Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 248 Female Venerable, I am Mother 5

Chapter 248 Female Venerable, I am Mother Fifteen
In four years, Jingcheng has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Sweet potatoes are no longer a rare thing in Jingcheng, every household has them.

Every year, the family keeps half of it for food, and the other half raises livestock.

Each main road is built with specially prepared materials, and various fruit trees and beautiful wild flowers are planted on both sides of the road.

Yunfei, who has worked on construction sites for many years, naturally knows the ratio of cement.

What she made is not as perfect as the modern version, it can only be a rough product, not as hard as cement and steel, but better than clean and tidy.

It's better than the muddy and rocky roads with potholes, which will collapse when it rains, delaying the travel of businessmen in the city.


It has become the norm in the outskirts of Jingcheng to see cattle and sheep when the wind blows the grass.

The vitality of weeds is relatively strong... In order to grow weeds well, she asked someone to turn over a large field in the suburbs, fill it with soil, fertilize it... and sprinkle the seeds of weeds.

In the weeds planted year after year, the geology there has also been changed a lot.

That's the pasture of the City Lord's Mansion, but Fang Zi announced that as long as the family is not lazy, they basically have livestock now.

After all, if there is enough food, poultry can be afforded. If nothing else, it is no problem to raise a chicken.

Eggs are no longer a luxury on people's table...

Although I am not willing to eat all of them, I am willing to eat a few once in a while.

The development of counties and towns is slower, but Jingcheng is developing very fast. Yunfei formed a caravan.

Ship the output in Jingcheng, and bring back the rare items outside.

After the sweet potato harvest, she had already sent people to the capital with the planting method and a large number of sweet potato vines.

The reward is a few boxes of gold, silver and jewelry...

No matter where food is, it represents not only food, but life.

So she offered sweet potatoes, but she didn't give anything else, because people's hearts are biased, and she wanted to keep her cards and develop herself.

All four countries attack merchants, but in Jingcheng, Yunfei not only cooperates with merchants, but also cooperates with farmers, and reuses talented women.

In her eyes, there is no high or low status, only available and unavailable.


Six hours after birth, Dabao finally got milk.

It was a milk fruit from the Suzaku Continent, a fruit the size of a plum, with a small amount of milk contained in the green skin, containing various substances needed by babies.

Babies from both poor and rich families are fed this milk.

After a certain month, rich families will add goat's milk or cow's milk, and mix it with this milk for their children to drink.

But it's not without differences.

The number of milk fruit trees planted and the number of fruits determine the baby's fullness.

The milk fruit matures once every six months and can be planted regardless of the season. It falls off after maturity and can be preserved for babies within six months.

It is best to plant the fetal fruit three months after it is conceived. Several trees are planted, and after six months, they are picked and preserved.

The milk fruit tree will go through another round of growth, and will wither completely after three times, and will no longer bloom and bear fruit.

There is a large milk orchard in Prince Jing's mansion. The fruit grows big and dense, and looks very healthy.

Yunfei has asked people to plant five new trees every month, and when they are full, the first batch of fruit trees will be shoveled and replanted.

This ensures that the baby's milk is the freshest!Although the milk fruit tree can bear fruit three times, its taste and quality will decline every time.

The gap between the rich and the poor begins to widen the distance from birth.

If there are conditions, there will be ways to make your children live better.


The production of the bottle is also somewhat special.

Milk fruit flower!It is shaped like a trumpet flower, with a long stamen in the middle that is soft and resilient and communicates with the bottom.

Put the bottom of the flower into the baby's mouth and he will start sucking hard, and can drink the milk from the container through the stamen to his mouth.

This is how Dabao is being fed at the moment, Gong Liusu is holding him, and Yunfei is supporting him on the wooden jar, which contains warm milk.

It was gurgling, unskilled at the beginning, but after proficient sucking, it was full soon.

After he was full, he consciously loosened the bottom of the flower in his mouth, which probably prevented him from sleeping.

"It's so cute." The light in Yunfei's eyes almost overflowed.

Every time a child takes on the role of a parent, she feels her heart is melted.

Bloodline~ What a wonderful thing.

"You can sleep with Dabao tonight, I'm going to let it go, I'm a little afraid of crushing him."

"Okay." Although a little disappointed, Gong Liusu still agreed.

The heart that was originally anxious because Wang'er is a son, relaxed during the day-long observation.

The wife-owner likes it, from the bottom of her heart...

Only after he relaxes can he focus on his prince...

This child who made him endure the pain of ten fingers and heart every day, although he is a man, is the first heir of him and his lover, after all, he is still a little happy.


For Dabao's full moon banquet, Prince Jing's Mansion held a grand banquet.

This also made a young master who was interested in Yunfei finally find a chance to meet her.

"His Royal Highness Prince Jing is well. My family is the eldest son of His Royal Highness King Yuan of the Eastern Xia Kingdom, Xia Shuangxi! Passing through Jingcheng, I heard rumors about His Royal Highness, and I especially admire His Royal Highness's heroic appearance, so I came here to pay a special visit."

The person who came was the son of the noble family who entered the city that day, and today he was dressed in red and gold, which seemed a bit overwhelming.

He was born extremely beautiful, but the arrogance between his eyebrows and eyes is a bit dazzling...

Xia Shuangxi did have the capital of arrogance, the son of the prince of the Eastern Xia Kingdom, and the most beautiful man in the capital.

No matter where he came from, for today's big day, Yunfei would always welcome him with a smile.

"Welcome if you are far away, please come to the prince's house."

However, Xia Shuangxi didn't understand what tact was. He said bluntly: "Your Highness has been away from the capital for many years, so you probably don't know about it? The Southern Tang ruler and our Eastern Xia ruler have already discussed it, and the marriage will deepen the friendship between the two countries."

"I have heard about it a little, but I have been away from Beijing for many years, and I don't want to interfere in the affairs of the capital. I don't know what the prince means by mentioning this?"

"This palace is the candidate for this marriage. The Lord of the Southern Tang Dynasty granted this palace the right to choose which imperial daughter to marry."

This is the queen's face for the friendly country. After all, the prince's identity is more than enough to be a husband, but the adult princess has already married a husband.

When he gets married, he can only be a side husband or even a servant...

So in order to save the face of the friendly countries, they gave their princes the right to choose wives.

Yunfei still had a smile on his face, but his heart had already begun to feel emotional, "So what does the prince mean?"

"Bengong, I've fallen in love with you!" Xia Shuangxi raised her head high and said softly.

His eyes are full of the meaning of what is inevitable...

After inquiring about it for a month, he felt that he had already met his true destiny, and that was Prince Jing!
 It's the Chinese New Year, I believe the treasures are starting to worry.

  We are no longer cubs praised by adults over and over again, but adults who are picked on!
  The self-righteous love is random... in the eyes of relatives, no one wants it.

  The self-conceived freedom of work...the vagrant in the eyes of relatives.

  Self-sufficient food and clothing... in the eyes of relatives, they are just begging for food!

  Ha ha!Stay up late to code words, and I will update everyone tomorrow!It's an apology and compensation for the three o'clock today.

(End of this chapter)

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