Chapter 200 Ghost Wife Ghost One
[Extract task emotions and scientific research knowledge, in the experience of being an official...]

[Mission settlement...

Mission objectives: Yao Qiyue's happiness level is 90%, Yao Qiyuan's happiness level is 95%
Mission Completion Level: Perfect

Settlement points: 92.

Accumulated points: 530 (Note: 500 points can open the mall.)
Task rewards: primary yin and yang eyes, primary spells. 】

Package: bionic companion robot, 1 square meters of space (a piece of land has been fused.), elementary yin and yang eyes*1, elementary spells*[-].

Skills: Elementary level of fist and leg embroidery.

[Do you want to learn skills now?Do you want to open the mall now? 】

Yunfei, who had fully recovered, was pawing at the system interface, and quickly took the opportunity to take a look, so as not to be kicked away later.

After hearing the prompt, he thought for a while and replied, "Yes."

[Successfully opened the mall, points -500, balance 30. 】

[Successfully learned elementary yin and yang eyes and elementary spells. 】

When Yunfei was kicked to the mission world again, he only heard a system electronic voice saying: "By the way, in order to let you live well in the next world, I helped you overdraw the reward in advance, which is the book of spells, so the next The world must pass flawlessly, and no rewards are issued."

The system calmly used a privilege volume in front of the computer.

If it wasn't for the host's peace of mind, it would be reluctant to use up a volume.

Why!Definitely not because the roll was about to expire.

However, it is true that the host is reluctant to be so worry-free. After all, the rolls that are about to expire can also sell a lot of system points.


Yunfei is speechless, but you let me take a look at the mall!Maybe there are things that thirty points can afford.

This is impatient, as if he is afraid that he will not want to do the task.

Familiar back pain, but this time it seems a little serious.

No matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't wake up, as if his whole body was frozen.

But his consciousness is clear.

Yunfei couldn't help calling the system in his mind, "Tongzi, in this life, am I a vegetable?"

[No, there is nothing wrong with your body in this life. 】

"Then why can't I wake up?"

[You struggle again! ] The system replied perfunctorily.

Yunfei: ...

Forget it, stop struggling!Accept the plot.

after awhile……

Suddenly, Yuan Bo's cell phone rang in his ears.

Maybe night is the best time to cry

too much love is blind
Wash away the pain with tears~~
The empty, choked singing voice echoed in the dark night, with those few words coming and going.

Yunfei also woke up with the help of the external voice, and reached out to take the mobile phone from the bedside.

The caller ID is my wife.

This ringtone for incoming calls is also the exclusive ringtone set by the original wife for herself.

When the phone rang, the lights in the room began to flicker.

Yunfei didn't answer the phone for a long time because... Yuanshen's wife actually died in a car accident a few days ago, one dead body and two lives.

This incoming call straddles Yin and Yang.

After all, he picked up the phone with trembling hands, pressed the connect button, "Hello..."

"Honey~ look at me...I'm right behind you! Why don't you dare to look at me???" The woman's voice on the phone was hysterical, sharp and crazy.

There was a feeling of someone blowing air in my ear, which was cool and cool.

Outside the living room, there is still the faint cry of a baby...

Before the phone was hung up, there was only a burst of sizzling sound, which suddenly turned into a video.

The picture inside is obviously his back.

Familiar bed and quilt, and he is now maintaining the left side lying action.

Even with a strong heart, he felt a creepy feeling at this moment.

Yunfei couldn't help calling the system again in his mind, 【Tongzi, I'm a little scared, I don't dare to turn around and look! ! ! 】

He thinks it's better to let the original body come back, and he will suffer the sins he committed.

[Calm down, it's actually not as scary as you imagined. ] The system reassured me carelessly.

【I do not believe……】

If it wasn't for the fact that Yuanshen's wife had just died and his knowledge was shallow, he would probably show up at this meeting.


This world is similar to the modern 21st century, the difference is that there are problems in the underworld here, and many ghosts are stranded in the world.

The original name is Zhang Ming, a programmer.

At the age of 29, through the introduction of relatives in his hometown, he met Wen Hongyu, who was 28 years old at the time, and the two got their certificates in just one month.

After six months of marriage, she became pregnant with a child, but when the child was only eight months old, Wen Hongyu died in a car accident.

Zhang Ming is a single-parent family, and his mother has been strict with him since he was a child. Therefore, from elementary school to high school, there is nothing but study.

When he arrived at the university and went to school in other places, his mother still followed closely and moved near the school to take care of him while working part-time.

While the heavy maternal love made him breathless, it also made him accustomed to it.

His mother said it was time for him to get married and arranged a blind date for him.

He didn't want to, but he still obeyed.

It's just that he didn't expect that he fell at the first sight.

Not the good girl you imagined, the cowardly rural girl.

It's a glamorous urban beauty with a sharp aura on her body.

The beauty came up and said, "Mr. Zhang, right? Hello, it's the first time we meet. My name is Wen Hongyu."

"Hello! Nice to meet you." Zhang Ming was a little nervous. He was a little socially afraid. This was the first time he sat so close to a girl.

It was also his shy and nervous appearance that made Wen Hongyu very fond of him.

Because the man in front of her didn't dare to look directly at her from the beginning, and he never peeked at all kinds of beauties passing by.

This made Wen Hongyu feel that what her best friend said was right, and if she found a programmer husband, she really didn't have to worry about him cheating.

Stupid, social fear, busy dog, no female classmates, colleagues!is the label for most programmers.

After getting along a few times, Wen Hongyu was more satisfied.

Good job!Because her work is also very busy, she is a sales manager, and in her heart, career is the first.

If her mother hadn't become ill because of her marriage, she would not have planned to get married.


The economic conditions of the two parties are similar, so there is no dispute over money. The man bought a house and the woman bought a car. They pulled a certificate and moved in together on the same day.

Zhang Ming loves Wen Hongyu very much, and he gave way to his wife everywhere in their married life.

Get up early to make breakfast for my wife, send her to work, and come back from get off work at night to mop the floor and cook!Then pick her up from get off work.

If both come back late, they will go out to eat.

Knowing that his wife is busy with work, he never asks his wife to take care of the housework, but tries his best to do the housework. If he can't, he chooses to take out and work part-time.

Who doesn't love a caring, caring, gentle man?Moreover, his income is not low.

Wen Hongyu quickly changed from being a partner to a little woman who never left my husband.

After being pregnant, she hesitated and struggled, and finally she chose to keep the child.

In the choice between family and career, she chose family!Contrary to the original idea.

(End of this chapter)

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