Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 351 The School Bullying Dad of the Ability Academy 3

Chapter 351 The School Bullying Dad of the Ability Academy 3
In fact, they didn't want Tan Sixi to die, but they saw that she had grown up, and they were afraid that she would sue them.

Anyway, all these years have emptied the heritage left to her by her grandparents, so she might as well avoid future troubles.

Now Tan Sixi is just a baby who has just learned to walk, living in the doting of her grandparents.

After watching the plot, Yunfei closed his eyes and began to rest.

There are really too few opportunities to catch up on sleep like this at the beginning.

This time is still early, the biggest problem is getting out of the academy, otherwise everything the child experiences will be exactly the same as in the previous life.


After coming out of the hospital, Yunfei drew a card from his waist to use as he remembered.

Both feet flew into the air suddenly, and flew towards the academy in the center of the island.

After scanning the pupils, the door opened and let him in.

The Ability Academy, which covers an extremely large area, is divided into a primary department, an intermediate department and an advanced department.

Those under the age of 13 are elementary, [-] to [-] are intermediate, and those above [-] are advanced.

Each level is divided into four classes abcd.

She was originally a student in Class D.

Although he is very capable, he is a scumbag in the cultural class, so he can only sleep in the poor class.

Students can be seen running around the college on the road.

A navy blue suit, a white bow tie shirt as the bottom layer, and the girl's lower body is a red plaid skirt.Boys are red plaid trousers.

This is the school uniform of the Ability Academy.

On the outside, ear studs are just a kind of jewelry, but here ear studs can only be worn by powerful supernatural beings.

Because it is an energy imprisoner!
Seeing Yunfei appearing, Yuanshen's usual little brothers hurriedly approached and asked concerned: "Brother Xi, are you alright?"

"Brother Xi, you are back."

"Without you these few days, Xu Yao and the others are very arrogant."

Xu Yao is from Class C, obviously he is not the same as Class D, and even looks down on everyone in Class D.

He also looked down on the original body, but he couldn't beat the original body.

He often ridiculed the original body, who had superb abilities for nothing, but did not have the matching IQ, and was only fit to hang out with the guys in class d.

Every time he said it, he was repaired by the original body, and he refused to change after repeated admonitions.

Yunfei responded lightly, put his hands in his pockets, and returned to the classroom indifferently.

The moment he appeared, the noisy classroom seemed to be paused.

Then it became lively again, "Brother Xi is back!"

"Welcome Brother Xi."

"Let us all wish Brother Xi that he can successfully bomb this academy next time, haha."

"Welcome Brother Xi, don't be discouraged, it will definitely work out next time."

Without raising his eyelids, Yunfei returned to the seat in the back row.

A group of guys who don't feel pain in their backs when they stand and talk, hum.

His tablemate, Gu Yuze, who was inseparable from the original body, frowned and asked, "Xi, did they make things difficult for you this time?"

"I haven't had time to ask the crime yet. I just came back from the hospital."

Gu Yuze sighed and wanted to persuade his friend, but he didn't know where to start.

After all, he is on Xi's side...

Yunfei sat on the right side of Gu Yuze, and Tan Xixi was sitting in the corner to his left.

Except for sneaking a glance at Yunfei at the beginning, she never gave him another look.

It's no wonder that Yuan Bo never paid attention to her...

In the middle of the class, she turned into a little snail and lay on the table.

The one on the podium is the tutor of the Chinese class. He is just an ordinary person and does not know supernatural powers, so everyone is not afraid of him.

The boy at the front desk of Yunfei is a ghost, and at the moment he is enjoying the massage service of the ghost.

Even the squad leader is already working on new inventions.

Gu Yuze sleeps with his textbook upright...

There are people who eat, put on makeup, and do whatever, but only a few are studying.

No one is working hard for the top student spot, because this spot can only appear in class a.


After class, Yunfei left surrounded by his younger brothers.

Don't look at the group of them, who look like campus bullies, but basically, they all wear earrings with controlling power on their ears.

Yao Yiqi asked, "Brother Xi, which building should we demolish today?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he was glared at by Gu Yuze next to him, "Be quiet recently, that person is back."

"Then Brother Xi..."

Everyone looked at Yunfei worriedly.

Just after the discussion, a vine suddenly jumped down from the air, attacking Yunfei with the momentum of breaking through the air.

After he jumped to avoid it, the vines followed him as if they had eyes.

The younger brothers of the original body also activated their abilities to help.

"Brother Xi, run!"

"He's here, he's here, run."

"Don't worry about us, you go first!" Gu Yuze also shouted.

Yunfei was sweating profusely, he took out a card with wings from his waist and read: "Fly."

The wings in the card condensed on his back, leading him into the air.

After he flew away, the vines were taken back.

A man in a suit wearing a black cat mask appeared in midair, exuding a cold aura all over his body.

He lowered his head and glanced at Gu Yuze and the others who stayed behind with those beast-like eyes, then flew away.

Just one glance was enough to make the blood stagnate in the five of them, and Yao Yiqi's legs even trembled.

They didn't relax until he chased Yunfei away.

Cheng Mo adjusted his slightly crooked glasses, and looked into the distance worriedly, "Brother Ze, do you think Brother Xi can run away?"

Gu Yuze's expression was not good, "I can't run away, I didn't expect him to come back so soon."

"Brother Xi can't escape the punishment this time, let's go back."


Just as they thought, Yunfei was finally tied up with vines by the cat-faced man, and the supernatural power also threw a collar to imprison him.

He struggled hard a few times, but still couldn't break free.

The cat-faced man dragged him all the way, flying through the air.

Return to the top of the Academy's tallest clock tower.

After throwing him into the small black room, he turned on the electric shock device.


At that moment, all the skeletons of Yunfei's body were electrified.

The cat-faced man stood outside the door, looking at him without any emotion, and was shocked again and again.

Only when he was dying did he turn off the electric shock device, open the iron door and walk in.

The cold black leather shoes stopped in front of Yunfei.

Then the cat-faced man squatted down, holding a red fox mask in his hand, put it on for him, and took off the collar.

Masks, in this academy, are also not decorations, they are used to confine energy.

Those who cannot be suppressed by earrings need to add a mask.

It is not only a representative of strength, but also a punishment for violations.

Those who have no desire to resist in their hearts will not be put on this shackle.

Once put on, unless the instructor takes it off, or the energy of the person explodes, it will never fall off.

After the punishment, the cat-faced man stood up, turned and left indifferently.

(End of this chapter)

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