The next night, Hongyi came again with a look of embarrassment.

This time, though, she brought a paycheck.

Along the way, people who hadn't slept saw a cloth bag flying in the sky, and thought it was a garbage bag or a tablecloth.

In fact, inside is a bag of money...

"Master Zhang, these are our belongings during our lifetime. I want to exchange some dream charms with you. After saying goodbye to my relatives, I will leave the world."

Yunfei had already prepared the Dream Talisman, and upon hearing this, he took out a stack and gave it to her.

This kind of talisman is easier to draw, and he can probably draw about ten pieces in an hour.

"take it!"

"Thank you..." Hong Yi left the bag of money to him.

Yunfei put the money away, it's only natural to use money for business, but he will donate half of this kind of dead people's money to accumulate virtue for himself.


After the group of ghosts shared their dreams with their families, all their grievances dissipated.

All the culprits died, and the souls of those people went to hell to be punished, and the hospital was closed for rectification.

No enemies, no regrets.

Yunfei sneaked in using a spell through the wall.

The elevators in the hospital were all stopped. He ran up the stairs from the first floor and was exhausted.

When they arrived, Hongyi had gathered all the ghosts waiting on the 27th floor, and the little ghosts on the bottom floor were also ready.

Yunfei used dozens of Pyro Explosion Talismans to completely destroy the formation, and then used the talisman to open the gate of hell!

In the sky above the entire hospital, a huge black vortex appeared, and a strange wind blew.

In the lobby on the 27th floor, a simple door appeared!
"Who summoned hell?" Deafening voices of inquiry came from all directions.

"Huh? There are so many ghosts hiding here! There are five ghosts?"

"Take it away, judge!"

Five black chains went straight through the shoulders of the five blood-stained ghosts, entangled them and dragged them away.

"Ah!!" The pain from the soul at that moment made the two ghosts unable to hold back their wailing.

Hongyi gritted her teeth and didn't make a sound, she understood that this was the price for taking action against the Yangjian people.

She tried her best to smile and said: "Master, I will repay you in the next life! My name is Sun Yun, the cloud of Yunduo! And everyone, if there is another life, I will meet you again..."

The five ghosts were the first to be dragged into the underworld by iron chains, and the rest of the ghosts lined up to go in.

After the formation was destroyed, the breath of all the trapped ghosts leaked out, and ghost messengers came to search for them.

The black and white of the two are impermanent, driving the souls to reincarnation without looking sideways.

Anyone who doesn't want to, or who escapes, will be dragged directly into the underworld by the chains in their hands to be punished.

When it was Qianqian's turn, she showed an innocent and lovely smile to Yunfei, and asked, "Uncle, please tell your parents that Qianqian is gone.

Let them not be sad, and give Qianqian a younger brother and sister to accompany them instead of Qianqian, so that parents will not quarrel.

Qianqian doesn't blame them for being late, it's all the fault of the bad aunt, thank you uncle for helping me find my parents. "

"Okay, uncle will help you bring the message."

Yun Fei sadly handed her a talisman paper on his body, it was a blessing talisman, which could increase her luck in reincarnation.


After all the ghosts had left, Yunfei hurriedly prepared the offering for Black and White Impermanence.

This trip not only completed the performance of the underworld, but also took a meal to make offerings. Hei Hei Wu Chang was very satisfied with this mysterious master who would come.

"Mortal, what is your name?"

"The villain's surname is Zhang, and the individual characters are clear!" Yunfei replied respectfully.

"Well! You are very good, if you catch ghosts in the future, you can continue to call us!"

"Thank you two adults!"

Black and white impermanence took those offerings with satisfaction, and walked into the ancient gate.

Everything was calm again.

Since then, this perennially gloomy hospital has become a ghost hospital that many people avoid talking about.

Only some curiosity hunters would sneak in to explore the secrets.

The surgery and data hidden on the 27th floor were all published on the Internet by the media, causing heated discussions...

Those who died strangely, because they couldn't find any trace of homicide, they just let it go.

Huimin Hospital has become the history of this city.

After solving everything, Yunfei hurried home.

When I passed by the paper making shop, I saw those paper clothes and paper toys, which were novel, fun, and finely crafted, so I bought a set of them all.

"Sir, I see that you are an expert. I still have incense candles with unique scents. Would you like some? They are all popular flavors in the ghost world!" The boss enthusiastically sold them.

If it wasn't too exaggerated, I would have wished to say that I had eaten it, it was delicious! !

Speechless, Yunfei still bought some of everything.

I also brought a bunch of paper flowers and jewelry, a cheongsam... embroidered shoes.


When I got home, as soon as I opened the door, a chubby baby flew over and hugged his head directly.

"Da da!!"

"Son, you are afraid that you want to murder your father! Come down quickly, Dad is having difficulty breathing."

"Yeah!" Xiao Yunan looked at him cutely, with a ignorant look on her face.

Forget it, it's still young!Learning can wait until after the age of three.

Xiao Yunan: So ghost dolls also have to study and go to school?
Yunfei took out the mother and son's exclusive brazier, put a spell on it, and burned things to them respectively.

"The paper rattle, the remote control car, and the doll bear belong to my son, and the jewelry, clothes, and flowers belong to you!
I also bought very delicious incense and candles, I will light them for you later, and I will make ghost food for you at night! "

In the living room, there are rankings for the couple.

When the incense and candles were on, the special fragrance attracted them.

The souls of the two returned to the queue, quietly absorbing the offering.

"The boss really didn't lie! This incense looks really delicious, I'll buy some more for you guys someday!"

After the things in the brazier burned to ashes, there were two piles of things on the ground.

It is obviously made of paper, but it is almost the same as the real thing in the underworld.

After Wen Hongyu finished inhaling the incense, she came over and flipped it over, and said in disgust, "Zhang Ming!! When will you be able to change your straight man's aesthetics??"

Green floral cheongsam, black red flower embroidered shoes, big jade bracelet, jade earrings...

With this upper body, she must be decades old!
There are also pink...grey, floral cheongsams of various colors.

Is it the aesthetics of the Republic of China?

Yunfei was a little embarrassed, "There are only these in the store, I want to give you more different clothes! The paper clothes I folded are too monotonous.

These are so good, full of charm, and various colors..."

Disgusted, disgusted, Wen Hongyu finally rolled his eyes, and took it into the room to try.

Well, the whole body is green...

She was wearing that green floral cheongsam with that rustic emerald full set of jewelry, like a wife in the Republic of China.

She also mercilessly laughed at Yunfei for choosing things, and actually chose green hair.

Yu Nan didn't care, she put on a red bellyband and crawled around the room.

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