Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 279 Immortals and Demons Cannot Stand 2 Standing 5

Chapter 279: Immortals and Devils Are Incompatible Fifteen
Seeing her reliable senior brother coming, She Yinyin, who had been holding back her pain, burst into tears, "Senior Brother Qi, Yinyin hurts, Yinyin hurts so much!"

"Hey, don't cry, senior brother is here, first take some pills to heal your injuries."

Qi Bin's heart ached so badly, since Junior Sister came here, she was smiling every day, and this was the first time she cried so pitifully.

In his storage bag, there is a special medicine for She Yinyin, which will not burst the body with aura, and has a very good medicinal effect.

Qi Bin heaved a sigh of relief after the wound on the little girl's body was wiped with ointment and began to heal.

Start asking what happened just now.

She Yinyin looked at the corpses of those senior sisters on the ground, bit her lip and said, "Senior Brother Qi, Yinyin killed someone..."

"Huh? Don't be afraid, Senior Brother Qi will protect you, let's talk slowly."

While comforting Yinyin, he began to pack the corpse in a storage bag, and then disturbed the mess in this area.

After learning that it was Huofeng's female disciple who injured her, a stern light flashed in Qi Bin's eyes.

He took the four corpses and went to the main peak to plead guilty.

After taking the medicine, Yunfei began to meditate, and the injuries on his body were also not complete.

"It's late, go to bed early, recover from the injury as soon as possible, and we still have to protect Yinyin!"

After a long time, there was a sigh, "Back off, let's put aside the things in hand, and make sure that Yinyin goes out, and there must be people by his side!"

"Disciple obeys."

Yunfei is helping She Wuwu change the ointment on her arm in the room.

"I'm helping Brother Da Zhuang's house to collect it. I'll come back when I'm done. They called us to have dinner, but I pushed them away."

Not only would he not punish Yinyin, but he would try his best to appease her.

He jokingly said: "Isn't this just for the sake of my daughter, thinking that if you are taken away, I will take revenge for you!"

They also expressed their puzzlement!

There have always been some rumors in the sect that he is jealous of Junior Brother Qianhe's talent and his master's favor.

The reason why he cared about cause and effect was because of the God Transformation Thunder Tribulation, Yunfei was afraid that he would be struck to death by lightning before he finished the task.

Originally, I wanted to ask the second disciple to prepare a medicinal bath for Yinyin. After all, they are both women, so it would be more convenient.

"it is good!"

If the sect had infiltrated the demon race and attacked the child in order to provoke the relationship between them, then he would really be speechless.

She Wuxin lazily sat up leaning against the bed, the red bellyband on her body matched her skin dazzlingly white.

So he chose a way to save trouble, anyway, they have already paid the price of their lives for their words and deeds.

"it is good."

Now that I think about it, I don't feel at ease. It's better to do it myself.

"Well, then you should settle the karma as soon as possible, and let's go back to the realm of comprehension."

From this day on, the disciples of Huofeng found that they seemed to be treated differently by their fellow disciples of Qiqifeng. As for the reason...

The implication is that if you want to fight, you don't need to make excuses.

Finally, he admitted his mistake and said: "Sovereign Master, it is the disciple's fault. I didn't take good care of my junior sister and senior brother. This disciple is willing to be punished!"


Listening to it gives people a feeling of peace of mind.

He didn't dare to add oil and vinegar, but told him exactly what She Yinyin had said to him.

She can actually empathize, because she also has no intention of everything, except for their father and daughter.

"That's true, I'm not as decisive as True Lord Qianhe! I want to kill the child's mother with my own hands."

As long as they teach the basics and leave a detailed explanation of the exercises, even if they can't become martial arts masters, it is enough for hunting.


"Oh, let Her Royal Highness down, and lose a perfect excuse to kill me."

However, that scorching gaze made him feel uncomfortable all over. He couldn't help opening his eyes, and asked helplessly, "Your Highness, do you have any orders?"

She Wuxin smiled, "You meditate, I can't sleep because of the noise of the rain, what if I want to sit? Can't I?"

This matter was first provoked by those female disciples, but when they died, it became Xiao Yinyin and the others' ignorance.

The suzerain had his hands behind his back, making it difficult to see his expression. Except for the first glance at the corpses, he never saw them again.

"I just think, Wan Qianhe! Something is wrong with you! Are you Wan Qianhe?"

The smirk on his face returned to laziness again, his left leg was lifted up, and his right leg was put on it, gently shaking that white and tender foot.

Seeing the man bowing his head to apply the medicine without even looking at her, he couldn't help asking, "Why are you so busy coming back today?"

In order to make a quick success, he can be said to be ruthless. Fortunately, the Lin Dong brothers are also up to date, neither complaining nor tired, silently gritted their teeth and persisted.

After all, they are the couple who share the same bed and have the same mind.

After Yunfei tested that the two sons of the Lin family did not have spiritual roots, he began to teach worldly martial arts.

These words also dispelled the doubts in She Wuwu's heart. It turned out that this was the reason why the dog man stopped yelling at her!

"Heh, does Her Royal Highness think that it is too extravagant for you and me to coexist peacefully?"

"Okay, I just don't know which point attracted your attention so much, and I looked at me without blinking..."

Yunfei's face turned cold, and that ruthless dog-man feeling came back again, and She Wuwu was relieved.

Then let's make an agreement!For the sake of Yinyin, when encountering humans and demons on the battlefield in the future, they will never attack each other.


"Send them to the back mountain, and find out the fact that they accidentally entered the back mountain and fell into the mouth of the beast."

I can kill demons, and you can kill people too, but you and I cannot kill each other! "

The elder in charge took the order and retreated with the corpse.

Qi Bin sent the comatose Mo Wang and the recovered She Yinyin back to the Refining Peak and handed them over to his juniors to take care of them.

She Wuwu responded indifferently, and after lying down, closed those blood-red eyes.

Otherwise, when Junior Brother Qianhe came back, it would be bad if he complained to him and the sect because of this matter!

The injured magic horn on the head was also wrapped in a white cloth, and his back looked a little weak.

Although the woman's smile is beautiful, it is full of deadly danger.

Article [-] of the sect's laws and regulations: If members of the same sect fight each other, they will be expelled from the sect!

After Qi Bin left, the suzerain called the elder in charge of the sect.

Dim candlelight, pattering night rain on the eaves, crackling.

In the secular world, a remote mountain village in the south.

The main peak is the highest mountain in the sect, symbolizing its status.

He is often worried that his junior brother will think too much...

The suzerain was left standing alone by the window, overlooking the entire sect outside the window.

Learning martial arts well can enhance their chances of survival!
As for money, leave some for them after he leaves.

Yun Fei was stunned for a moment, then sighed: "Immortals and demons have been at odds since ancient times, since we have mentioned this matter.

After She Wuwu got better, she couldn't stay any longer, so she disguised herself as a woman of the human race, and often went out for a stroll.

Tired from walking, I sat down on the spot, kowtow fried soybeans with the nearby aunt, chatting gossip with relish.

Waiting for Yunfei to come looking for him, he yelled that his chest hurts, his arms hurt, his legs hurt...

Anyway, it hurts everywhere.

(End of this chapter)

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