Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 372 The School Bullying Dad of the Ability Academy 24

Chapter 372 The School Bullying Dad of the Ability Academy 24
After leaving elementary school, Tan Xixi turned into a little black snake, wrapped around Yunfei's wrist, and the two went to the research institute.

The task this time is also quite simple.

Elder Dong, who is currently the most revered in country Z, is going to country M to participate in an international exchange meeting.

Because of the project he is currently working on, the high-level executives are afraid that country M will be uneasy and well-intentioned, but it is impossible not to go, so many personnel are arranged for protection during this trip.

In addition to the bodyguards in the system, it is the people in the Ability Academy.

Tan Xixi was originally unqualified, but Yunfei suggested to let her come. The reason was that it was convenient to follow up some places that they were not allowed to go.

In addition to the two of them, there is also a teacher Mu, who wears a pair of black-rimmed glasses all the year round, looking refined.

But in fact, he is a madman who uses lightning abilities!

In the academy, there are countless students who have been punished by him with electric shocks!

This time he played the role of Mr. Dong's assistant, and Yun Fei followed Mr. Dong as a student. Even he didn't know who else was in the dark.

When they came to the research institute, the helicopters and everything were already ready. Regarding the departure of Yunfei and the others, Teacher Mu didn't ask much.

After all, the current Yunfei is not far from being on an equal footing with him, so he wants to save some face.

Just use the instrument to check to make sure that he doesn't have any electronic equipment on him.

Although Mr. Dong is already full of gray hair and old-fashioned, he is still in good spirits.

Originally he had already retired, but because the project was not finished, he postponed it year after year.

He is irreplaceable.

"Thank you for escorting everyone."

The group of bodyguards in uniform raised their hands and saluted: "This is our duty!"

"This is what we should do." Instructor Mu also echoed.

"Haha, let's go then."


Sure enough, just as they expected, the plane encountered an ambush just after it got high in the sky.

And the one who came was a master of supernatural powers.

Yun Fei and Teacher Mu were waiting beside Dong Lao, and did not go out to participate in the battle. Outside, there were flying supernatural beings to resist.

There was a rumbling sound outside, making everyone in the plane maintain the highest vigilance.

Elder Dong said with some sentimentality: "Blame me, old man, for causing everyone to come out and suffer."

This time I don't know how many people were killed or injured because of him.

The official next to him comforted, "Mr. Dong, how can you blame this? We all did it voluntarily, and everything is for the country."


"It will take a long time, Mr. Dong, do you want to take a rest?"

"It's okay, I'm old, and my body is indeed a little weak."

Tan Xixi has turned into a mosquito, hiding in the gap carved on the scepter.

Under the high vigilance of everyone, the plane suddenly began to shake.

Instructor Mu took the lead and ran to the captain's room, shouting as he ran: "There is an accident in the captain's room, please protect Mr. Dong, I'll go and have a look!"

Captain Li in the system also sent five teammates to help.

Yunfei stood by the side, his condensed eyes swept over everyone present.

He was afraid that someone inside would be bribed, but at present, he couldn't see anything from his appearance.

Until suddenly the light switch in the plane was turned off, and the cabin was plunged into darkness.

In just a few seconds, I suddenly heard the sound of a knife piercing into flesh, and Tan Xixi shouted, "Brother Xi!!"

Yunfei suddenly thought of a person who was always by Dong Lao's side!
It's him! ! !

"Sword out!" The giant sword in the card was condensed, and he slashed directly at the position of the official just now in the dark.

Unexpectedly, he missed the cut. In the dark, he has no night vision ability and is too passive.

However, the group of T-type soldiers also reacted, and they quickly formed a fleshy wall to protect Elder Dong.

Finally the lights are back to normal...

The officials had long since disappeared, and Mr. Dong was surrounded by a huge turtle. Apart from being a little frightened, there was no major problem.

On the contrary, Tan Xixi had a dagger stuck in the tortoise's leg, and the flesh on the leg was bleeding and turned black and purple.

poisonous! ! !

Yunfei hurriedly changed her back into a human form, and sure enough, the dagger was stuck in her thigh!

"Where's the doctor? Hurry up and see the girl's wound!" Elder Dong shouted anxiously.

If this girl hadn't suddenly turned into a turtle to protect him just now, he would have died by now.

The doctor came soon, followed by two nurses, and he could tell when he saw the wound, "Oh no, it's poisonous! It's still very poisonous, please disperse, Nurse Wan, bring the syringe, I have to draw blood." Only by testing can we find out what kind of poison it is!"

Yunfei stepped forward and fed a tube of liquid medicine to Tan Xixi first, and then explained: "No, I have the antidote here."

The doctor frowned, "Sir, this is not a joke, if the antidote is not right, it might conflict with the poison.

We haven't tested the ingredients of the poison yet, so we use it rashly. This is despising life! "

"Thanks, I know what I'm doing."

If he could afford to wait, he might wait for the ingredients to be researched before prescribing the right medicine.

But the poison was obviously a bit strong. After just a while, Tan Xixi's face turned blue, and her lips gradually turned black and purple.

He was really afraid that he would be dead before the test...

Therefore, feed one-third of the detoxification pill first.

Ordinary people can't bear the power of the elixir. They are supernatural beings anyway, so they should be able to bear it.

When the persuasion failed, the doctor got up a little annoyed, "Since Mr. is so powerful, I guess I don't need to treat this young lady.

Also, you group of so-called proud sons of heaven, supernatural beings!I have always looked down on us ordinary people. "

"Then tell me, how long will it take for her to die from this poison?"

After pondering for a moment, the doctor said, "Not more than half an hour."

"Then how long will it take for your blood test?"

The doctor pursed his lips and remained silent.

"You're not sure if she can wait. She really can't afford to wait for the medicine to be dispensed after the blood test.

We supernatural beings are indeed a little more miraculous than you ordinary people, but it is not enough to say that we look down upon them.

For example, we respect Mr. Dong very much.

I'm not sure if this medicine will work or not, but it's better than waiting to die. "After speaking, Yunfei stopped looking at him, and laid Tan Xixi flat on the ground, covering him with a blanket.

After waiting for a while, she woke up and began to vomit directly, and large swathes of black blood were spit out.

Yunfei hurriedly pulled out the dagger forcefully, poured half a bottle of alcohol on it, and cut it open with the knife to let the poisonous blood flow out.

The doctor next to her was also examining her with equipment, monitoring her heart rate, and asked the nurse to help clean up the poisonous blood.

After vomiting, Tan Xixi passed out again, but her lips had faded from black and purple and turned pale.

After the examination, the doctor said: "The vital signs are stable, and she should be out of danger, but there are still residual toxins. You can give her that kind of medicine, sir."


(End of this chapter)

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