Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 239 Female Venerable, I am Mother 6

Chapter 239 Female Venerable, I am Mother Six

After nightfall, the Flower Street in the capital is brightly lit.

In the buildings on both sides, there are men wearing tulle to attract guests.

They wear light shirts, hairpins of various colors on their heads, white powder on their faces, pink rouge... and powder on their bodies.

The whole street...was filled with mixed aromas.

"Ahh~" Yun Fei rubbed his itchy nose, and helplessly said to the servant girl beside him, "Xiaohuan, do you think they will be angry if I don't let King Jing and them use the face powder?"

"No, the male master should put His Highness first. If you don't like it, you shouldn't use it."

The upright little girl is not fun~~
The two came to the Chunyi Building. The boss was a young and beautiful young master, with a graceful demeanor and a voluptuous walk, very captivating...

As expected of the oiran son who was once famous in the capital, the unparalleled son.

"My dear lady, are you here to listen to the music or stay overnight?"

As soon as the handsome man approached, Yunfei felt a little dizzy, not because he was fascinated, but because he was not used to it.

Subconsciously, she took two steps back and said, "I want to see Mr. Bai Ruyue."

"Young Master Ruyue? Miss is probably late today, there are already..."

When Young Master Wu Shuang saw the wad of money handed over in front of him, his eyes straightened, he swallowed and said: "Miss, I will go and arrange it later, and I will come right away."

The handsome man took the bank note with a smile on his face and went upstairs.

After a while, a servant said that their father invited her to the bamboo courtyard to meet Mr. Ruyue.


Gently pushing the door to go in, Yunfei left Xiaohuan outside the door to wait.

The figure behind the screen is playing the piano...

The long piano sound is crisp and sweet!It seems that they are not in the same world as Mimizhiyin, who is separated by a door.

The man playing the qin was wearing a snow-white gauze robe, and half of his hair was coiled up with a white jade hairpin. The scattered black hair fell on the cushion where he was sitting cross-legged, and scattered all over the floor.

Curved and slender eyebrows, eyes with inner double eyelids drooping, looking a bit cold, red lips pursed, not tingling but vermilion...

It's no wonder that the original person disobeyed the queen because of him, and wanted him to occupy the position of one of the four side husbands despite the eldest princess's objection.

If it is not for an early death, it is not impossible to pamper and serve her husband.

Seeing a woman enter the room, Bai Ruyue didn't raise her head, she lowered her eyes and played the piano intoxicatedly.

The pair of fingers that are as white as jade are sitting in various movements full of charm like works of art.

When he played to the climax, he closed his eyes, quietly feeling the joy brought to him by the music.

The white moon reflected in the mud...

Although the body is at the Goulan, the heart is still in the sky.

Yunfei didn't make a sound to disturb, but moved his footsteps lightly, sat down at the table, poured tea for himself, and tasted it carefully.


At the end of the song, Bai Ruyue stood up and took her seat, her red lips parted lightly and said, "Miss is so fresh, is this your first time here?"

"Yes... It's the first time I came to Chunyi Building today. I just heard that there is a master Ruyue who has a superb piano skill in the building, so I came here to see it."

"Does the lady have a favorite piece of music? Ruyue can play a piece for the lady."

"Young Master, you can play whatever you like. I want to hear what music you usually like." Yun Fei's face was a little hot...

Calm down, flirt with the child's father, be steady, don't be more shy than others...

Although the woman in front of her spoke frivolously, her eyes were pure, Bai Ruyue didn't feel uncomfortable.

On the contrary, I think the other party's forced calm expression is quite interesting.

The corners of his lips were slightly hooked, and he returned to the piano with lowered eyes, and began to play quietly.

The crisp and pleasant sound of the Guqin, playing an ambiguous tune like whispering, made Yunfei, who was listening quietly, a little sleepy...

Coupled with the incense in the room, I am afraid it will have a calming effect.

The incense in this Qingguan's room is different from those in those staying overnight.

"Miss, wake up..."

Bai Ruyue helplessly stretched out her hand and gently pushed the beautiful woman who was already sleeping soundly on the table in front of her.

How many people paid to touch his hand, but he never let those people do so.

Unexpectedly... When I met this girl, I reached out to touch it... After all, I wanted to wake her up.

"Huh? Is it dawn?" Yun Fei woke up in a daze, and looked around in a daze.

Eh... No, it's not her big bright yellow bed that is a few meters wide.

After seeing the arrangement clearly, I was embarrassed for a moment, and quickly got up to apologize, "Young Master Kisaragi, I'm sorry! It may be that I've been too tired recently, so I didn't listen carefully to your playing the piano."

Master Ruyue shook his head lightly, and said in a crisp voice: "It's the Nu family who disturbed Miss's sleep, but it's already late at night... The Nu family should rest."

It means, it's time to get off work!It's time for the guests to leave!

Yunfei hurriedly bid farewell tactfully, yawned and took Xiaohuan back to the palace in a carriage.

Bad start...

The money was spent, but the favor was not earned.


For the next month, she would go to the Chunyi Tower almost every other day, playing the piano with the moon.

Why every other day?Because the day before, I had to accompany Gong Liusu at home.

Eat with him every day, walk around the mansion with him, or take him out to play, and occasionally accompany him back to the palace to see his relatives.

After all, we may not see each other again for many years after the end of the year.

After a month of nurturing the sound of the piano, Yunfei has been able to chat with Bai Ruyue for a few rhythms. The main reason is that she hired a luthier for herself in order to know herself and the enemy...

On the tenth day of September, Prince Jing's mansion brought in the second male master, Lan Nianqing, Lan's side husband.

The side husband does not need to hold a wedding ceremony when he enters the house. He only needs a small sedan chair, wearing a pink wedding gown, to be carried into the mansion through the small door.

Yunfei did not do anything against the rules, such as giving the child's father a wedding.

After all, she couldn't slap Gong Liusu in the face for Lan Nianqing.

However, she still had people decorate the wedding room in the side courtyard allocated to Lan Nianqing.

Everything you need is there.

Ye Lian'er from the commoner's house has already negotiated an auspicious date, and she will be admitted on October [-]th.

Mu Jin, the concubine son of the Minister of War, came in on December [-]th.

After attending the palace banquet, they can return to the fief.

Jingcheng, located on the northern border, is a place of bitter cold in the Southern Tang Dynasty!

The red candle in the room burned halfway through, and Yunfei pushed open the door.

Lan Nianqing, who had a pink mandarin duck playing in the water hijab on her head on the bed, couldn't help but tighten her heart.

The hijab is lifted, and the room is full of red, the red is dazzling, the red is dazzling.

This is a scene that Lan Nianqing never imagined.

He thought it would be nice to see his wife on the wedding night...

I didn't expect... there was a wedding room.

Is his mother's face really that big?Lan Nianqing was a little puzzled.

It's good that his mother is rich, but according to her status, any scholar on the side of the road would look down on this kind of businessman who smells like money.

What's more, this is His Royal Highness...

"I asked someone to bring you some food. After eating later, go wash up. Do you need someone to come in and help you remove your makeup?" Yunfei asked softly.

"You can come by yourself..."

Lan Nianqing tightened her wedding robe tightly, not daring to look up at her wife.

I can only hear that the voice is very soft...

(End of this chapter)

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