Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 357 The School Bullying Dad of the Ability Academy 9

Chapter 357 The School Bullying Dad of the Ability Academy 9
Yunfei carried the drunk Gu Yuze back to the dormitory, but encountered obstacles on the way.

"Hey, isn't this the lunatic from our Ability Academy?"

Xu Yao from Class C took his younger brothers and blocked him on the way back.

"Step aside."

With Gu Yuze on his shoulder, Yunfei didn't want to get entangled with this group of people.

However, the other party didn't think so. They skipped class on purpose just to block him.

"Heh, now you are alone, how dare you be arrogant, Murong Xi?" Xu Yao sneered.

Fearing that he would not be able to beat him, he brought ten people with him.

Yunfei put Gu Yuze aside, and even though it would deplete his combat power, he still chose a knight card to protect him.

Then he fought on his own, this time he didn't summon a battle card, a pair of flying shoes and an energy glove, used together.

When he came to this world, he had tried cultivating spiritual weapons and using spells, but nothing happened.

But flying over eaves and walls and embroidering legs with flower fists can still be used.

After all, it is an intermediate level, and it is indeed much stronger.



Yunfei dodged a shell attack again and jumped onto a nearby building.

I originally wanted to use them to attack the facilities in the academy to attract mentors, but it is obvious that they have been tricked a lot, and they have learned to be smart.

Not fooled at all!
The instructors in the college are very stupid, and when the students fight, as long as they don't damage the facilities, they don't see it.

If it is destroyed, they will come out to enforce the law, of course, if there are no casualties.

If a student is seriously injured or dying, he will still come out and take care of it.

Seeing Yunfei standing on the guardrail of the building next to him, looking like he had won the gold medal for avoiding death, Xu Yao sneered and said, "Heh, since you can't catch it, let's beat the one on the ground first."

Obviously, he wanted to use Gu Yuze to threaten him down.

As for Gu Yuze, he was still lying down, and the knight beside him had been protecting him.

It also has something to do with Xu Yao's lower limit. He didn't have the idea of ​​taking advantage of others just now, but now he has.

Yunfei took back the Flying Shoes card and replaced it with a Black Dragon card, allowing him to protect Gu Yuze firmly with his body.

After landing, he said sarcastically: "This is the difference between you and me. With ten people, you need to use such insidious means to force me down."

It had to be said that he knew where the pain was going to pierce, Xu Yao's face was livid with anger.

"The aggressive method is useless to me. If I don't teach you a lesson today, I'm afraid you will never know who is the boss in the Ability Academy!"

"Lesson? Oh, have you been beaten by me less often?"

This person has repeatedly provoked and failed repeatedly, and never gives up.

No wonder Yuanshen didn't want to talk to him, it was so annoying.

Yunfei said coldly: "Don't make so many useless ones, can you single out? Don't bother me after you lose."

The continuous humiliation made Xu Yao angry, "Who bothers you? Head-on, head-on!"


"Boss, think long-term..."

Although the younger brothers' persuasion was well intentioned, if it fell on his ears, it meant that he was not as good as Murong Xi!

He was even more determined to be singled out, and he didn't believe it. During this time, Murong Xi has been injured and doing missions, and he has been improving. Will he still be unable to beat him?

"Give me back, isn't he just Murong Xi? I'm not afraid of him!"

"Let's say good luck first."

Xu Yao raised his chin and looked at him, "If you lose, call me boss and help me run errands in the future."

"Okay, if you lose, then just detour when you see me!" Yun Fei really didn't want to waste time dealing with him.

"it is good."

Xu Yao, who was so disgusted by others, almost gritted his teeth.

Yunfei took back the black dragon card, leaving only the knight to protect Gu Yuze, lest the opponent's black hand.

"What do you mean? It's a one-on-one fight, why leave a card outside?"

Facing Xu Yao's questioning, Yun Fei only said indifferently: "It's nothing, so what if I give you a card."

This answer undoubtedly stabbed him again.

"Oh, I hope your body will be as hard as your mouth later." Be able to resist beating.


Mentor Jin and Mentor Ye, who had arrived earlier, were watching everything that happened here from a height.

Teacher Ye is the head teacher of Class C. She is also a woman. Unlike Teacher Jin's hotness, she wears black-rimmed glasses and a uniform short skirt. She looks more like a senior than a tutor.

"Jin Zi, why do kids talk so much when they get into a fight now? We used to do it directly when we met."

Instructor Jin said lightly: "Murong Xi has injuries on his body."

"So, will he lose?"

"will not."

Teacher Ye put his hand on his chin and nodded, "I think so, that bastard is really crazy."

Sure enough, even the injured Yunfei, Xu Yao was still not his opponent.

It can be said that it is completely looking for abuse.

Yunfei sighed, "Remember, don't provoke me next time, if you have this time, improve yourself, okay?"

"What are you proud of?"

"It's just a good fate and getting a good ability. What's there to be proud of?" Xu Yaohong who fell to the ground roared with eyes.

His eyes were full of jealousy.

People who are jealous of Murong Xi, a class d, are the key training objects of the academy.

Even if the other party violates the school rules every day and gathers crowds to make trouble, he won't really do anything to him.

Isn't it because he has a powerful ability?
And for a student with ordinary abilities like him, no matter how hard he tried, it was impossible for his instructor to see him.

On the contrary, violating the school rules can also bring some attention.

Yunfei just glanced at him indifferently, then carried Gu Yuze on the roadside with one hand on his shoulder and left.

When he turned around, he only said, "Whether your fate is good or not has nothing to do with you, remember, abide by the bet, otherwise next time, I will make you never come again."

Don't look at the original body's ruthless behavior, but his anger was only directed at the academy.

When dealing with classmates with the same fate as him, there will always be leeway in my heart.

Otherwise, with his strength, Xu Yao would have been crippled a long time ago, so how could he give him a chance to jump.

Yunfei is different, as an outsider, he is more rational.

Next time, he will really beat Xu Yao until he lies down for a few months.

He didn't think it was necessary to be merciful in order to threaten his classmates with Gu Yuze.

This time, for the sake of the original body, the chance given to him was also the only one.


After both parties had finished, Teacher Ye said to Teacher Jin: "Sure enough, it's Murong Xi. After he graduates, he should be in the class of Maolian, right?"

Instructor Jin shook his head, "Not necessarily, his prejudice against the academy is too deep and out of control."

Speaking of this, both of them were silent.

In the end, Teacher Ye spoke first, "I used to hate the academy too, but I've let it go now.

Some things always require people to sacrifice, it is not us, it will be someone else. "

(End of this chapter)

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