuan wanted to get married as soon as possible, even at the beginning of next month, her first reaction was to object, and she looked suspicious: "It's not that mother is unreasonable, but how can a younger brother get married before an older sister?
Once this happens, what will your sister do?Everyone's saliva will drown her!Besides, it's not good for Miss Cao's family.

Gossip doesn't hurt the flesh, but it can kill the heart! "

People would say that the eldest daughter of the Yao family cannot get married, and that the daughter of the Cao family hates marrying!Before the elder sister-in-law got married, she was in a hurry to come in.

Due to power, people dare not discuss it in person, but the words behind it must be indispensable.

"This..." Yao Qiyuan showed hesitation when it came to his own sister.

Yunfei just wanted to say that the rule is that the dead are alive, but before he could say anything, Yao Qiyue said carelessly: "Then I will get married one step ahead of them."


Qin expressed her shock, "What? Who are you going to marry?"

Isn't it shocking!Why did the two children get married after a trip to the capital?
Someone who was engaged at a young age was somewhat prepared, why did the silent eldest daughter find a uncle for them?

"Is it the young master of the Han family?"

Even Yunfei wasn't sure, because when Han Wenqing lived in their house, he didn't see any private communication between the two.

Every time we talk or meet... Yao Qiyuan is always present.

Thinking of this, Yunfei turned his attention to Yao Qiyuan. This sister and friend came together under his nose, does his son know?
Yao Qiyuan understood his father's look, "Daddy... I know about this, brother Han is a good man, if he is not a good match, my son will not let him touch his sister.

If he betrays his eldest sister in the future, his son will definitely not forgive him!And Brother Han said, it's not impossible for a son-in-law to visit. "

"Then, Tuantuan also told him about getting married? At least you have to make an appointment first, right?"

Yao Qiyue has been leaning on the pillars in the house, turned around and left immediately after hearing the words, "It's okay, Mom and Dad, I'll go and talk to him first."


Han Wenqing, who was busy helping his friend sort out the files at the moment, didn't know whether to be dazed or excited.

Happiness comes too suddenly.

After reacting, he immediately dropped the file and said, "Tuantuan! You wait for me for two days, and I promise to prepare the dowry, remember to wait for me!"

The scholar, who had always maintained his demeanor, directly lifted the obstructing robe and ran away from the government office.

In front of the future wife, the matter of the brother-in-law, of course, has to stand aside!
Yao Qiyue is very satisfied with this, so she just said it!For such a simple matter, the whole family needs to be in a dilemma!
Done!go home for dinner.

(End of this chapter)

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