Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 305 The father and son who pick up trash in the interstellar world 5

Chapter 305 The Father and Son Picking Up Trash in the Interstellar V

"Anyway, I've already drank it. It's impossible for them to exchange low-grade nutrient solution with you. You can figure it out yourself!" Yunfei also put it badly.

The main reason is that he doesn't play tricks, so Xia Qingzhu probably won't be willing to drink it.

"Grandma is right, you don't know how to live at all."

"Then do you drink it? If you don't drink it, I'll drink it all. Maybe if you drink it, you won't have to die."

"It's a beautiful idea. This is just a nutrient solution for rich people, not a medicine."

Having said that, Xia Qingzhu looked at the potion in his hand, but his heart was a little moved.

Yes, if it wasn't something special, it wouldn't be so expensive, right?

The hunger in his stomach forced him to hold back, licked his dry and cracked lips, and swallowed.

In the end, he took a sip tentatively, and the moment of ecstasy from the mouth to the soul, the tube was empty in a blink of an eye.

I can't control not to drink at all, and I still want to drink after drinking.

"Dad, have you ever drank advanced nutrient solution before? No wonder so many people like it. It's really delicious. It's the best thing I've ever eaten."

Nonsense, besides the infant nutrition solution he drank back then, he hasn't eaten anything good since he grew up so old.

Infant nutrient solution is issued by the federal government and is only for infants and young children under the age of ten.

After the age of ten, you can drink the nutrient solution on the market.

And Xia Qingzhu was no longer a federal citizen, so the government didn't send him any more.


Xia Qingzhu smacked his mouth, feeling a little pity, if it was exchanged for low-level nutrient solution, the father and son could drink it for ten days.

But that's fine, anyway, he was about to die anyway, so he had a taste of the high-grade nutrient solution before he died.

After drinking, his body felt warm, and a sense of drowsiness came over him. He crawled next to Yunfei, fell down and fell asleep.

The sound of long breathing came into his ears, Yunfei smiled and fell asleep.

After eating a few fruits, his body also felt tired. This is the body's self-protection system.

This time, I fell asleep until dawn...

As soon as the sky was gray and bright, Xia Qingzhu woke up automatically. He carefully got up from the iron bed, and walked out softly with the iron bucket.

And Yunfei also opened his eyes when he closed the door.

Just wait a little longer, after he recovers his body, he will no longer need to go out to make a living.

After going out, Xia Qingzhu jogged with the bucket in his hand. He was afraid that he would be late.

very strange!Today I feel a lot better physically and mentally. Is it because I slept well last night?
"Uncle Tucker, Aunt Jenny, brother Iris, good morning!"

At the intersection, three fully wrapped people were waiting with their iron buckets in hand.

Hearing a familiar voice, the only woman among the three had a smile in her naked eyes, "Little Qingzhu, good morning!"

Tucker laughed muffledly: "Is Qingzhu in a good mood today? Children, that's how it should be. Smile more."

The remaining young man who was thin and a head shorter than Tucker also greeted Qingzhu with a smile in his tone.

"Everyone is here, let's go."

Qingzhu followed them, trotting quickly to barely keep up.

“Uncle Tucker, where are we going today?”

"Go to the wild. People in the northern area are buying a kind of ore recently. Let's go find it and see if we can find it."

"What kind of ore does it look like?"

"Yellow, small..."

The conversation faded away.


And Yun Fei, who stayed at home, was scraping and washing the powder of Sui Dan.

I tasted a little bit and it was fine.

Tried a little more...

After scraping off one-fifth, I didn't dare to scrape any more. Instead, I dug out a bucket of candies from the corner of the space.

It is the kind of candy that is packaged separately in small plastic squares. After pouring out the sugar inside and putting it in a bag, take the small compartment and pack the powder of Xisui Dan.

Eat a little every day, and you should be able to nourish your body in no time.

The feeling in his stomach came very quickly, and Yunfei hurried to the distance to solve the major issues in life.

Ollie, who was all over the floor, asked him to vomit and give himself psychological hints before finishing.

"This is the toilet...toilet..."

Residents on Garbage Star, in the eyes of the Federation people, are damned people, so they are not equipped with toilets at all.

Everyone solved it in the open air. As for the toilet paper, let's not mention it...

It can only be said that paper is very rare and is not used to go to the toilet...

And water, filtered water has to be afforded by wealthy families.

Ordinary people can only drink the cheap polluted water. After simple treatment, it will not kill people, but they will feel unwell and produce toxins in the body.

The people of Garbage Star even want this kind of water extravagantly, and they drink polluted water directly, so their bodies are highly festered and their lives are short.

Yunfei washed several discarded nutrient solution tubes, filled them with clean water, and scraped ten percent of the Xisuidan powder into them one by one.

After such a mixture, although the water looks a bit dirty, compared to the polluted water, it is still too clean...

Finally, he scraped some dark chocolate into it, squeezed some lemon juice, thought about it, and scraped some Bigudan powder into it.

Sour, bitter and black water, um...very reductive.


Xia Qingzhu didn't come back at noon, Yunfei ate some fruit for lunch, and the child came back with the iron bucket when the sky began to darken in the afternoon.

Tiredness was written all over her immature and festered face.

He lowered his head and said in a lost tone: "There is nothing today, just bear with it, the spaceship to take out the garbage will come the day after tomorrow."

"Well, do you want to drink water? I found it when I went out today."

It happened that Xia Qingzhu was tired all day and was also thirsty, so he didn't think much about it.

After drinking it, I looked at the bottle with some puzzlement, "Where did you put it? Why does it taste weird? It's still delicious..."

delicious? ? ?

It's sloppy, I should add some bitter gourd juice into it.

Yunfei said without blushing, "I picked up a little intermediate nutrient solution, and I mixed it into the water."

"Well, no wonder, it's a bit delicious."

"Well, are you going out tomorrow?"

Xia Qingzhu shook her head, with disappointment in her eyes, "Don't go out, Uncle Tucker and the others will go to the West District tomorrow to see, they may fight, so they can't take me."

"Then take a day off." Yunfei said indifferently.

"Oh!" Seeing his father's carefree appearance, Xia Qingzhu sighed.

Sometimes he really envies his father, who used to be taken care of by his grandma, but now has his son taken care of.

Not being able to go out with Uncle Tucker and the others meant that the father and son would be hungry for another day.

"Hehe, why are you sighing at such a young age? Come and sit on the bed and rest for a while."

Before losing his temper, Xia Qingzhu suddenly ran out quickly, clutching his stomach.

On the way, he still shouted wonderingly: "Oh, why did my stomach hurt suddenly? Could it be that there is something wrong with the water?"

That's right, there is indeed a problem with the water...

Lying on the bed, Yunfei has hidden merit and fame.

(End of this chapter)

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