Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 367 The School Bullying Dad of the Ability Academy 19

Chapter 367 The School Bullying Dad of the Ability Academy 19
"Honey, how about I go to the vegetable market to pick up Xiaoxi?"

"No, he should be back soon, don't wait to see if you missed it."

Murong Bo could only hold back his anxiety and sit down, then got up again in less than a minute, spun around and asked, "Honey, is my dress too serious? I'll go change it."

"Mom, is this set okay for me?"

"Puff!" Xu Yuxian laughed.

The youngest son, who always wears a school uniform, went to change into a small dress on purpose...

At the moment, he was asking her timidly.

Because of her husband's sternness, this child has kept a straight face since he was a child, and rarely talks seriously, so it is rare to see him like this.

Usually people can't help but ignore his age when he does things.

I don't know if their family has good genes, and the two children they gave birth to are extremely intelligent.

But Huiji will be hurt, and they are afraid that the youngest son will do something wrong, so they don't even dare to let him show his achievements.

When he was a child, Murong Yan didn't understand. He always tried his best to get home first in the exam. With a perfect score, he should be happy, but his parents looked sad.

Murong Yan didn't understand, other students' parents beat and scolded him because he didn't pass the exam, but he did well in the exam, why are his parents unhappy?
There are also toys, he can ask for any toys, but he can't ask for cards and the like.

Later, he became more sensible, understood the situation of the eldest brother, and understood the concerns of his parents, so he began to know how to restrain his edge.

In the re-examination, the questions that are obviously good, are deliberately left out, and sometimes the answers are deliberately filled in.

For this reason, the teacher went to the parents and said that his grades had slipped too much.

The child's sensibility made her feel sad, but there was nothing she could do about it, no matter if she was selfish or made a fuss, anyway, she couldn't bear the pain of losing her child anymore.


A family of three, nervous and expectant, kept looking at the door.

Until the sound of the key being twisted, they heard the sound and looked over.

The young boy in white casual clothes had both hands full of vegetables, and his exquisite facial features were somewhat similar to those of Murong Bo and Murong Yan.

The three father and son are like one person in three different periods.

Together with the left and right ears, there are three obsidian earrings.

The hairstyle with black broken hair looks a little obedient, no different from ordinary modern college students.

Murong Bo hurriedly stepped forward to take the food in his hand, "Why did you buy so much? Are you tired? Let Dad pick you up next time."

It wasn't until they saw their son standing in front of them that they felt at ease.

It's not a hallucination, it's not hysteria...Xiaoxi really came home.

Murong Yan got up nervously, and called out, "Brother."

The boy who usually looks like a little adult is inexplicably shy at the moment.

This elder brother, he has kept it in his mouth for many years, the person who can make him shout like this, finally appeared.

Yunfei put down the food in his hand, hugged Murong Bo, then went closer and rubbed the boy's head, and said softly, "Hello, brother."

Seeing that the two brothers were in harmony, Murong Bo and Xu Yuxian felt relieved.

"Sit down and I'll cook. Mom and Dad will try their son's cooking tonight."

"Hey, mom will help you."

Yunfei shook his head, "No, you're not feeling well, let Dad accompany you, it's fine for younger brother to help."

"Okay." Murong Yan obediently stepped forward and went into the kitchen.

When Murong Bo learned that his wife was not feeling well, he worriedly helped her back to the room, "Why didn't you tell me that you were not feeling well? Shall I ask Doctor Xiao Yang to come?"

"No, it's just that Xiaoxi is back. I'm so happy, and I feel dizzy for a while."

"Let the doctor come over, the child has just returned, and you don't want to fall down, do you?"

"This..." Xu Yuxian nodded hesitantly.

That's right, her son just came back, and she couldn't afford to fall down, although she didn't want to spend time going to the doctor.

Soon a young male doctor came to the door. After the examination, he prescribed medicine, and Murong Bo sent him downstairs.


Today's dinner, Murong Bo inevitably drank too much, he usually doesn't drink except for entertainment, but he is happy today.

The more people drink, the more they talk.

He held Yunfei's hand tightly and did not let go, staring at him with red eyes, "Xiaoxi has grown up, she was only a little bit old back then, and in a blink of an eye she is already a young man."

"Dad, I regret it! I regret going to buy birthday presents with you, I regret buying you that deck of cards, I regret going that way home..."

"Brother Bo." As a husband and wife, how could Xu Yuxian not understand her husband.

He has always felt guilty in his heart, thinking that the child was taken away because of himself.

It's because I had a meeting in the morning that I went out to buy birthday presents at that time, and crossed the viaduct at that time!
Every time I woke up in the middle of the night, I kept calling Xiaoxi.

A big man, crying bitterly in the middle of the night countless times, muttering: "I don't know if Xiaoxi is afraid, whether she will be beaten, whether she can have enough food and clothing."

He spent a lot of money to ask mercenaries to find that island, but there was no news.

Spending money to bribe country Z officials to find out news about that college was nothing.

People who are obviously very greedy for money, when they talk about that academy, they keep it secret.

No way, I can only choose to work hard to run the company well. Everything is inseparable from the word money. It is always right to make more money.

Everyone didn't interrupt Murong Bo's confession, Yun Fei sat beside him, allowing him to hold hands tightly without pulling back.

Speaking of sadness, Xu Yuxian also cried.

Murong Yan's calm temperament also made his eyes red. If it were a child, he might be jealous, jealous that even if his brother is not around, he can still occupy all the minds of his parents.

But he won't.

He just felt distressed. Originally, he should have an older brother who played basketball with him, watched anime with him, and taught him homework...

The whole family chatted until late at night and were unwilling to go to sleep, especially the husband and wife, who dared not close their eyes, fearing that this was just a dream.

Yunfei persuaded softly, "Mom and Dad don't rest well, how can you go out to play with me tomorrow?

I haven't been back for many years. I want to go to a familiar place. Wouldn't it be a pity if I fell asleep? "

"Yes, parents, just listen to your brother! I will sleep with my brother tonight, and I will help you keep an eye on him, and make sure that he is still there when you wake up tomorrow."

Under the persuasion of their sons, the couple had no choice but to reluctantly go back to their room to rest.

Yunfei lit a soothing incense for them to help them fall asleep.

Otherwise they will definitely not be able to sleep tonight.

Murong Yan pointed to the room next to the couple and said, "Brother, this room was yours when you were young, and your parents have always kept it for you."

"Well, you should go back and rest early."

"That won't work. I want to sleep in your room tonight, even on the floor. I have to help my parents keep an eye on you."

Yunfei had no choice but to say, "Okay, it's up to you."

(End of this chapter)

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