Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 250 Female Venerable, I am Mother 7

Chapter 250 Female Venerable, I am Mother Seventeen
Yunfei never asked if the hidden guards had sent any news to the queen, and only let them say whatever they wanted, saving their lives.

It means that it doesn't matter what you ask and answer, don't lose your life because you disobeyed the queen.

Anyway, she's nothing to be ashamed of!
However, the hidden guards all tacitly concealed the development of the barracks.

The emperor is suspicious, even if their highness just wants to protect themselves, in the eyes of someone with a heart, it may become a rebellion by raising soldiers.

So they never mentioned His Highness's importance to the barracks.

Letters sent to the capital are all about trivial matters and the economic development of Jingcheng.

At the end of the letter, there will also be a sentence that His Highness often misses His Majesty, this is the benefit of Yunfei's daily attack on the hidden guards.

If you want to win people's hearts, you must first talk to people yourself.


Ten days later, this urgent letter was sent to Kyoto.

At this time, Xia Shuangxi was still playing on the way from Jingcheng to Beijing!
And his wedding party is already on its way to the Southern Tang capital.

When the queen received the letter, she was extremely angry. She threw the letter on the table and snorted coldly, "Oh, I don't know how to repent! For whom did I point out the prince to her?"

The mother next to her stepped forward to comfort her and said, "Your Majesty, don't be angry. I'm afraid His Highness Prince Jing didn't realize your painstaking efforts. Why don't you write to her and explain it to her?"

"You can tell me that she doesn't understand how to manage that barren land until the people are prosperous in just four years?
She clearly understood that she just wanted to show her loyalty in front of men, so she didn't want to marry that prince of Dongxia!

If I had known today, I should have killed her husbands in the first place, they were all the things of charming wives! "

Ever since the seventh daughter made offerings of sweet potatoes, the empress has changed her attitude towards her.

Thinking of calling her back to the capital by taking advantage of this wedding, it just happened to give her a chance and an excuse to return to the capital!

did not expect………

Holding the golden death-preventing gold medal in her hand, the queen smiled ironically and threw it on the ground.

He ordered: "From now on, you don't have to tell me anything about the seventh princess! Unless she wants to rebel."

Since she doesn't love power and wealth, why should I force her to give her power and wealth?

"No." An Ye frowned and responded.

My heart is full of worries about my master...


Lan Nianqing's body was worse than Gong Liusu's, and the weak reaction came much earlier than him.

By October, the color on his face had long since disappeared!The daily nourishing soup in the kitchen can no longer be drunk.

Er Bao was a bit mischievous and delayed the birth until the full October.

Not surprisingly, it was a boy!Named Tang Lanxi.

Prince Jing's Mansion once again held a big banquet. If it wasn't for the bright smile on her face, the officials and gentry in Jingcheng would have suspected that their Lord City Lord was collecting money in a disguised form...

A bastard, but gave the full moon banquet of the same standard to his son.

Everyone was watching Jing Wangjun's face, guessing whether his position had been shaken.

But to their regret, Gong Liusu held Tang Hongdou, who was just over a year old, with a dignified smile.

Tang Hongdou also likes his younger brother very much. Holding on to something, he staggered to his mother's body, watching the baby in swaddling drooling.

"Dee Dee..."

"Yes, it's the younger brother! Does Dabao like the younger brother?"

Tang Hongdou, who is only one year and three months old, doesn't understand well. Now he can only be called mother, father... second father, third father, and so on.

He smiled and showed his two small front teeth, dripping from the corners of his lips, and called out with crooked eyebrows, "Didi."

To make Yunfei happy, Bobo is the two of them kissing on the cheeks.

Many aristocratic princes present secretly promised her that His Highness was the only woman they hoped for her to be happy every day.

After all... No one else has a chance, so how could they have a chance! !woo woo~~
It doesn't matter if she is handsome, she still has the right to be rich!It doesn't matter if her family background is good, she is gentle, considerate, and dedicated!
The most important thing is that she loves her son so much, if she conceives a daughter with her...wouldn't it be flying on a branch?

However, how many people are afraid of her!
Because His Highness personally said that she is only five husbands in this life!There will be no newcomers in the backyard of Prince Jing's Mansion.

All the beauties that were sent were rejected.


Also after the second treasure full moon, Yunfei and Bai Ruyue conceived the third treasure.

Mr. Bai, who was going to be strong all his life, had his ten fingers injured, and he was wrapped in cloth strips and wanted to play the piano for the fetal fruit.

Whenever she persuaded her, she would plausibly say: "Others learn it after they are three years old. Wang'er learned it before he was born. After he was born, wouldn't he be born knowing it?"

Anyway, he just wants to play...

In fact, Yunfei felt that he might be too nervous and didn't know how to relieve his emotions.

Bai Ruyue was afraid that she would not be a good father.

When he had no heirs, he hoped that he would have a child Cheng Huan, but now that he would have heirs, he felt a little at a loss.

Under his father's playing and singing day and night, Sanbao didn't know if he was afraid!On the day when September just turned, it landed directly.

At that time, the weak Bai Ruyue was taking a lunch break at home...

A cry of a baby woke him up!

The first reaction was, did Erbao come to play in his yard?Thinking about it is not right...

Erbao is no longer crying, but now is the age of crying.

Suddenly thought of my fetal fruit...

He hurriedly ran barefoot, and found that if it was later, the baby would sink to the bottom of the medicinal liquid along with the fetal fruit!I was so scared that my heart trembled.

"Come... come, someone! The prince is born, hurry... hurry and call someone!"

Not daring to reach out to the child, he could only reach out to hold up the fetal fruit, the peel in his hand was beginning to wither and sink to the bottom.

Fortunately, the father-in-law and wife-owner arrived soon!

"Jiyue! Hurry up and take the baby out. Where is the person? Is the warm water ready? Bring it here quickly!"

"Your Highness, here we come!!"

After a while of panic and fuss, the scary Sambo was finally wrapped up and was sleeping soundly in swaddling clothes.

Bai Ruyue, who had washed her hands clean, came back to her senses at this moment and said: "Your Highness! Ruyue was scared to death. I don't know why Wang'er was born so early."

"Don't panic, it's all normal! After September, they will all be full-term fetuses. Wang'er just wants to see his mother and father sooner."

It was also the first time that Yunfei saw Bai Ruyue so restless. After becoming a father, he became more and more agitated.

This is also...the reason why the original body got tired of marrying him and went home for two years!
After the moon in the sky was picked off, it gradually lost its light.


During Sanbao's full moon banquet, Bai Ruyue said that she wanted to invite three guests, and asked Yunfei to give him three invitation cards to write individually.

On that day, Yunfei met those three special guests.

It was the three younger brothers, even though their faces were covered with white gauze, they still couldn't hide the scars on their faces and the eyebrows and eyes similar to Bai Ruyue.

There was even one who lost two fingers...

The timid boys lowered their heads nervously presenting their presents.

Everyone has a set of children's clothes made by themselves, trembling bodies, shrugged shoulders, and heads that can't wait to lower their chests, all of which are telling their fears.

(End of this chapter)

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