Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 321 The father and son who pick up trash in the interstellar world 21

Chapter 321 The father and son who pick up trash in the interstellar world 21
Items arrived quickly.

Fortunately, the broken iron house chosen by the father and son faces other houses, and there are two houses nearby that are occupied by people.

Yunfei has not seen them coming in and out since Yunfei came, and he doesn't know if they are still alive.

The water seller provided a water tank as a gift. It takes up too much space to put it in the house, and I don’t feel relieved to put it outside.

In the end, he tidied up an unoccupied iron house next to him, and then moved the two-meter-high water tank into it.

Anyway, they didn't have a place to take a shower over there, so they just cleaned up this side and used it as a bathroom.

Just do what you say, go home and get some tools, and you have to do a good job of drainage.

Xia Qingzhu didn't see anyone when he came back, but he heard movement in that house, so he walked over.

"Dad, are you in there?"


After hearing the response, he walked in.

The first thing that caught his eye was the huge water tank, and the yellowed water shocked him, "Dad! Where did this water come from?"

The water source on Garbage Star is basically monopolized by the people in the northern district. Where did so much water come from!

Yunfei took some time out of his busy schedule, raised his head and smiled and said, "I bought it on Xingwang. You don't need to save water in the future. You can take a shower first. Dad will go outside and dig the ditch."

"Bath???" It's too extravagant.

"Well, don't drink this water, drink something else, this is for bathing."

Yunfei's house over there has already placed a large bucket of pure water that has been torn off the packaging. Anyway, Xia Qingzhu doesn't know what kind of water is sold outside.

Just buy what you can, and if you have the conditions, there is no need to drink that kind of biochemically polluted water.

After the bathroom was installed, the father and son washed themselves from head to toe twice before washing themselves.

The feeling of wanton water is so wonderful! ! !

I felt refreshed after being washed, and my whole body came back to life. A few days ago, I took Xisui Dan to expel the poison, and I didn't clean it too much before.

It always feels like a layer of sludge is covering the body.


After taking a bath, Yunfei filled three bottles of water with several clean empty bottles and asked Xia Qingzhu to give them to Tu Ke and others who had been taking care of him.

"By the way, call Uncle Tucker and the others to come over for dinner."

"Eat?" Xia Qingzhu was puzzled, "Is it a nutrient solution? I can bring them there."

"No, it's cooked food. Dad has already bought the ingredients."

Yunfei opened the bag of artificial fruits and vegetables to show him.

"Okay." Although Xia Qingzhu has never eaten it, she has heard of it, so she is looking forward to it.

All the way is happy.

After he went out, Yunfei also started to process the ingredients.

It was the first time he used this kind of artificial fruits and vegetables, and he didn't know if the taste was the same as normal ones, so he ate a piece of each raw to taste.

Not as strong as the naturally grown ones, and most of them have no taste, like fruits and vegetables that only imitate the surface of food...

The smell of alien meat was a bit strong, and he bought the meat of a three-legged bird, because it was a bit like a mutated species of pheasant.

Take out the onion and ginger cooking wine from the space, and use it directly to stew the soup.

Then there are cucumber scrambled eggs, artificial eggs can be said to be the most restored thing, the taste of eggs.

Tomatoes are mixed with sugar, orange juice is added and sugar is added, and then put into a machine that starts to be air-conditioned.

I also bought some colored peppers. The colorful ones look good, but there are no chili seeds and they are not spicy.

Stir-fried with a small piece of meat, fearing that the ginger and garlic will reveal the stuffing, I deliberately have the smell of ginger and garlic after frying, then take them out, and then pour the meat into it.

After all, interstellar doesn't have ginger and garlic, so they can't be seen, and the taste doesn't matter, after all interstellar people can't eat them.

Afraid that the smell would spread out, he put a spell on the house, which can isolate the smell and sound.

When Xia Qingzhu came back with the three of Tu Ke, it happened to be out of the pot.

There is no rice, the rice bowl is made of an iron basin, and the spoon is also used as an iron spoon. He bought them on Xingwang.com, and the price is affordable.

Iris took the lead in greeting Yunfei in a friendly manner, "Uncle Xia, excuse me."

"No interruption, I'm glad you can come, please come in quickly." Yunfei greeted warmly.

Tucker's appearance determines that he is not a person who loves to laugh, so he just nodded his head.

Jenny smiled and handed over the gifts prepared by the three of them, "There is nothing good, Mr. Xia, please don't be disgusted."

"I don't dislike it, I don't dislike it, there is no need to give gifts, that child Qingzhu, thanks to you all these years."

"Hehe, Qingzhu is well-behaved, sensible, and smart. Everyone likes him very much, and he has also helped us a lot."

Yunfei knew it was a polite remark, but still felt very happy, the corners of his lips couldn't be suppressed.

As for the person who was praised, he lowered his head in embarrassment at this moment, with reddish ears.

He hurried forward to help serve the dishes.


The tables and chairs were all delivered by order today. The father and son's home did not have these things before.

As for the things picked up, Yunfei packed them in a storage box and placed them in the corner.

In the small iron house, there is an extra corner of the kitchen.

The three people who came in were a little shocked when they smelled the aroma in the house.

They have heard of food, but have not eaten it.

Interstellar people seldom delve into this way. After all, man-made fruits and vegetables are not nutritious and can only satisfy their appetite.

However, due to the lack of seasoning, the cooking method is very crude, and the food can't even satisfy the appetite of the appetite.

It is conceivable that most people are unwilling to spend a lot of star coins to eat.

So, they were shocked when they smelled this fragrance, after all, they only thought they came to drink the nutrient solution...

Everyone thought that Qingzhu's father had something to tell them.

Iris was even more shocked. The changes from water to Qingzhu's house, as well as these foods, all showed that he did not press the wrong treasure!

After the dishes were ready, Yunfei helped them each pack a bowl of soup, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I didn't see any rice for sale on Xingwang, so everyone can only eat more vegetables."

Then he took out the iced orange juice and poured a glass for each of them.

Jenny said with exclamation in her tone, "I didn't expect Mr. Xia to be a chef."

"It's not a chef, it's just home cooking. The conditions were not good before, so I haven't done it."

Seeing that everyone didn't pick up any food, Yunfei moved his chopsticks first and said, "Everyone, you're welcome, just eat. I'm afraid you won't be used to using chopsticks, so I prepared spoons."

Iris picked up the soup bowl and smiled, "Then I won't be polite."

"Well, you're welcome, there's still food, it's a waste if you can't finish it."

Just after taking a sip, everyone's eyes lit up, and the actions behind them quickened.

Xia Qingzhu ate a bird leg specially left by Yunfei, and said with a mouth full of oil: "Dad, this is delicious, better than nutrient solution!"

"Indeed, Mr. Xia is too modest, how can this be a little bit?"

"If Uncle Xia leaves Garbage Star in the future, opening a restaurant will definitely be very popular." Iris firmly believes that those who are capable will be able to leave this quagmire sooner or later.

Tucker also said with a stiff face in embarrassment: "It's really good. If you weren't so messy before, it would be better if you were like this earlier."

 There are many people and things that have ruined my will, and I will write another update tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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