Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 264 Female Venerable, I'm a Mother

Chapter 264 Female Venerable, I'm a Mother
After Yun Fei died of illness and Ye Lian'er died in love, the people belonging to their generation basically left one after another.

The current imperial court has become a situation where men and women are evenly divided.

In Tang Nanguo's harem, there were many children. Among them, a boy whose father died young was selected and given to Tang Hongdou to take with him.

In the harem, there are too many men who don't live long. This has been the case throughout the ages, and Bai Xue can only suppress one or two, and cannot completely protect them.

The Friendship Firm signed a sharing agreement with the royal family, no matter how much they earn in the future, they will share [-]% of the royal family.

After Tang Hongdou arranged everything, he handed over the firm to the prince, and went to tour the mainland with Tang Lanxi.

One for food and one for painting.

The two brothers traveled all over the four countries...

I also saw the miserable situation of men from the other Three Kingdoms. It was their mother who managed Jingcheng so well that they thought that the world would not be so miserable...

They have no choice but to persuade them that unbearable treason is also a way out.

Tang Hongdou has eaten delicious food all over the world, and Tang Lanxi's picture book is full of stories from the world.


As for Tang Yujing, after Tang Nanguo was able to stand alone, he resigned from the position of regent, went to the boys' college, and became a teacher.

His health is not good, but when he was only 40 years old, his head was full of gray hair.

There are many women who wanted to marry him in this half life, but he didn't agree...

He has always known what he wants, he wants to be a man who can control his life, not a husband who is manipulated by others.

"Master, it's time for your class!"

"it is good……"

Under the tree, the man in white robe with white hair and black eyes smiled back and looked up into space.

Thank you, mother and father, it is you who gave me a bright life. If you were not enlightened, maybe I would have withered in that backyard.


Tang Lingzhi has learned everything she has learned, only to cure the illnesses of her family members and prolong their lifespan.

He can formulate a good prescription to cure hysteria, but he can't save the third brother's natural weakness.

After reading medical books and traveling all over the world, the life span of my third brother was only extended to the age of 45...

After the third brother left them, the fifth brother also died of an old injury.

The brothers were distressed by the scars all over his body, but he just smiled naively: "This is the honor of marching and fighting, and every wound represents a fierce battle!
I brought them back alive, which means I'm victorious! "

Sad and helpless, the younger brother who was supposed to be delicate and soft, has been stumbling since birth.

One by one, they didn't care about their own bodies, and broke his heart...

Tang Lingzhi fell into deep self-doubt for a time, failing to save the life of the third elder brother, or the life of the fifth younger brother...

Still after being enlightened by the eldest brother, he simply lifted the medicine box and began to follow the world as his home.

The male disciples he has accepted are all over the four countries, and he only hopes that male doctors can blossom everywhere!Let men no longer have nowhere to seek medical treatment...


Tang Honghu has been with the wind and sand all his life...

The scorching sun and severe cold are accompanied by the training sound of the gold and iron horses!
Beat the drums, go to battle, charge!

He is always at the forefront, he knows nothing about piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, but when it comes to forming troops!He will never admit defeat.

Both mother and father are staunch people, so naturally he can't admit defeat.

The eldest brother looks dignified and serious on the surface, but he is actually a man who screams when he sees a mouse.

The second brother is pure and soft, even when others bully him, he can't feel his presence!

The third brother is weak, and when the wind blows, he will have to cough for half a month!

The fourth brother is kind-hearted, benevolent, and pitiful to everyone!
Among the brothers, he is the thickest-skinned and most female-like!

Naturally, we have to be tough, stand up for them, protect them, and give them a sense of security.

So he has been training with his father since he was a child, he was three years old and never complained about being tired...

Now that everyone has settled down, the little niece has become the lord of a country. After calming down the frontiers for her, he can finally step down...

The old wound on his body, every rainy day, hurts to the bone, he really can't hold on!

He Tang Honghu, in this life, for the family and the country, lived passionately, magnanimously, and lived with no regrets in his heart.


At the moment of death, Yunfei's soul returned to the system space.

The system is sobbing...

Yunfei looked into the system hut with concern, "What's wrong with you?"

"Wow!! This TV series is too miserable! A baby without parents, a little cabbage in the field!"

Yunfei: ...Sorry to bother you.

"Ahem, don't read it! Clear the task for me!"

After pressing a few buttons, the system ignored it, and continued to watch the TV series with tears and crackling noises.

[In the process of extracting mission emotions and ghost hunting experience...]

[Mission settlement...

Mission goal: The average happiness level of the five sons is 90%
Mission Completion Grade: Excellent
Settlement points: 450.

Accumulated points: 575
Mall: opened.

Task reward: a piece of land (already integrated)]

Package: bionic companion robot, [-] square meters of space (two lands have been fused.).

Skills: elementary level of flower boxing and embroidered legs, elementary level of yin and yang eyes, elementary level of spells.

After the settlement, Yunfei looked at the points and felt that he could pick a cheap skill to buy!
Anyway, I can add some help~~

So opened the mall.

"Clairvoyance, 300 points, and Shunfeng ear... this should not be used for the time being, and then..."

In the end, she set her sights on the intermediate skills of Huaquanxiuji and the elementary skills of flying over the wall.

Both require [-] points!

One can strengthen boxing kung fu, and the other can have simple light kung fu and agility.

These two skills can be used on most planes, unlike Yin Yang eyes, which can only be used on specific planes.

In the end, she still chose to buy Flying Roofs and Walking Walls. She knows how to order everything, so the chances of survival are higher!

After buying it, wait for the system to send it...

"Tongzi, you can send me off!"

"Wow~~ dance by yourself! I'm going out to send blades to the screenwriter!!!"

... The treatment was so good, Yunfei stretched out his legs in disbelief, and slid into the transmission channel as if he were on a slide! !


When he woke up, he heard the sound of fighting beside him, the shouts of humans, and the roars of strange beasts!
The moment he opened his eyes, a ferocious man with black devil horns on his head was throwing a black chain at him! ! !

The body attached to Yunfei instinctively took out a huge hammer to fight back!
The iron hammer was surrounded by thunder and lightning, and attacked that weird strong man with lightning all the way!
The two began to fight, and his attack methods were all based on physical instinct!

Fortunately, the enemy is also very good...

After knocking down the strong man, he had time to look around.

This seems to be a battlefield! ! !
Colorful attack methods, and all kinds of strange weapons!

Visually, humans are fighting against the Devil Horned Man, and he is on the human side.

(End of this chapter)

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