Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 355 The School Bullying Dad of the Ability Academy 7

Chapter 355 The School Bullying Dad of the Ability Academy 7
Yunfei dealt with one of them, while the cat-faced man gradually changed from three to four.

Those five people also had solemn faces at the moment, if it wasn't for the surrendered person, they would indeed know a lot of useful things.

The H country government will not send someone to protect him secretly...

But it was limited to the five of them. After all, they were not important officials. How could they arrange many people to protect a foreigner?

I didn't expect that such a strong person would be sent over there. It seems that the foreigner still didn't tell the truth. He must know something more important.

For this kind of mission, the only advantage is that the crime is clear and there is no sense of guilt for killing.

So Yunfei wanted to complete it very seriously, and at that moment just now, he had already withdrawn the power of the death card.

Secretly released a hell snake card...

This is why the cat-faced man bears more firepower.

The Hell Snake is a small black mist snake. It has no entity, but a cloud of poisonous mist. It moves swiftly, is good at hiding, and is highly poisonous.

Most importantly, the power consumption required to use it is not too great.

At this moment, the other party took the lead, and taunted proudly: "Continue to use the power at a high intensity, you will soon be hollowed out!"

And their reinforcements were on the way.

The cat-faced man didn't panic in the slightest, he just gave Yunfei a light look.

At this moment, the Hell Snake card had returned to his hand, so Yunfei nodded to him as a gesture.

The bluetooth headset of the leader on the opposite side was flashing brightly, and he yelled at his subordinates angrily: "Leave them, they are dead!"

In an instant, overwhelming supernatural attacks struck again.

One of them's abilities should be transformation, his hands turned into double wooden bins, and he kept shooting at the two of them.

After succeeding, the cat-faced man and Yunfei didn't bother to fight, and quickly withdrew their abilities to leave.


The Wings card turned into Wings, leading Yunfei to the sky, followed by the supernatural beings from country H who were chasing after him.

The cat-faced man didn't worry about him at all, and had already flown away by himself.

Only Yunfei was left behind and tried to escape.


It was not until dawn that he got rid of the group of people, also because they gave up chasing.

After all, they have already entered the territory of Z country, and if they continue to chase, at least a few of those people will be lost here.

It's not worth it for a dead foreign spy.

Yunfei was holding his wound and staying in a dark alley, blood dripping all over the floor.

Suddenly footsteps came from the intersection, and he was about to leave when he heard a name.

"Is Xixi tired?"

"no no."

With this delay, the other party had already turned a corner and walked in.

An old lady wearing glasses is pushing a stroller with a lot of vegetables hanging on the handle.

A little over one-year-old girl was sitting in the stroller, and there was a pattern of a little yellow duck on the pink and cute suspender skirt.

She was wearing toddler shoes on her little feet, which were dangling leisurely at the moment.

The smiles are too bright, showing a few small teeth, it can be seen that they are very happy.

Seeing the injured Yunfei, Tan's mother was startled and flustered.

She was afraid that the other party was a desperado, but looking at that immature face, she felt that it should not be, and the clothes on her body also looked like the school uniform of a noble school.

So she asked carefully, "Son, do you need to call 120 for you?"

Yunfei shook his head, covered his wound and quickly left the alley.

He's preoccupied with not being able to draw attention to them...

The college won't kill people, but it will definitely monitor them, and even take advantage of his weakness.

Moreover, both parents are children of supernatural beings, so they must be valued by the other party.

After all, it is not without examples. There is an 80.00% chance of such a child possessing supernatural powers.

So after graduation, students can only marry classmates, not ordinary people.

Of course, ordinary people cannot be contacted, unless it is a protection mission.

As soon as he got out of the alley and jumped onto a roof, the cat-faced man came to him based on his location.

The two flew into the sky together and left through the early morning clouds.

Tan's mother, who watched Yunfei leave, looked at the alley where he disappeared with some ecstasy.

She felt that the child looked familiar just now, and thought she had seen it nearby, but it was not until she saw the expression on her granddaughter's lips that she realized...

God!so similar……

Some kind of speculation came into her mind, she didn't care about taking a walk, and quickly pushed the baby carriage home.

When I got home, I closed the doors and windows tightly, and hid in the room with Tan Sixi in my arms, wiping away tears secretly.

The little girl didn't understand her grandma's thoughts, she thought she was going to play in the room, and struggled to get off the ground and walk by herself.

For several days, Tan's mother didn't dare to take the child out to play, and Tan's father went out to buy vegetables every day.

Seeing that no one came to the door, they relaxed.

I want to move, but I am afraid that one day my daughter will not find a home when she comes back. If I don’t move, I am afraid that someone will come and take my granddaughter away.

Under this panic, their health deteriorated, and they often experienced chest tightness and dizziness.


After returning to the academy, everyone was used to Yunfei's frequent disappearance.

Instructor Jin just explained that he asked him to make up for the missed courses, and ask the monitor if he didn't understand.

Talents like the original body with diverse abilities and strong talents are basically the ones who are assigned tasks all the year round.

Especially now that he's grown up and has more tasks to do.

The group of children in the elementary class will be the successors of the new generation. They are excellent, and they have to start learning to do tasks when they reach the age of ten.

After Yunfei came back, the first thing he visited was the school doctor's office, and he went back to the classroom in a daze after the wound was treated.

The little brothers came up one after another to give comfort, and angrily cursed a few words that the college is not a human being.

Tan Xixi sneaked a lot of glances at him, but was afraid to go forward because she had to pretend to have a bad relationship.

after class.

A new round of escape from the academy has started again.

The ones that penetrate the ground, those that fly into the sky, those that blow up the walls...

In the small black room, another batch of skeletons who were shocked by electric shocks ushered in.

Gu Yuze also went. He tried to set fire to the Academic Affairs Office. He should have wanted to avenge his good brother, but he was arrested before the fire was set.

Yunfei is very helpless, who taught them this way of hurting the enemy 0.000 and hurting himself 100%!
When I got back to the dormitory, there was no accident, the room was full of good brothers who were screaming.

"Brother Xi, I've loosened the soil under our academy, and sooner or later this broken place will collapse."

Brother No. [-], whose hair was curled up by the electric shock, said in a loud voice.

Yunfei: .....It will be repaired in 3 minutes. Can I change the damage value of this body?

Several other people also discussed their masterpieces one after another. Their bodies were in pain, but their hearts were very happy.

Only Gu Yuze was very annoyed, "Don't let the young master know who made the whistleblower, otherwise he won't be able to have another day of class in peace!"

"Hey, who else is there? It must be those sinister villains with mind-reading abilities."

(End of this chapter)

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