Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 377 The School Bullying Dad of the Ability Academy 29

Chapter 377 The School Bullying Dad of the Ability Academy 29
"Really???" Although she knew Brother Xi would not deceive her with such a thing, Tan Xixi couldn't help but want to confirm it.


After confirming, Tan Xixi finally couldn't bear it anymore and threw herself into his arms.

Yunfei could gradually feel the wetness of her clothes, reached out and rubbed her head, "Go and say goodbye to Senior Sister."

Tan Sixi was ten years old this year, and it was also the year she would lose her grandfather.

Although in the past few years, he would go to see it occasionally on missions, and left some fruit for his health, and asked Tan's mother to accompany him to the physical examination every year.

But fate, who can say for sure.

That's why he was so anxious to get Tan Xixi out, so that she could spend more time with his father.

In the past few years, Murong's family can still see him occasionally, but Tan Xixi has not had the chance to see them for several years.

But fortunately, there is a daughter's supernatural ability, so the whole family can be reunited in their dreams during the Chinese New Year and holidays.

In order to make Tan Sixi's dreams richer, during the winter and summer vacations, usually either the Tan family takes her out for a trip or the Murong family.

She has a good life.

Both of them are not short of money, and they also gave her a lot of emotional company.

If it wasn't for the concerns about the Tan family, Xu Yuxian would have wished to take his granddaughter home.

But it's not bad as it is now, the two families live close to each other, and occasionally they would pick Tan Sixi to live in Murong's house for a few days.

Both families loved her very much.

Even like in her previous life, she will not be bullied again.

And Father Tan, under Murong Bo's guidance, also made a will this time.

If he and Tan's mother passed away suddenly, the Murong family would become Tan Sixi's guardians, and they would also act as their agents for the inheritance, which would be given to her when the child became an adult.

In order to make the names of the two families more legitimate, Father Tan and Murong Bo announced to the outside world that they met each other late and became brothers with different surnames.

Anyway, there is no blood relationship, which does not prevent them from becoming in-laws in the future.

Murong's family is not short of money, and Xu Yuxian is also a career-oriented woman. She has already prepared an estate for Tan Sixi.

When she becomes an adult, she will be given the shares of the company and hired a professional manager.

It can be said that no matter what, it is impossible for Tan Sixi in this life to experience the pain of her previous life again.


After the formalities were completed, Yunfei personally sent Tan Xixi off the island.

Although she wears a monitoring bracelet on her wrist, as long as she uses her supernatural ability to kill someone, it will trigger a self-destruct device.

But she was still very happy. On the plane, she watched the small island gradually shrink until she couldn't see it.

She is free... Even if it is freedom in chains, it is still freedom!
Before leaving, the college asked her to sign an agreement.

Probably it is not allowed to use supernatural powers in front of ordinary people, and cannot kill people in violation of the rules. If the academy needs it, return immediately.

If she violated one of the rules, she would either be killed or imprisoned for life.

That was the condition of her leaving the academy.

If her abilities were aggressive, it would be absolutely impossible for her to leave the academy, even if Yunfei secretly threatened the higher-ups.

Fortunately, although her ability is useful, it is better than she is bad, and can only transform into an ordinary animal.

If she cultivated some kind of Godzilla Dragon, she probably couldn't leave this academy.

After the two arrived directly at Kyoto Airport.

Yunfei's mission is to return that day, he understands that before twelve o'clock~

So when he got off the plane, he called the two families and had a meal together.

He and Tan Xixi first went to the restaurant to reserve a place and order food.


After a long absence, we finally meet again.

The Tan family's parents were all excited, and Xu Yuxian was also excited!

This is her future daughter-in-law. She is well-behaved and gentle, and has a gentle temper. The granddaughter she gave birth melted her heart even more.

So he hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "Why are you both out, are you going to do business again? Is it dangerous?
I lost weight, and looked much thinner than three years ago. "

Yunfei took a peek at Tan Xixi's waist, it doesn't make sense...

Eating and sleeping every day, how can it be possible to lose weight?He looked obviously a little rounder.

Is this the mother-in-law's perspective?

Tan Xixi pinched her waist happily when she heard this, "Are you thin? A few days ago, my senior sister asked me to pay attention to fitness. I thought she meant that I was fat."

Xu Yuxian, who opened her eyes and told nonsense, stepped forward to touch her little face distressedly, "If you are thin, you need to exercise. If you can come out, Aunt Yu will definitely give you a boost. If we eat enough and then exercise, we will definitely grow up." It should be pink and tender."

Tan Sixi, who couldn't get close to her... so is this the reason why her little face is getting rounder?

If it wasn't for her grandma and grandma taking her to the gym every weekend, she might really have a double chin.

After facing a round of caring, Tan Xixi announced the good news.

"I don't have to do anything, I can stay at home!"


"Did the policy change?"


Murong Bo, Xu Yuxian, and Murong Yan looked at Yunfei, expecting him to tell the same surprising good news.

But after all, I can't do what I want...

Yunfei just smiled and said: "Xixi's ability is not particularly dangerous, so she can come back, but I can't."

"That's it..." Xu Yuxian lowered his head in disappointment, but after a few seconds, he smiled gratifiedly again.

"It would be great if Xixi could come back."

Tan Sixi was also very happy, "Can mom stay with me at home from now on?"

"Yes, are you happy?"

"Happy." She looked at Yunfei with envious eyes, it would be even better if her father could come back.

But she knew that her father's job was special and he was doing things for the country, so she couldn't go home casually.

She has always felt that parents must be heroes.

Because those who serve the country like this and don't come back for a long time are all heroes.

Tan's father and Tan's mother were even more excited, crying with their arms around Tan Xixi, and finally reunited.

"Thanks to brother Xi, otherwise I might not be able to come back for the rest of my life."

Hearing this, Tan's mother took Yunfei's hand and said with satisfaction: "Xiaoxi is a good boy, we can rest assured that Xixi will leave it to you."

Mentioning this, Xu Yuxian quickly said, "Then when do you two plan to get married?"

"Ahem, mom, don't be in a hurry, I don't have time for now..."

Yunfei took the initiative to take responsibility for the reason, but the fact is that he told Tan Xixi when he left the island.

He is willing to give her time to venture outside. If she meets true love, then they can be friends and family members.

If he still feels good about him in the end and doesn't dislike him being trapped on the island and only seeing him a few times a year, then he will formally pursue her.

Although the children are so old, he still feels that the steps of falling in love, proposing, and getting married cannot be omitted.

In the past few years, the friends around him, and the friends around her, thought they were in a relationship.

Actually no...

They are more like entering the drama, because they get along like a loving family every night.

So we get closer and closer to each other.

(End of this chapter)

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