Chapter 217 Unborn Son Eighteen
When the spell was triggered, Yunfei had already returned with Wen Hongyu.

Seeing this, he used a spell to force the female ghost back.

"Why are you meddling in your own business? I just want revenge, am I wrong?" The female ghost roared and questioned Zhou Pin after failing to attack Zhou Pin.

With great difficulty, she waited for this opportunity to break the boundary between yin and yang.

Zhou Pin, who fell to the ground and managed to recover his life, ran to Yunfei behind him, panting in horror.

"There is an injustice and a debtor. He is not the one who killed you. It is okay to take revenge, but not to kill innocent people indiscriminately!"

Yunfei looked at the resentful ghost in front of him with deep displeasure, "If I didn't sympathize with your suffering, I would have scattered your ghosts the first time!

It's you, stubborn!I want to eat my son to increase my ghost power, and I am going to kill innocent people to vent my anger!I'm afraid I'll have to keep you. "

The female ghost turned around and wanted to run, Yunfei wanted to chase, but Zhou Pin hugged her legs.

"Master, don't be angry, give senior sister another chance!!"

"Oh, aren't you afraid that she will come to kill you next time?"

Zhou Pin shook his head and wept, choked up and said: "No, Senior Sister Wu is just confused for a while, she is a good person! She took good care of us all in the past.

She was just blinded by hatred, Master, please, don't break her soul apart! ! "

Wen Hongyu on Yunfei's shoulder sighed, and whispered in his ear, "Forget it, just give her a karmic fire talisman to restrain her and forget it."

We are all ghosts, she can quite understand the idea of ​​revenge.

If it weren't for the fact that her hatred had been wiped away now, she would probably have resorted to all means for revenge.

In the end, after Yunfei cast a karmic fire talisman on the female ghost, he let her go.

"Your miserable experience is not your gold medal for avoiding death! This time I let you go, and the next time the Karmic Fire Talisman will not listen to your complaints, it will only burn you mercilessly!
Hope you are doing well for yourself!Revenge is revenge, don't stretch your claws on innocent ghosts and people! "

Unconvinced, the female ghost could only grit her teeth and disappear, and returned to the tent over there, entrenched on the back of the only girl in the team.

"Thank you master, this is your reward for saving me. If it is not enough, please leave a contact information, and I will pass it on to you later."

Zhou Pin respectfully took out all the cash on his body and presented it.

I have never eaten pork but I have seen pigs running!
I heard that I owe money to the master of metaphysics, but I have to use my own fortune to pay it back.

"No need, these are enough."

Seeing that Yunfei had accepted the several hundred yuan, Zhou Pin left in a sensible manner.

As for helping the senior to find the murderer, he can only ask the senior by himself.


Seeing Zhang Yunan still carelessly climbing up and down in the small playground, Yunfei heaved a sigh of relief.

"Zhang Ming."


"If one day I also killed people and devoured ghosts in order to enhance ghost power, would you kill me?"

Yunfei put her on the palm of his hand, looked straight into her eyes and asked, "Then may I ask why the ghost power should be enhanced?"

"What if I say, to kill you?"

"Then you don't need to increase your ghost power. If you want me to accompany you and your son, as long as you tell me, I can kill myself. Why dirty your hands."

At this moment, Wen Hongyu suddenly understood the lyrics of Eleven Lang's.

Maybe it's because the moonlight is so beautiful tonight that the love words of the person in front of her are so touching, which made her let go of all the resentment in her heart for a moment.

"Then... what if it's to kill your mother?" The woman was thinking strangely, always wanting to test the other party's bottom line.

He wants to try how much he is favored in his heart, where is the apex.

Even if she becomes a ghost is no exception.

"If you really want to, I can send her to jail, I can send her to a mental hospital, but I don't want blood on my hands, and I don't want your hands to be dirty.

Hong Yu, the rest of her life will never be better than death. If you don't believe me, I can take you to see it tomorrow.

I sincerely hope that you can let go of your resentment, you still have the next life, the next life, the next life, there is no need to spend life after life for her. "

Yunfei has never been soft-hearted when it comes to killing the damned.

But he didn't want to use Yuan Bo's hands to kill his blood relatives!
Punishment can take many roundabout ways.

"I understand." Wen Hongyu jumped from his palm.

Yunfei hurriedly caught her with the other hand, buffering her.

"I want to be quiet by myself, don't follow me."

"Well, come back soon."


On the second day, Yunfei sat on the edge holding a big umbrella, hugging the mother and son in his arms, enjoying the moment when the dawn broke.

A few people watching the sunrise around covered their mouths and sneered.

"That person is so weird. He wants to hold a black umbrella to watch the sunrise. How afraid of getting sunburned?"

"What's the point of holding an umbrella while watching the sunrise? It's so funny."

Yunfei ignored those gossips, still holding the big black umbrella, maintaining a movement that can block the sun and enjoy the sunrise.

Unlike other people's incomprehension, Zhou Pin's hairs stood on end when he thought of what happened last night.

He couldn't help but looked left and right, but he didn't see anything except the five seniors.

Since last night, he has been able to see ghosts. If it wasn't for the senior sisters and the others around him, he would have been scared to death.

After watching the sunrise, those who camped for one night began to pack their things and prepare to go down the mountain.

Zhou Pin sneaked over to look for Yunfei, "Master, that... After being scared last night, I can see ghosts now. I want to ask, can this be solved?"

"Nuanyang Talisman, 100 yuan a piece, just take it back and keep it close to your body for seven days."

"Okay, thank you master!" He hurried back to the tent to borrow 100 yuan, and handed it to Yunfei.

However, he didn't use the Sun Warming Talisman right away, but carefully packed it back into his backpack.

After going down the mountain, he wanted to defend his seniors, and he couldn't see ghosts.

After it's resolved, he doesn't want to see ghosts again in his life! ! !


After going down the mountain, Yunfei drove all the way to the entrance of the mental hospital, and then registered to visit.

In the ward, Wang Suxia's hair was disheveled, she hugged a pillow, and said tenderly to the air beside her, "Husband, do you think our son is very similar to you?"

"Like my boyfriend? No... no, he's not like him, he's your son, he really is a son!!
Husband, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to kill you, I really didn't mean to! ! "

I don't know what hallucination she saw, she suddenly started talking nonsense, and after throwing away the pillow, she got under the hospital bed and lay down trembling.

"Honey, please let me go! Don't take me away. I don't want to die. I want to bring up our son. I can't die...I can't die..."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Zhang. Since your mother was admitted to the hospital, her condition has not only not improved, but has become more and more serious. According to our guess, it may be that the hypnotherapy has induced the most feared thing in my heart."

(End of this chapter)

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