Chapter 212 Unborn Son Thirteen
Once the seven-day observation period was over, Yunfei sent Mama Wen back. Living in the same room with ghosts for a long time makes her weak and sick.

She refused to accept the compensation card, and finally returned it to Yunfei.

"Don't worry, I'll go see mom often!"

Wen Hongyu stood at the door, reluctantly watching him send his mother away...

When it was time for dinner at night, Wen Hongyu was a little shocked when he saw the three servings of food on the table.

The main reason is that she smelled the aroma of food after a long time, and there is also a baby food supplement.

"Let's eat, these are all you can eat!" Yun Fei picked up complementary food and fed Zhang Yunan, "Ah!"

"Ah~~" The [-]-month-old blue-purple baby thought that his father was playing with him, and learned to open his mouth very cooperatively.

Then I stuffed a mouthful of something soft and glutinous, a milk-flavored pastry? ? ?

tasty! ! !Woohoo.

Although the skin color is wrong, Xiao Yunan is indeed a cute child.

With a round face, hands and feet with baby fat, round and round, with dull eyes, there is a kind of cute feeling.

The lanugo on the head is slightly curly and sparse, mainly because the hair has not been shaved after death, and the growth is not very good.

Hmm... Maybe it's because babies don't have aesthetics, so they don't realize that they can transform images.

Wen Hongyu also tried to pick up a spoon to eat, and the feeling of holding a real object in his hand has not been felt for a long time.

She usually uses ghost energy to control things. In the eyes of ordinary people, it is just objects flying around out of thin air.

These meals were infused with yin energy, sacrificed with talisman paper, and seasoned with incense candles.

After taking a bite, in addition to being extremely delicious, you can also feel a very gentle yin energy entering the soul.


When the family of three was watching TV at night, Hongyi came to find her, but she couldn't come in, so she could only stay outside the window of their house.

Yunfei opened the window to let her in, and asked, "What's wrong? Have you finished your revenge?"

After entering, Hongyi knelt down, "Good-hearted Master Tianshi, please help me again, the culprit is protected by an expert, we can't hurt him!"

Knowing that Liu Lirong was protected by various things, Yunfei couldn't do anything for a while, so he took out his mobile phone to check the news.

#惠民医院legal person said that he was very sad about what happened in his home. He was forced to come back to rectify after he had been indifferent for many years. #
The founder of #惠明 paid for his mismanagement! #
#Heavy money compensation, many families expressed their willingness to forgive the negligence of the hospital. #
#Crying in front of the camera and blaming myself, is it acting or is it really ignorant? #
Most of the transactions are contacted by his subordinates, and Liu Lirong really rarely touches his hands.

But he is the most hateful one behind the scenes.

In order to cover up the crime, they were suppressed in the hospital, locked up with formations, and squeezed out their remaining usefulness.

People who go to the hospital are more or less infected with Yin Qi, and they start to get sick after returning home.

If you continue to come to Huimin Hospital to see a doctor when you are sick, you will still carry Yin Qi back home.

Those who are physically strong and full of yang energy are fine, but those who are weak are miserable. It often takes a month to recover from a cold.

Yun Fei frowned and said: "How about this, you guys let it go tonight, and I will help you when I think of a way."

"Thank you Heavenly Master, in the next life we ​​will repay you like cows and horses!"

If this kind-hearted celestial master hadn't acted, they might have watched their enemy die of old age, and they would have no way to take revenge.

Now the black and red aura on Hongyi's body is more intense, but his eyes are a little clearer.


After the female ghost left, Wen Hongyu asked, "What's the matter with you recently? You don't go to work anymore, and you're obsessed with dealing with ghosts all day long."

"Because I want to make up, I want to understand."

"Heh! Zhang Ming, haven't you heard a word? Belated affection is cheaper than grass!"

Yunfei lowered his head and smiled, "Well... how can grass be so cheap? Although it is trampled on by everyone, it is still growing tenaciously!"

"Pretending to be crazy and acting stupid! Hmph." Wen Hongyu ran away in anger again.

But she couldn't leave this room, so every time she got angry, she just hid in another room.

But Xiao Yunan didn't run away, she was still sitting on the sofa watching cartoons, when she saw the dolls in it smiling, she also clapped along, her eyebrows and eyes crooked.

He who has not been infected by his mother's resentment has not yet developed hatred for living people.

"Is the son good-looking? Call Dad, will Dad show you tomorrow, okay?"

Wen Hongyu, who was peeking through the crack of the door, was speechless. As expected of a father and son, this stupidity is in the same line!
One only knows how to drool and be silly, but he can't understand what's on TV.

One is even more outrageous, expecting a baby who is only a few months old to speak, she is still a ghost baby.

"Da da……"

"Wrong, it's Dad!"

The baby tilted his head and looked at Yunfei foolishly, then grinned and said, "Da da!"

"Okay, okay, Dad doesn't care about you baby, just da da, you're right! Daddy keeps his word, and will watch with you tomorrow, okay?"

"Da da!"

"Pfft..." Even though she hated the father and son in her heart, Wen Hongyu couldn't control herself and burst out laughing.

Then close the door of the room to block out the laughter from outside.

If she and the child are not dead, after the child is born, this scene will be what life will look like in the future!

Unfortunately not if...

If she doesn't die, her mother-in-law's true colors will not be exposed.

Although she still doesn't know when her husband found out that his mother-in-law lied to him, he suddenly sent him to a mental hospital.

But it shouldn't be long, he will bring him back sooner or later.

A living wife and children are not as important as a real mother, let alone a dead one.

Thinking of this, my heart, which was still a little soft just now, hardened again.

The whole family is going to be neat and tidy, but it's a pity, now that her strength has greatly increased, her husband has already learned the Taoism.

If you want to take people away, you can only take them by surprise.


On the second night, Yunfei gave Hongyi a spell.

"This is an upper body talisman, and it can only be used on someone who has karma with you, and then manipulate his body to tear off the things in Liu Lirong's house, and take away the Buddhist beads!
Remember, you can't kill someone directly with the body of the person you possess, understand? "

"Understood." Hongyi thankfully took the charm and left.

Although this upper body person is hard to find, but Zhang Tianshi has helped her enough, she can't trouble him anymore.

Holding the spell, she went to the door of Liu Lirong's house and stood guard.

Seeing a young and beautiful woman getting out of the car, she didn't pay attention at first, but found that there was a causal relationship between that woman and her.

Then, the man who got out of the car and opened the door for her turned out to be her animal boyfriend!
So her boyfriend spent her life money on this woman, so will there be a line of cause and effect between them?

Hongyi decisively chose to get on the woman's body.

When entering the villa, he gave his boyfriend a meaningful look, which made the man feel scared.

 Thank you for your concern!The miraculous temperature dropped this morning, and now there are still some low-grade fevers repeatedly, and the rest are just cold symptoms!The current status is acceptable.

  It's scary when you have a high fever!The main reason is that I am afraid that I will become a fool by burning, and the temperature will not come down!
  Babies should also pay attention to protection!If you are sick, seek medical attention in time!During the peak period of the Spring Festival, it is necessary to pay attention to less crowded places.

  May everyone be healthy and safe (●''●)
(End of this chapter)

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