Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 325 The father and son who pick up trash in the interstellar world 25

Chapter 325 The father and son who pick up trash in the interstellar world 25

Those who wanted to save face stopped their attacks, after all, they didn't want to hurt a young child with foul language.

But some people don't take this into consideration, and even scold their children.

After seeing it, Nona also made a phone call, and the contact person was still the uncle named Tantai.

"Uncle Tantai, someone on Xingwang maliciously abused young children, you deal with it."

"What? There are such nasty things! Tell me which post it is."

Tantaiwang's resolute face was full of anger.

Ever since a child suffered from mental illness due to various negative comments on the Star Network, the Federation has clearly stipulated that maliciously insulting young children is a violation of the law!
He didn't expect that someone would dare to blatantly ignore federal laws.

According to Nona's guiding link, he also saw those remarks and immediately started to clean up the message area.

All accounts involved in insulting young children will be banned.

The birth rate of interstellar children is not high. After all, many parents find it difficult to conceive due to genetic problems.

What's more, he directly chose infertility because he was afraid that the children would suffer from genetic defects after they were born.

Because if you want to have an abortion in Interstellar, you also need to apply. You must state the reason and get an understanding before you can have an abortion.

Therefore, the federal treatment for newborn children is also very good.

Regardless of whether they are rich or poor, nutritional supplements will be sent every month after birth, and 12 years of compulsory education will be provided. Starting from kindergarten, there is no charge.


Fans came out to comment after those comments were cleared.

Gentleness is not just about appearance: 〖Haha, I am dying of laughter, these idiots think that Internet police are vegetarians!Dare to insult the child.

@蓝天吧艺望生, darling, tell auntie, are you the anchor’s son?What is it called? 〗

Grasshopper of the Federal Military Academy: 〖Please don't break the law if you know it. This is a comment area, not a no-man's land. 〗

Xiao Yu Xixi: 〖That group of people are too much, knowing that the children are playing with adults' optical brains, and they keep attacking. 〗

——:〖Below the anchor, guilty of not daring to take the lead, withdrawing the child as a shield, and canceling it. 〗

Stars and Seas: 〖Walk slowly. 〗

Xia Qingzhu heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that his speech was more pleasing to the eye, and then thanked his uncles, aunts, brothers, sisters, and grandparents one by one.

Then start learning with peace of mind.

After Yunfei sent the courier robot away, he saw his son who was working hard when he entered the room, and he didn't dare to disturb him, so he went to the table next to him.

He picked up the iron brush, dipped it in the blood of the beast, and began to draw the spell.

Then there are some besides, he has refined half of the semi-finished spirit weapon, several kinds of gadgets.

Among them is a green stone, which is the most eye-catching.


Early in the morning of the second day, most of the people who bought the charms got the courier.

Some were delivered in the middle of the night, some in the morning, and some were on their way to delivery.

Love from star f40 received the courier in the middle of the night. She is a migrant worker who recently lost her job due to a mental breakdown.

At the moment, she is recuperating in her old home on this remote planet. After all, she cannot afford to go to an expensive nursing home due to her condition.

I only watched the live broadcast after I was relieved by my younger brother. I didn't expect that it could really relieve the feeling of headache and collapse.

So he became Yunfei's number one fan, spending time in the fan group every day, for fear of missing any important news.

After receiving the news from the window, she was taken aback for a moment, and quickly placed an order for a peace talisman.

[-] star coins is a bit much for her, but when the anchor indirectly helps her calm her mental strength, there is no charge!

So she felt that it didn't matter if she just bought a rag, it was just a treatment fee for the anchor.

When the courier robot came, she was enduring the pain, biting an iron pipe hard, trying not to make a sound, which worried her family.

When she heard the movement, she turned on her optical brain to check the news with her eyes blindfolded, and it turned out that the courier had arrived.

Originally, this courier could be brought in tomorrow morning, but at this moment, she had a glimmer of hope in her heart...

What if it works?Is there no need to endure this kind of torture?
She is only 36 years old this year, her life has just begun, how could she be willing to be tortured to death like this!

So she struggled to get up, staggered to the door, and took out the package in the mailbox.

Didn't go into the house anymore, just disassembled it on the spot.

Seeing the cheap plastic box, his eyes dimmed for a moment, and then he took out the folded animal skin and opened it.

On the thin, rectangular animal hide was engraved with patterns she couldn't understand.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but I always feel that my mind is more relaxed.

Carefully fold it and put it in your pocket.

The sisters in the group are right, it’s a big deal to buy the anchor’s autograph, don’t star chasing people even spend money to stand where they have stood before!

That's called breathing the air he breathed, embracing the wind that blows him...  

For the anchor, at least they got a physical collection.

With this thought in mind, she cherished her pocket and returned to the room.

What she didn't notice was that the pain in her head was subsiding, because she was tired and accidentally fell asleep while lying down.

There are many people in the same situation as her.

After all, those who are willing to pay for a broken animal skin this time are all fans.

If you are not grateful, trust!They don't pay at all, so no one just throws things away after getting them.

They are all anniversaries, folded carefully, and put in pockets or cabinets, and some are pressed on the head of the bed.


Because that night, the fans who got the spell and it took effect were sleeping peacefully, so no one helped Yunfei to rectify his name.

As a result, when Yunfei went online early in the morning, there were many comments scolding him on the public screen.

And Xia Qingzhu didn't go out today, abnormally, and looked at his father worriedly since he woke up.

After Yunfei turned on the live broadcast, he saw that he was still standing by the door with a hesitant look on his face, so he couldn't help asking again with a funny face: "What's wrong with you today? Dad didn't even ask you, it's because Dad is wrong today ?"

Gentleness is not just appearance: 〖Huh?Is the host talking to Zai Zai?If you ask us this question, we know it. 〗

Xiao Yu Xixi: 〖Is the child unhappy?The anchor needs to pay attention!Be sure to teach him well. 〗

The speech that scolded Yunfei originally stagnated, there is a child... I dare not spray it.

How many accounts were blocked last night? After being frozen, I can no longer blog on Mercury. Life is so boring.

At this time, Xia Qingzhu, who hesitated again and again, said as if he had made up his mind: "Can you not broadcast live? I will work hard to support you!"

"Huh? Why?" As far as he knew, this child would never interfere with his father's hobbies.

A little resentment and sadness appeared on Xia Qingzhu's face, "Because they scolded you, I can support you, and you don't have to do these unhappy things.

I will grow up and work hard to learn the skills everyone taught me. "

(End of this chapter)

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