Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 341 The father and son who pick up trash in the interstellar world 41

Chapter 341 The father and son who pick up trash in the interstellar world 41
Of course Yunfei knew the shock and disbelief of the netizens.

"If you don't believe it, you can turn on the sensor and smell it. Does it have the fragrance of plants?"

Believe it or not, the sensor is turned on at this moment.

Ye Shunlong, who had been watching the live broadcast with his optical brain, couldn't help showing a complacent look at this moment.

Hehe, he didn't believe it at first, and he regretted the appearance that he had never seen the world.

It's really ruined the image.

But since it really germinated, he immediately wanted to send half a legion of soldiers to guard the nursing home, but unfortunately, Mr. Xia refused.

It made him worry about the vegetables being stolen all day long, and he went to the vegetable field ten times a day.

Some people were also arranged to go around in rotation.

Basically, no one has left the vicinity of this vegetable field.

Mr. Xia still has too little experience and doesn't understand the darkness of human nature. He should secretly send half of the legion back.

If it doesn't work, go to the Federal Military Academy to recruit some trainee soldiers, yes, that's it.


At this moment, the star network has been stunned by the news of the real plant.

Countless people began to seek confirmation from Aite Botanical Research Institute and major officials.

Mainly, do they mean that natural plants can be popularized today?
The researchers of the Institute of Botany are also having a meeting at the moment.

The old dean held a video conference at the Federal Sanatorium, and he asked palely, "Aren't you ashamed?"

Everyone bowed their heads and remained silent.

The old dean looked at the leading gray middle-aged man, "A few days ago, didn't you say that it is impossible for plants to grow outside? What do you say now?"

After studying for hundreds of years and changing several deans, the result is that it is absolutely impossible, and everyone will be angry.

He didn't even dare to write the report and hand it in.

Over the years, how much money has been allocated by the federal government to their research institutes, and how much human resource support has been given to them.

In the end, they fetched water from a bamboo basket, and it was all in vain!

However, when they were ready to give up, natural plants that could grow outside appeared.

It's not from their research institute...

It can be said that this time they lost all face and were rubbed on the ground.

Aite on the Internet has not yet responded.

The gray-haired middle-aged man is the vice president of the Botanical Research Institute. At this moment, he carefully suggested: "Let's talk to that therapist? Let him give us the planting method?"

The old dean suddenly started short of breath, pointing at him with trembling fingers.

The assistant next to him hurriedly called the nurses.

The staff of the research institute were also taken aback. They hurriedly ended the meeting and rushed to the federal nursing home.

As for public opinion on the Internet, no one has time to control it.


The live broadcast this time was very sensational, even the head of the Federation was alarmed.

The royal family of the Federation, surnamed Wu.

It is said that in ancient times, they were a family of wizards, possessing the spiritual power to communicate with the heaven and the earth, and their signatures were silver hair and purple eyes.

Wu Zhe, the current leader of the Federation, is only 35 years old this year, and has been in power for ten years.

Undoubtedly, he is an excellent country leader, and he will never lose the chain in any place where money and effort are required.

When the empire started the war the year before last, he had personally marched in a mecha.

Two years ago, he was already a strong man at the eighth level of mental power, and this year he broke through the ninth level.

It was also because of the breakthrough that his mental state also had problems.

This is the case with interstellar people, the smarter and stronger the person, the faster the spiritual world will collapse.

Unless someone can suppress their desire to become stronger and stop practicing, they will probably be able to live longer.

So when the people below sent him the live broadcast link, Wu Zhe, who was busy with political affairs, put down his work for the first time and started watching the live broadcast.

This is a field he has never touched in the past 35 years...

Seeing that everyone was swiping gifts, he raised his eyes slightly, and after researching how to recharge, he picked the most expensive one and kept clicking.

Then he smiled and dialed Ye Shunlong's video call.

The person on the other side of the screen, after seeing him, immediately performed the highest standard of etiquette, "I have seen the king."

"Hehe, didn't you say that? Brother Long doesn't need to salute when it's just us."

Ye Shunlong chuckled, "The old ancestors said that etiquette cannot be broken! You are the king, and I am the minister."

"It's up to you, let's get down to business, how about the precious therapist you dug back from the trash star?"

Mentioning this, Ye Shunlong regained his energy, and said triumphantly, "Thanks to my discerning eye, I found him no matter what."

"I know you are amazing, I just want to ask, how does his recuperation method compare with the empire's Lai Xizi?
Don't brag blindly, I mean it seriously. "

Ye Shunlong straightened his expression, and after thinking for a moment, he answered seriously, "From an objective point of view, my subordinates still think Mr. Xia is stronger."


"Lai Xizi, I know, I heard that he used hypnosis to cure his mental breakdown, which is a way to deceive himself.

But Mr. Xia is different, he really calmed down the mental power, and the originally restless mental threads will calm down one by one.

During each course of treatment, you will stretch your spiritual threads happily.

The subordinates believe that this kind of treatment is healthy, and if the spirit is not restless, it will not hurt themselves.

And the liquid medicine and that set of morning exercises can make the spirit stronger, the music can soothe the spirit, and the meals can reduce the intake of poison. "

Wu Zhe's purple eyes looked at the transparent light screen as if it could capture people's hearts, "Is there a place for me in the nursing home?"

Who dares to say no?
Ye Shunlong nodded quickly, "Does the lord need us to pick you up?"

"No, pack it up, I'll be right there."

Instead of getting to know him from other people, it would be better to meet him in person.


Yunfei is still carrying the live broadcast camera, taking steps to recuperate.

After all, some cases are serious and need to be treated with a small focus.

In the kitchen of the cafeteria, three little guys were eating with relish.

Simon's cheeks bulged from eating, and he looked at Xia Qingzhu with admiration, "Qingzhu, you are so amazing, there are relatives working in the nursing home."

"I think the most powerful thing about Qingqing is not this, but that he can cook healing meals!"

Xia Qingzhu only smiled lightly at his friend's compliment.

The uncle chef didn't mention that Xia Qingzhu was the son of their therapist, he just asked with a smile: "Little guys, if you don't have enough food, come here and pretend, there is still a little more."

"I, I, I, Eve wants more!"

After the small bowl was filled again, Eve thanked her contentedly, "Thank you uncle, we will come to help tomorrow."

"Haha, okay, come on, it happens that uncle is too busy here."

"it is good!"

The two little guys were so happy that they winked at Xia Qingzhu, thanking them for finding a good job.

Xia Qingzhu laughed, thinking that he should bring three lunch boxes tomorrow instead of bothering the chef uncle all the time.

This kind of favor has to be repaid by my father...

(End of this chapter)

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