Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 327 The father and son who pick up trash in the interstellar world 27

Chapter 327 The father and son who pick up trash in the interstellar world 27

Nuo Na and Ye Shunlong have the same thoughts, even they are looking for the same person...

The foolish man on the opposite side slightly raised his eyebrows and said, "What's the matter with you and Shunlong? You actually protect one person at the same time? It's very trendy, and you even chase Internet celebrities."

Nuona didn't intend to talk to him, but only told him to do things better.

After hanging up the phone, he rubbed his temple, which was starting to ache, and used his optical brain to send a private message to Yunfei's backstage.

Xingchenhai: 〖Anchor, those who abuse you will soon pay for their words and deeds.

Please rest assured that we absolutely trust you, and you can just ask for any needs. 〗

At this moment, it was still Xia Qingzhu who was holding the optical brain. After being attacked by a large number of people, he rolled up his sleeves and was about to start reasoning with netizens.

As a result, after coming in this time, the style of painting has changed.

Federal Military Academy Grass: 〖Ahhh, I'm so angry, I need to listen to music to be inspired. 〗

〖Same thing, my sister couldn't fall asleep again, and wanted to hit the wall, and my heart ached seeing it. 〗

Chase: 〖This group of guys who harm others but not themselves, we who voluntarily spend money have not said anything, but they jumped up. 〗

〖Originally, the anchor didn’t take any money, so what if I bought a dishcloth with 20 or [-] star coins?Outside [-] people can't hire a therapist. 〗

〖Selfish people are like this, for free, they can’t wait to eat other people’s blood, and for fees, every dime is a scam. 〗

〖My head hurts, please help the host...〗

〖Don’t be angry, anchor. 〗

〖Don’t be angry, anchor and young master, we will scold you back. 〗

〖Wait for the host to come back...〗

Xia Qingzhu felt a little better after seeing so many people speaking for her father.

Most of them begged the anchor to come back, and condemned those who hadn't even been verified, and abused the attention-getting people by grabbing the talk.

After making sure that no one scolded his father again, the child opened the study circle with confidence and studied hard.

At this moment, he is seeing the federation's method of stimulating abilities.

To regain his citizenship, he could only become a rare supernatural user, or a mecha design master, or a high-level spiritual power user.

If there is great credit, the Federation will also grant immunity.

The arousal period of supernatural beings is between 7 and 20 years old. After this age, those who are not aroused are basically gone.

And in terms of spiritual power, he does have a spiritual sea, and Aunt Jenny is already teaching him.

Mecha designer is difficult and complicated, and he doesn't know if he can do it, after all, there is no professional teacher.

Brother Iris is a genius. I heard that if he hadn't killed people in school, he would have become a mech designer by now.

Fearing that he would be afraid of Brother Iris, Aunt Jenny once secretly told him that Brother Iris was wronged.

It's just that the other party has a big background, and their family can't afford to mess with it.


For breakfast, Yunfei made sweet soy milk and boiled eggs.

After the father and son ate, the Internet was also cut off.

"Son, this is the potion, remember to hand it to your brother Iris."

Xia Qingzhu nodded respectfully, "Dad, don't worry, I will be careful."

After speaking, he carefully wrapped the tube of brown potion with something, and then hid it in his pocket in the middle of his clothes.

"Dad, I'm leaving first."


After he couldn't see his son's figure, Yunfei also went out, and in order to save time, he put a speeding talisman on his feet.

It took nearly two hours to reach the field of Garbage Star.

There is a saying that there are no roads in the world, and if people walk a lot, they become roads——

This is the case with Garbage Star. Originally, there was no distinction between the living area and the wild area, but after people lived there, there was a difference.

After all, it is used to take out the garbage, so why would the people above care if you have a place to live.

Therefore, the living quarters on the other side of the garbage dump are all specially opened up by the people in front.

There is a shortage of manpower. Naturally, except for that area, the rest of the area is an undeveloped dangerous area.

Except for those who are capable, no one will come out to take risks.

Yunfei looked up at the towering black tree in front of him, he could only sigh deeply.

After a large area of ​​pollution, the greenery has all died. Although these surviving plants have become very bad, they are strong survivors.

If they hadn't adapted to the erosion and changed themselves, they wouldn't be able to survive.

As for them decomposing directly after being cut down, Yunfei always felt that the plants had spirits, and they might be taking revenge.

So deliberately evolve in this direction.

After all, this plane is a plane that allows immortal cultivation and spells to appear. It is not surprising that plants have spirits.

When he came out this time, he mainly wanted to find out if there were any plants he was familiar with.

While spaces exist, they require a provenance.

He is also tired of eating vegetables every day and not eating staple food!

Eating nutrient solution is even more uncomfortable...

After coming here, he eats Bigu Dan the most.

Although he had stockpiled some pills, he couldn't help consuming them so recklessly, he probably wouldn't have them after a hundred years.


"Ah, even the dogtail grass has turned into a plant that shoots thorns." Yunfei stood in front of a golden shield, which resisted the thorns shooting from all directions.

In front of him is a dogtail grass that is stronger than the tree it used to be. The original beautiful tail now looks like a mace.

Black, sharp, thick, and like a melon seed demon, it can shoot out thorns.

There is still a long piece here...

No wonder the Starmen explored the wilderness and so many died.

Walking out of the dog's tail grassland, I encountered a ferocious piranha again. It was unimaginable that the flower with a big black gear hanging on it was a small daisy.

It's as unbelievable as Lori turning into a chimpanzee in seconds.

And the bracken, growing into tentacles...

After cutting it down, it turned into a foul-smelling pus, which was scattered all over the ground, and it couldn't be preserved at all.

Yunfei sighed, and put down the giant sword in his hand, "Forget it, it's impossible to make the corrupted plant dead tree Fengchunchen! Let's go home and start planting from seeds."

As for the source of the seeds, well...in a certain cave, I accidentally picked them up.

Put it in a jade box that can preserve Lingzhi, which is credible enough.

So be it, the speed of plant decay leaves no room for human beings to save.

It can be seen that they just want to die together...

No wonder interstellar technology is getting more and more advanced, and it is still impossible to cultivate spiritual plants on a large scale.

It took another two hours for Yunfei to return home in vain.

A while after he got home, Xia Qingzhu also came back.

Seeing a glass jar in his father's hand, he asked casually, "Dad, what are you holding?"

"Ah, I picked up some gadgets, so I'll give it a try and see if it works."

After learning that it was a toy, Xia Qingzhu was no longer interested.

He took out a pair of watch-shaped things from his hands, and handed the bigger one to Yunfei, "This is the locator I learned from brother Iris, you wear it well."

(End of this chapter)

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