Quick Transmigration: Cub, don’t be afraid, Dad is here

Chapter 379 The School Bullying Dad of the Ability Academy 31

Chapter 379 The School Bullying Dad of the Ability Academy 31
However, after Yunfei searched all the libraries in the academy, he still couldn't find any previous records of this situation, so he could only take this matter to heart silently.

After he had no worries, he acted more ostentatiously.

But he never thought of turning against the country, after all, his family members still live in this country.

What he has been adopting is slowly corroding...

Father Tan passed the year in peace.

Although the body did start to get worse slowly, it has not yet reached the point of death.

He has retired, and now he is focusing on growing flowers at home, playing chess, and taking care of himself.

On the day of Tan Sixi's parent-teacher meeting, it was no longer grandparents or grandparents who came.

Her classmate praised: "Sisi, your mother is so young, she looks so pretty."

"Hehe, your mother is also pretty."

Although Tan Xixi is not very good at talking, she is still trying to respond and exchange parenting knowledge with other mothers.

"Are you Sisi's mother? I am Rumeng's mother. My daughter often mentions Sisi."

"Yes, I am. Sisi also often mentions your daughter, saying that she has a very cute tablemate."

Facing the praise, Rumeng's mother was overjoyed, "Haha, my girl, except for her poor grades, is doing well in everything, I don't know how you teach Sisi, Mama Sisi, to teach Sisi so well. "

Tan—hands-off shopkeeper—Xixi...just let it go, and the child will grow up.

The two chatted for a long time about parenting sutras, most of which were said by Rumeng's mother, and Tan Xixi occasionally responded with a few words.

For example, when I was a child, when Rumeng was just born, I didn’t sleep all night, and I couldn’t wake up when I pushed during the day.

Said the child, at first glance is a squeamish bag.

Tan Xixi can only say that Xixi's grandma took care of her when she was a child, and I don't know if she is good or not.

There are many, many more......

Fortunately, she is not unable to say anything.

In the later life in the dream, what the child likes to eat, just look at the things on the table, and what the child likes to play, just see where the door is.

Even, when do the children do their homework, when do they finish it, and what is not very clear.

However, it was Yunfei who was tutoring the homework, and he didn't have the experience of bursting into blood vessels, because Tan Sixi would fully understand after just explaining it once.

If you do it a few more times, you can draw inferences about other cases from one instance.


After the parent meeting, Tan Sixi found that her mother's painting style had changed suddenly.

While she was doing her homework, Tan Xixi would bring milk and cut fruits.

When I go to bed at night, I will come over late at night to check whether the quilt has been kicked off.

Getting up in the morning to go to school, although she didn't need it, Tan Xixi still helped her tie her braid seriously.

Although...it really looks like a fried hemp rope.

In order not to hurt her old mother's heart, Tan Sixi went to school with her braids.

In fact, she usually wears a high ponytail. This braid was only tied when she was a child. When she grows up, she is embarrassed to tie it.

Sure enough, her hairstyle today is particularly eye-catching...

The classmate Rumeng at the same table leaned closer and asked in a low voice: "Sisi, how about I help you re-tie your hair? It's messed up."

Tan Sixi refused with a smile, "No need, my mother tied it."

Ugly is a bit ugly, anyway, it is the first time tied, she still likes it very much.

Mother has some clumsy love, which she cherishes very much.

"Ah, auntie tied it? It's actually quite good. My mother has tied it like this before, and it hurts me. After a few more years, it will probably be smooth."

Sisi's mother is really amazing. I heard from her mother that the jobs that Sisi's mother does are the kind of jobs that are kept secret by the state.

Those who couldn't go home for several years, they were heroes, so they couldn't ask her why her mother didn't come back for the holidays in front of her, which made Sisi sad.

After all, the Tan family has lived here for many years. When Tan Xixi was taken away, there were quite a lot of insiders.

It is inevitable that there will be some gossip, which will be passed on in people's mouths.

Many people know that she was taken away by the country to be trained because she was too smart.

Although Tan Sixi claimed to be adopted, many people speculated that it was Tan Xixi who gave birth.

However, most of the neighbors have been ordered by the state to keep them secret, so they only dare to say a few words in private, and dare not say more, so as not to get involved in lawsuits.

Of course, there are good guesses and there are bad ones...

At least Rumeng's mother didn't maliciously guess Tan Sixi's identity, that's why Rumeng adores Tan Sixi so much.

I am a top student, so is my mother, and so is my grandfather. I am so lucky.

Since being at the same table with Sisi, her grades have also improved a bit.

Her mother was very happy, and she always wanted to bring some gifts to the door. After all, this is equivalent to a one-on-one make-up teacher.

"Sisi, is it okay for me and my mother to visit your house this weekend?"

Tan Sixi readily agreed, "Okay, my family is very hospitable."

"Then it's settled."

Anyway, we have to treat guests, so Tan Sixi thought about it and invited a few other people who are usually better to invite them together.

My mother has been out of touch with society for so long, and the mothers of these students are very easy to get along with.

It's just a good time to lead my mother to meet some new friends, and we can go shopping together, drink tea, do beauty treatments and so on.

Better than sleeping all the time...  


It wasn't the first time that Tan Sixi invited a classmate to play at home, but it was indeed the first time that her classmate's mother also came.

Tan Mu and Tan Xixi are very serious about making plans.

The house is usually clean, and there are flowers, plants and hanging chairs in the yard, so you don't need to pay much attention to the arrangement.

Mainly the recipes.

Fearing that what she cooked would not taste good, Mother Tan decided to invite a chef to cook it at home.

Xu Yuxian also received the invitation, so what's the point?Hurry up and give the chef a day off, and then invite him to cook at Tan's house for a day with a high salary.

This time, it was the first time that Tan Xixi interacted with people after she came back.

Knowing Tan Sixi's idea, the two grandmas clapped their hands in approval, expressing full of motivation that they must leave a good impression on those mothers.

The weekend arrived as expected.

Several female classmates with Tan Sixi came, as well as their mothers.

After all, most of them are full-time mothers who take care of their children at home. Even if they are not, they are willing to take their children out to play on weekends.

The mothers are very easy to get along with.

After all, the nearby neighborhoods and families are pretty good.

The main thing is their personalities, they are all of the more cheerful kind, even if there are a few complaints, it is just a joke.

"Sisi is still cute, our monkey doesn't look like a girl, let's forget about the tiger, he still wants to study medicine.

I enrolled her in an embroidery tutorial class. When I could sit patiently and embroider carefully, I believed that she could be a doctor. "

"Haha, have you learned it now?" Tan Xixi felt that this mother was quite interesting after hearing it.

"Hey, let's just say she takes a box of Band-Aids to school.

It's better to prick yourself now, but it's not right to prick others' hands in the future. "The young mother covered her mouth with joy.

(End of this chapter)

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