Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 323 The father and son who pick up trash in the interstellar world 23

Chapter 323 The father and son who pick up trash in the interstellar world 23

Seeing that the number of people online has reached 50, Yunfei was shocked, but also a little puzzled.

Tears and Qingfeng: 〖Haha, the anchor's face is full of confusion. 〗

Gentleness is not just appearance: 〖Are you surprised?Are you happy?Broadcaster, you are on fire! 〗

——〖My family members came from Amway, I heard that this is a sleep live broadcast room, is it true? 〗

〖Haha, my grandchildren insist on watching this live broadcast, so the old man has no choice but to join in the fun of you young people. 〗

The stars and the sea send out starships*10.

Another million...

The famous fans on the list began to buy gifts one after another, and there were some gifts from yesterday after sleeping soundly on the tune.

There are also many people frantically swiping gifts, just for Bo Yunfei's attention.

In short, it is very enthusiastic!

The scrolling speed of the public screen is dazzling.

Yunfei had no choice but to say: "Everyone, don't swipe the screen, if you continue to swipe the screen meaninglessly, you will be banned.

Then family members who are buying gifts, please stop for a while, and consume rationally! "

Lan Tian smiled: 〖Very sensible, but I feel a little hot, haha. 〗

〖I'm quite sensible, I just want to get this man's attention before the list. 〗

Miss Wuming: 〖Although...but...I still want to ask...how many gifts can add an anchor's optical brain number? 〗

〖Seek +1〗

〖Seek +2〗

〖Same request + optical brain number! ! 〗

Yunfei quickly responded to this question, "The anchor's private optical brain account does not add friends, so if you have anything to do, you can send me a private message.

If someone pretends to be me to join you, or claims to be a light-brain friend, please report it immediately, he must be a liar. "

Gentleness is not just about appearance: 〖Oh, why don't you know how to be flexible!It blocked the way of making money and blocked our way. 〗

〖Woooooo~~ I would rather the host publicly sell the friend slot, at least have a chance to get to know each other a little bit! ! 〗


"Haha, no kidding, let's get into today's talent show."

After Yunfei became serious, he stopped looking at the public screen in the live broadcast room.

After the sound test, start tapping the music.

Today's song is "Lemon", and it is also a very pleasant song after being knocked out of a water glass.

He didn't learn percussion music in a systematic way at the beginning, but picked out a few songs with crisp sound and easier to percussion.

So in fact, there are not many, and many Chinese-style songs can’t be played, because it doesn’t feel right to show them with water glasses.

When I first got started, the first song I played was "Twinkle Twinkle Shining Jingjing", and I was going to play the second song later.

With the melodious ding-dong sound, the fast-scrolling public screen paused for a moment, and then slowly no one spoke.

Only after the song ended did the fans start to speak.

Xiao Yu Xixi: 〖It still sounds so good. 〗

Miss Unknown: 〖How can there be such nice music?I've never loved music so much. 〗

The grassroots of the Federal Military Academy: 〖After listening to this song, I felt an indescribable feeling in my heart. 〗

〖Feeling knocked into my heart...〗

Bai Fumei: 〖I can't get such a man, I won't be able to sleep tonight! !Woooo~~〗

After Yunfei pursed his lips and smiled, he said, "After everyone has digested this song, I will play the next one."

Yangchun Baixue: 〖Thank you for your understanding. 〗


Inside the ward on the top floor of the Federal Sanatorium.

Ye Shunlong saw that Marshal Ye was sleeping soundly, even snoring, and sat beside the hospital bed, not daring to move for fear of waking him up.

After quietly mute the light brain, send a message to Nona.

Ye Luo silently: 〖Is there any information about this anchor? 〗

Xingchen Dahai: 〖Investigated, the people under him said it was a pseudonym, he should have bought an account on the dark web, and the ip address tracking is also wrong. 〗

Ye Luo Silently: 〖Don't investigate too deeply, it may easily arouse the disgust of others, first lie dormant, brush up your sense of presence, and contact us in private. 〗

Seeing this news, Nuona couldn't help sighing: Ye Shunlong is no longer the impulsive boy he was back then.

Those who have responsibility are different.

Xingchenhai: 〖Don't worry, I have a measure. 〗

Seeing his friend's promise, Ye Shunlong put away his optical brain, he was still very assured of Nona's ability to handle affairs.

Now all I have to do is wait to get in touch with this anchor. I'm not afraid that he will ask for conditions, but I am afraid that he will have no desires or demands!
Looking at his father who was getting older and thinner on the bed, his eyes became firmer.

As long as this person can save his father, even if that person is an interstellar pirate, he will protect him!

After all, since this person uses a black account, it is obvious that there is a problem with his identity.

He is different from his father who has been loyal to the Federation all his life. For the sake of his family, he will use his power to seek convenience.

Instead of being upright like his father for a lifetime, he didn't dare to accept half a star coin.

Of course, he doesn't accept bribes, and he won't be bribed, but he has his own balance in his mind.

Soon, the live broadcast room began to play the tune of "Twinkle Twinkle Twinkle".

Everyone hurry up and listen quietly.

For some reason, everyone felt a little sleepy after listening to this song.

Even at work, after listening to it, they lay on the table and fell asleep...

As a result, Yunfei felt a little skeptical about life after knocking.

He asked again helplessly: "Hello? Is there anyone else in the studio?"

— there was silence.

"If there is no one, I will download it first?"

—Three crows fly here.

Embarrassing, is it really so hypnotic?
If he hadn't seen that the number of people online had reached 70, he would have thought this was no man's land.

Reluctantly, he could only download the broadcast first, just as he was going to try the interstellar animal blood painting spell.

After all, the windows are still waiting to be stocked!

The writing brush uses a metal pen holder, and then it is made of the tail hair of some exotic animals.

Then there is animal blood. As for the yellow paper, I couldn't take it out, so I chose yellow cloth.

It was still made of protective clothing, and there were a few pieces of animal skins for spare.

Try drawing symbols on yellow fabric first...

After 10 minutes, Yunfei sighed and threw away the piece of cloth. Sure enough, as he expected, the things drawn with this kind of cloth can't be done.

Slippery, just wipe off.

Then I started to try animal skins...

Yunfei tried several kinds of exotic animal skins one by one, and finally chose one of them.

The adsorption and spiritual affinity are relatively strong, and although the drawn spells are not as good as the traditional yellow paper and cinnabar, they are still okay.

Peace talisman, tranquility talisman, good dream talisman...

He only focused on drawing these three kinds of talismans, and he stopped after drawing ten pieces of each, and started to prepare lunch.

Originally, I wanted to go to Xingwang to buy something, but there was no Internet, so I had to give up.

As everyone knows, this time he has been thoroughly searched by the Federation...

Because several officially certified accounts came out to speak, confirming that watching his live broadcast really helps sleep.

 Thank you for your comfort (︿)bobo~~
(End of this chapter)

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