Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 259 Female Venerable, I am Mother 26

Chapter 259 Female Venerable, I am Mother 26

In the end, this banquet, which was called viewing flowers but was actually a blind date, ended without a problem.

The queen didn't even look at any of them!
After playing for a few more days, she was ready to return to the capital.

The night before leaving, she called Yunfei into the room and asked directly, "Jin Zhu, do you want that chair?"

Yun Fei quickly shook his head, "Emperor Mother, don't want a son, this is fine now! You can pass it on to whomever sister in the palace is suitable for you."

"No prospect! Go back to sleep."

"Then...Mother, you should rest early, and my son will come back tomorrow morning."

Seeing that His Majesty was still angry after His Highness left, the old mother stepped forward to comfort her and said, "The Seventh Highness doesn't covet your position, which means she is filial! Why should Your Majesty get angry, be careful of hurting yourself."

"She's not filial, she doesn't look down on our position! What's wrong with me? I'm not angry!"

"Yes, yes, Your Majesty is not angry, look at this servant's mouth."

The empress glanced at her angrily, "Go out and watch, I'm asleep."

"The slaves obey."


On the second day, from the middle of the third watch, there were twelve horse-drawn carriages one after another in Prince Jing's mansion. After leaving the city, they scattered and ran in all directions.

The empress has been in Jingcheng for so many days, and those who are interested must have got the news, so travel with caution.

Although there are many hidden guards around her to protect her.

Yunfei proposed to send her off, but the empress laughed mercilessly: "You are the one who has no power to restrain the chicken, what are you doing? Are you blocking the sword for me?"

Yunfei: ... I am being self-indulgent.

After bidding farewell to the empress, life in the city lord's mansion was back on track.

The few children who were not forced to marry were relieved, and the husbands who were not embarrassed by the queen also felt like they were surviving after a catastrophe!
After all, they were very afraid that they would be punished by the queen if they went out to show their faces, which would bring trouble to their wives!
after March.

When the queen returned to the capital, the first thing she did was to wash away those eyeliners around her, spies!

Then another queen was abolished.

She can turn a blind eye to the struggle for power!But reaching out to her side, beyond the limit, she can't stand it!

So far, there are only five princesses left in the palace.

And the empress has also sent troops to support the border, and even issued an imperial decree that shocked the entire Southern Tang Dynasty half a year later!

The content is as follows: Men in the Southern Tang Dynasty who do not want to marry can choose to serve in the military!
Send it to Jingcheng and hand it over to Prince Jing Mubianjun for management!Feng Mufangjun is the left general of the Southern Tang Kingdom!The original general was named the right general!
From now on, the Southern Tang Kingdom has two armies, one on the left and one on the right!One man army and one woman army!
On the day when the imperial decree was issued, there were more than a dozen ministers kneeling outside the palace to remonstrate.

They protested one after another, not agreeing with this decree. Men are born to have no role in pleasing women except for bearing children!Why do you want to exalt them?

However, they knelt for three days and fainted a few of them. Not only did the empress not change the imperial decree, she didn't even see them face to face.

I only let the old woman beside me convey a sentence, "As long as I am still the queen for a day, I will have the final say in this Southern Tang Dynasty! The duty of a courtier is to obey!"

The imperial daughters naturally felt that the empress was old and confused, but they were very smart not to come out as the first bird.

There are also ministers who rely on Yunfei for everything, "I have said it long ago, King Jing is ambitious! Trying to change the pattern of the mainland!

However, His Majesty was confused and insisted on protecting him. Now that he didn't go there, he went crazy with His Highness Prince Jing! "

"Who says it's not? Why do those men need to be so flattered? It's the utmost benevolence to support them!"

"This precedent cannot be set, otherwise the hearts of men will be fed up!"

"If you dare to be free today, they should rebel tomorrow!"

"I beg Your Majesty to take back my order, otherwise the old minister can only splash blood on the palace gate and go down to accompany the late emperor!"

However, no matter how people prayed, the queen still did not change.

The old officials whose blood was splashed on the palace gate had just died, and the new officials she had prepared immediately took over and took their place.

For the sake of their devotion to the Southern Tang Dynasty, they gave some rewards to their descendants.


When Yunfei received the news, conscription had already started across the country.

Those men who were sold by their families for money fled their homes overnight and went to the military camp!

The man who was abused by his family also sneaked away overnight with his younger brother.

For the first time, for the sake of their own lives, men who do not want to marry and become pigs and dogs, mustered up the courage to take that step.

There are also those who are more cowardly, choose to obey and accept their fate!

Half a year later, the first batch of recruited Langjun soldiers were sent to Jingcheng!
Mu Jin and Tang Yujing are responsible for training them!
There is a small battle in three days at the border, and a big battle in five days, which is a detour with the other two countries.

The border guards of the Eastern Xia Kingdom also began to join the Jingcheng team to help defend against the enemy.

After all, the other two countries have already united. If they don't unite, it will be a great loss!

If they are broken one by one, wouldn't they be divided up by the two countries!

Yunfei has already made preparations for all five sons to fall on her hands, her son!She really can't accept marrying women who are not as good as them.

The main thing is, it’s fine if you’re not as good as them, and you don’t treat them as human beings!

Although Jingcheng has been changed a lot by her, patriarchy is a deep-rooted thought.

Women still don't understand what is dedicated, maybe they understand, just want to pretend not to understand.


Five years later.

The queen is nearly 70 years old, and her health is getting worse and worse. In recent years, there is not a day without taking medicine.

The last five princesses who entered the city were imprisoned for another two!

Only the eldest daughter, the eldest daughter, the fifth emperor's daughter is the son of the noble emperor, and the seventeenth emperor's daughter is in the capital.

The ministers began to bet on the treasure, stand up!

First of all, the Seventeenth Highness born to Dongxia Kingdom and the Prince was excluded, then only the First Highness and the Fifth Highness were left!
His Highness is the birth of Jun Feng, the orthodox eldest daughter!Grandma is a veteran of the three dynasties and has many disciples Dong Taifu.

His Royal Highness's natal family is the loyal old general Feng!The family background is also high, and the family has military power to help!

The talents and knowledge of the two Highnesses are evenly matched, and the Empress has never made it clear who she likes more, so it is difficult for them to choose!
It was also at this critical moment that their majesty actually decreed to let the Seventh Highness who is far away in Jingcheng!The whole family went to Beijing.

Everyone guessed what His Majesty meant! !
Could it be that the current changes in Jingcheng make His Majesty feel that His Highness the Seventh Prince is the one who can take on important responsibilities?

In any case, the two imperial daughters felt that this imperial daughter might become an obstacle for them!
So they dispatched dead soldiers one after another, bought killers to intercept and kill Yunfei on the way back to Beijing! !
(End of this chapter)

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