Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 261 Female Venerable, I am Mother 28

Chapter 261 Female Venerable, I am Mother 28

Along the way, after seven or eight attacks, many people were killed or injured before they arrived in the capital safely.

Those who greeted them outside the city that day were people from the Prime Minister's family, the Lan family, and the Ye family, as well as Mr. Wushuang from the palace.

After exchanging a few pleasantries, the group returned to Prince Jing's mansion.

After packing up, the whole family went to the palace to meet His Majesty without stopping.

The empress looked carefully at the great-granddaughter below, "Your name is Bai Xue, but what about your real name?"

"Huihuang's grandmother, her name is Tang Nanguo."

"Puff! Hahaha~~ What a red bean raw southern country!" The queen couldn't help laughing when she heard the name.

Tang Nanguo!Southern Tang Kingdom...

She is clearly ambitious, but she feels happy.

Otherwise, the seventh daughter's attitude will make her feel that her position is worthless. This may be an intergenerational relationship!

The queen now thinks that the sons of the seventh daughter's family are very good.

"Nanguo, come forward and let the emperor's great-grandmother take a good look."

The two-and-a-half-year-old Bai Xue has a round face and fair skin, and her big eyes are sparkling and lively.

"Can you recite poetry?"

Bai Xue shook her head, and said crisply: "Grandpa Bai doesn't teach poetry, but memorizes theories on the art of war."

"Yo? You have to learn this at such a young age? Then have you learned it? Recite it to the emperor's grandmother."

"Okay! The first plan..."

Amidst the childish voice of the baby, everyone listened to the little child's endorsement.

The queen nodded silently, and said with a smile: "Bai Xue, if someone wants to steal your things, what will you do?"

"That depends on what she is robbing, and who is robbing it."

"Oh? Like?"

Bai Xue tilted her head and said cutely: "If someone I think is good and just wants to grab the candies I have a lot of, then I will teach her not to grab things, and I can give them to her.

If it's an annoying person who wants to steal something I like very much, then I will let the guard auntie catch her and put her in jail!
Robbery is a crime that cannot be tolerated. "

"Haha, let's go, the emperor's great-grandmother hosted a banquet, let's go and eat before returning home."

"Thank you, Grandmother Emperor." Bai Xue bowed obediently.

The more the queen looks at the little girl, the more she likes it. There is a thing called eye edge.

Two and a half years old, able to speak clearly and have his own ideas, is a good seedling.


On the second day, in the court hall, the veterans saw His Highness Prince Jing whom they had not seen for many years.

At the age of more than 40 years, the years have not left much frost on her face.

She was dressed in a black and gold dress, and she looked vigorous. Her black hair was tied up high and hung straight to her waist, and the golden crown was dazzling.

Her eyebrows and eyes are [-]% similar to that of Her Majesty when she was young. This is the one who looks the most like Her Majesty the Empress among the seventeen imperial daughters!
What is surprising is the young man standing beside her...

It's just the beginning of spring, and the temperature is indeed a bit chilly, but it's not enough to wear a mink coat...

He was dressed in a snow-white robe, with a mink cloak on his body, and held a hand warmer in his hand.

But it looks really beautiful...

Cold and picturesque, delicate eyebrows and eyes, pale thin lips with a touch of vermilion, three thousand black hair, only held by a white hairband.

On both sides of the forehead, there is a little hair left, and the casual and open temperament of the whole body makes people feel ashamed if they take a second look.

They didn't know who the man was until the queen came to court!
He was actually the third son of His Royal Highness's family!

"Over the years, Prince Jing's husband and sons have contributed to guarding the frontier!

I believe everyone should have heard of the name of the jade-faced fox military division!Aren't you all wondering who that man is?Now he is standing in this hall. "

All the officials were surprised! !

What?Is the jade-faced fox a man?
Or the concubine of His Royal Highness's family?
The military advisor that made Beihan and Xilin fearful was actually a young and beautiful son?
Over the years, the two countries have violated many times, all of which were intercepted, and the loss was extremely insulting! !

Sending 5 troops, the opponent only sent 5000 troops to respond to the enemy, but also sent [-] people to be responsible for beating drums, to celebrate before the fight...

The most important thing is that their [-] sergeants have never beaten other [-] sergeants! !

He obviously wanted to sneak attack on Nantang, but everything went smoothly, but in the end it turned into being ambushed by the enemy...

They even sent many spies into the borders of the two countries to instigate treason against the men of their countries.

Men with families are not tempted, and those who have not conceived daughters feel that this is the only chance to live like a human being.

After the news spread, Jingcheng no longer needed to send spies in to instigate rebellion, it only needed to send troops to suppress the border and be ready to meet these future people at any time.

Now the number of men's barracks is three times that of women's. Not only are they more numerous, but they are also trained to be brave and good at fighting.

In Jingcheng, there are male soldiers and female soldiers who go out together to fight. The female soldiers charge and the male soldiers cover and assist.

At this moment, the military adviser who was feared by the two countries stood in front of them!
When he became famous, this son had just passed his coming-of-age ceremony.


After all the officials had finished discussing, the queen began to confer rewards!
Lan Nianqing!The owner of the Friendship Firm has donated a large amount of supplies for disaster relief in recent years, and donates cotton clothes to the military camps on the Sifang border every winter.

He is a businessman of great kindness, specially appointed as the emperor's merchant. From now on, all the needs of the harem will be purchased from the Friendship Merchant.

A handwritten plaque and various gold and silver jewels were rewarded.

Tang Lanxi spent ten years drawing a map of the four countries!Appointed to a post in the military.

Tang Honghu, brave and good at fighting, repeatedly took the lead in the charge regardless of his own safety, and took down the heads of dozens of generals in the enemy's military camp!He was specially appointed as a lieutenant general.

Tang Yujing, who used soldiers like a god, was highly talented and strategized, from today onwards, he was granted the title of Royal Doctor to assist the prime minister in handling political affairs.


This rewarding position shocked all the officials!

It doesn't matter if all of them are men, but they are all sons of the same person. The intention behind this...

In the court hall, the eldest princess and the fifth princess had extremely ugly faces, and they clenched their fists to suppress the anger in their hearts.

After fighting for most of her life, she was actually shot back by the imperial sister who was exiled early!

However, the empress did not give Yunfei an official position, but only rewarded her for developing the bitter cold land into a trading place.

People are confused, and they have speculated about the intention.

After the early dynasty ended, the sky in the capital also changed.

It's gloomy, like a storm is coming!

On the second day, the male family members of Prince Jing's mansion entered the palace to meet Feng Jun.

Three days later, news spread from Prince Jing's mansion that Mr. Bai Chou was promoted to be the rightful lord!The same status as the palace prince.

The concubine under his name also became the legitimate son.

It's not that no one spoiled her husband before, but to openly support the righteousness, even when Zhengjun was still alive, King Jing was indeed the first!
Everyone set their sights on the Prime Minister's Mansion.

He bet on when the prime minister would come to seek justice for his son-in-law, and said that Prince Jing was too stupid. At this juncture, he offended his only support in the court.

However, to their disappointment, the prime minister did not take any action. Instead, he took the third son with him and personally taught him to take over the political affairs.


"Today's update, don't wait!It will be updated tomorrow. During the Chinese New Year, the update may not be fixed. Sometimes it will be updated, sometimes it will be missing, and it may be interrupted if you are very busy! "

(End of this chapter)

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