Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 303 The father and son who pick up trash in the interstellar world 3

Chapter 303 The Father and Son Picking Up Trash in the Interstellar Part [-]

It was a foregone conclusion, the father died, and everything in their family was confiscated, even the citizen brains on their wrists were taken back.

Every newborn has a chance to receive a free brain input gene from the government, which is equivalent to registering a household registration.

Rich people look down on this kind of smart brain, and they can also buy it themselves, and then register the gene bank online according to the smart brain's prompts.

After losing their brains, the family of six could not take anything with them except their clothes.

Because the currency of the federation is a virtual star coin, which only exists in the account of the brain.


In the spaceship that was escorted to exile on Junk Star, Xia's mother violated the rules and opened the escape channel while no one was paying attention, and jumped into the sea of ​​stars.

Even though she and Xia's father were separated all year round, it did not affect the couple's relationship at all.

After all, she was the woman Father Xia wanted to marry against the family's wishes and gave up everything!

Is this the body?No... this is a humanoid meat grinder!

He probably thought that the old father had just vomited, and now that he couldn't bear the hunger, he would come out to look for him.

Remember to please those uncles and aunts, so that we can pick up the first batch of garbage, so that we will not starve to death. "

How much garbage would he have to pick up to afford a spaceship ticket to leave Junkstar?

Xia Qingzhu had heard these words since he was a child, and he believed them firmly from the beginning, and then they went in from one ear to the other and out from the right.

The four were exiled separately.

Others can't understand him, and if they say a few words about him, he will retort: ​​"His genes are good, but I'm just a natural person, so fragile that I can't take care of myself."

"Don't touch Dad, it hurts."

How dare he, with his fragile constitution, provoke these aborigines...

Xia Qingzhu was taught by her grandma to be very obedient, obedient and sensible, and very dependent on the original body, so she would bring him something back every day for fear that he would starve to death.

And they didn't want Dad to pick up the first batch of garbage. The last batch was turned over by others, and there was nothing left.

A few neighbors felt sorry for the little Xia Qingzhu, squatting down and rummaging in the trash every day.

But Xia Qingzhu didn't know about this, because he was so busy that he could lie on the garbage dump even when he was sleeping.

When he got up and was about to leave the broken iron room, he clearly felt the pain in his body.

The brazen original body would also open his mouth, trying to brainwash his son, "Dad is just a natural person, the toxins outside are too strong, he will die if he goes out often.

"Tell me, what do you want this time? You don't need to coax me with these nice things. After all, which time have I not listened to you?"

Xia Qingzhu complained about his father's recklessness, felt wronged, and even wanted to never recognize him again.

After all, he is just a delicate and frail natural person, how could he withstand the poisonous mist for so long.

Although they are exiled sinners.

Now it's so thin that only a layer of skin remains...

Even if he was hungry, he only dared to secretly pour a little bit to taste, and the rest would not move.

But the purification potion is so expensive, where can I get it?Even if he picks it up, it's not something he, a seven-year-old, can keep...

Because of the many crimes of being exiled nearby, or the federal black family who was born here, he watched him choose.

He died, how could she live alone......

After he was stunned for a moment, he walked over angrily and tried to help Yunfei up.

On the planet, only Boss Rael in the North District can buy purification potions, and the price is so high that a strong man can spend ten years in vain!
That's why Xia Qingzhu said that he was dying.

Then take it and sell it to the recipient in exchange for a little expired nutrient solution.

Sure enough, Yunfei saw that crooked figure at the garbage dump.

Hearing someone calling him, Xia Qingzhu looked back, his heart immediately lifted, and his voice was a bit sharp, "Why are you out? Go back quickly, I will be able to bring the nutrient solution back soon."

Residents of Garbage Star who have been eroded by toxins all year round, who doesn't need purification medicine to save their lives?

Day after day, Yuanzheng felt more and more at ease, as if he was his son and Qingzhu was his parents.

"Green Bamboo..."

But as long as you have money, you can not only leave by spaceship, but also spend money to buy fake identities. Professionals can provide this kind of one-stop service.

This was the only word Xia Qingzhu heard from his father's concern over the years.

There will be gray areas everywhere, and there are naturally on Junk Star.

After arriving at Garbage Star, Yuanshi chose a dilapidated one to live in in such a dilapidated iron house near the garbage dump.

Even though he is only seven years old, he looks like a little old man.

Yunfei smiled weakly, his body suddenly collapsed on the ground, "You are angry, Dad is worried."

So in the end, the only ones who were exiled were the original body, the pair of siblings, and his son.

The little man didn't dare to relax at all, he carried two lives on his immature shoulders!
The garbage that was transported once in half a month, others left after a few days of rummaging through it, but he was the only one who guarded and rummaged through it day after day, hoping that some fish would slip through the net.

Yunfei's voice was a little weak and breathless, just a short distance was already the limit of this body.

It is often possible to pick up expired, or drink the leftover nutrient solution to maintain food and clothing.

Living in the most dilapidated tin house, picking up the garbage left by others, it has been like this for a while.

Rotting skin, brittle bones, difficulty breathing, accompanied by a cracking headache, difficulty swallowing and sleeping,

When the original body found out about this, he decisively started to gnaw on his son. He stopped digging through the trash, and waited for his son to come home and feed him every day.

Yuanzheng's inability to take care of himself at the beginning was indeed a lie, but it has been true for the past two years.

You are cute and have better genes than your father. They are willing to take pity on you, so you have to be obedient and diligent, you know?

So I took him to grab the first batch of garbage, which was the most valuable.

The toxins in the air soon polluted their father and son, their skin began to fester, and their bodies began to deteriorate.

After sorting out the plot, Yunfei sighed, very good!Another plane that wants to cheat.

The original body and his son are on the garbage star E36, and the twins are on the garbage star E37.

It's not that Yunfei wants to pretend to be pitiful and lie to the child, it really hurts...

The premise is that you have money... and can keep it from being robbed.

However, often on the second day after getting angry, he couldn't bear it anymore, and went home angrily, feeding the nutrient solution to his old father who seemed to be paralyzed on the bed.

And it turned out that his health was not good at all, and those uncles and aunts said that he would die if he couldn't get the purification potion.


In an instant, I felt that the original owner was really unable to take care of himself.

He has experienced so much, and the pain he can endure is definitely much stronger than that of ordinary people. It is conceivable how painful it is for the original body of an ordinary person.

If he hadn't received the original body's memory and knew that he was a real dog, not just pretending, he probably wanted to help the original body clean up.

After all, from another point of view, if the original body knew that he would die early, there would be nothing wrong with training his son's ability to survive alone from an early age.

(End of this chapter)

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